Boardwalk Empire thread?

Boardwalk Empire thread?

OZ thread?

mr. pink sock?


he was not in oz

OP making this thread

He directed some of the eps, though.

>it's a Sopranos writer takes the wrong things from the show episode

Wait that's every episode

with his pants down

What is up with all the faggots on Sup Forums lately?

Can you people please just fucking die, Sup Forums is solely for the contemplation of cunny.

>Can you people please just fucking die, Sup Forums is solely for the contemplation of cunny.

Since gender is a social construct and men make the best women, boiclit counts as cunny.

What did he mean by this?

What's going on here?

Sup Forums is to /hm/ as /cm/ is to /y/

we've been faggots for ages fampai

what did he mean by this?

Barney Google, with the goo-goo-goo-ga-ly eyes.
Barney Google bet his horse would win the prize.
When the horses ran that day, Spark Plug ran the other way!

What did he mean by this?


where's this from?

boardwalk empire


you have no idea what that means.


I honestly don't remember any gay rape in Boardwalk Empire.

it's from a movie dum dum. also every sEason after 2 was shit and not just because jimmys plotline was the only thing that made nucky interesting

is that nucky thompson getting buttfucked or am i just high right now..

I'm glad I dropped this show.

Which season? I watched the entire thing I don't remember this shit going down.

which movie?

Stopped watching after season 2, after that it just felt forced and boring, jimmy got killed and nucky got his power back, end of story imo i just wonder what happened to richard, he was my fave

look it's clearly written season by season with no grand scheme in mind. That said, jimmy's death wasn't a problem. The acting stays strong, the sets and directing are great, it's really just the plot and character development that drops off with this show

season 4 is worth it for the villain alone

>He didn't watch through till the literal cuck scenes

I mean I'm sad that cuckposting wasn't a thing on Sup Forums then.

movie is the big lebowski for anyone wondering.

I aint gonna plow through 12+ hours mediocre shit just to get to some ok tier television

he made a typo, it's season 3 that's good. Season 4 is the worst (literally Well-Spoken Negroes: The Season) and Season 5 is good again (except they skipped over a season in between b/c they got cancelled)

Magical things happen under the boardwalk.

Does richard get killed?

Yes. By niggers