Which nootropics enhance movie viewing?
Which nootropics enhance movie viewing?
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l theanine
>russian space vodka
pick one
What do nootropics even do? I must be getting old cause I'm not familiar with them.
mostly a bunch of placebos but some will occasionally connect with certain brain configuration where neurotransmitter production was lacking or use the GABA pathway to help "uptake" shit like dopamine or serotonin
by and large, though, they really don't do noticeably much
Mfw I fell for the modafinil meme
I mean it wakes you the fuck up, sure, but feels the same as if you just took some caffeine pills instead which are considerably cheaper
>russian astronaut pills
Do they do anything? I'm intrigued.
Did you get a script or just buy the Indian stuff?
There are a few trip logs on erowid. I've been thinking about trying this stuff out myself.
It's kind of like a benzo but it feels a little dirtier. Also there's a fine line between a buzz and falling straight asleep. Also makes you drinker faster
Not the same guy but I bought the indian stuff.
It makes my piss smell 10x worse. It's pretty good though.
Is it a productive kind of alertness or just awake, but not focused?
I did it for a while. Killed one of those containers. It's nice, but relatively subtle. Good to socialize with or just chill and listen to music. Don't expect some kind of euphoria-inducing hard drug. You can also only do it once every few days.
Some people have different experiences. I've only taken it twice and both have been productive & awake. The piss smell is horrible though jesus christ. Not the best sample size though tbqh.
Modafinil does literally nothing for me, they don't keep me any more alert or awake more than I am normally. Even coffee does more for me. Just get a real stimulant like Adderall or Vyvanse for the desired focus, staying awake, appetite suppression, and euphoria. Make sure you don't binge too much though, it feels like shit when you've been up a day and a half and you haven't had enough to eat and you're tired and your stomach is growling but you can't fall asleep or feel like eating anything.
This, they miiight do a tiiiiny bit of what they claim to, but they're a huge waste of money unless you're rich because you really don't feel any different on them.
Vyvanse in the morning and weed at night and on weekends are my drugs of choice.
Indian stuff.
Not even joking or exaggerating, when I opened the package it smelled like literal shit. The memes were real... What the fuck is wrong with that country?
>paying money for dried bleached dog turds
You have a vyvanse script? If so, how'd you get it?
I use it every day instead of benzos and SSRI. Need to take a break for a while I guess. If you have a drinking problem it's a good substitute. Also, at higher doses, 4 grams and up once a week phenibut is good recreationally.
Noopept & Choline Bitartrate
Went to my uni's psychiatrist and said I was having trouble staying focused and it was affecting my academic, work, and personal lives. She had another psychiatrist there give me the ADD test and a seperate questionaire and I didn't try too hard on the test and answered yes to the obvious "I have ADD" questions on the questionaire. I also told the psychiatrist some (true) stories about my behavioral problems in childhood and the fact that my teachers thought I had trouble focusing. Now I have a vyvanse script.
Just say you think you have ADD, don't mention any drugs by name, and don't act too desperate and you'll probably get a script. American psychiatrists basically work for YOU and big pharma to get you a script for what you want if you're not too obvious about it.
>instead of benzos or ssri
That sounds pretty ideal for me. I've been off of both for years because of the side effects but I feel like I need something.
See I went to a psychiatrist not too long ago and they prescribed me an SSRI because I had anxiety issues like a decade ago. I didn't take them cause I didn't feel shit last time I was prescribed them and was looking for ADD medication but they seemed pretty convinced that I didn't have it cause I wasn't a trouble maker, fuck doctors god damn jews
14 year old detected.
Get some real drugs, kid.
Forgot to mention I'm on Lexapro in addition to Vyvanse. I was skeptical about SSRI's, but they seem to work for me in combination with the vyvanse and my self medication/recreation with marijuana. It does even out my bad moods, I hardly feel depressed and hopeless randomly for no good reason anymore. Im not a robot or anything and still feel a wide range of emotions, I just don't get terribly depressed for hours or days at a time for no reason at all like I used to. Anytime I'm sad now, there's a good reason for it.
>i use nootropics to enhance my cognitive abilities
Yea I don't know I might try it but I didn't feel much of a change at all when I was prescribed a pretty high dose of prozac, now they gave me lexapro but I haven't tried it cause its another ssri. I struggle reading anything longer than a few sentences, horrible attention span
I've done most drugs and DXM is actually one of my favorites. Only done it a few times though because I know it fucks you up.
I had a pretty great experience watching 2001 blu ray while on dxm
Im on the lowest dose of Lexapro (10 mg/day) and it helps me. I CAN read and work without getting distracted, I just hate it. Vyvanse makes dull stuff tolerable and stuff I'm passionate about amzing. Just gotta be careful about getting a good night's sleep every night and eating healthy regularly. If I do take an extra pill with my buddy and stay up all night having a blast playing vidya, watching YouTube, listening to music, and smoking weed I make sure to do it on a weekend so I can sleep and let my body recover all the next day.
Why is this a thread, and why the fuck is it on Sup Forums
This. Do it now. All of you.
phenibut is fucking garbage
5HTP is useless
>sent from my iphone
>Tfw my shitty country doesn't have Vyvanse