Horror general
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What was going through his head?
Are we making suggestions?
I don't get scared by childish movies. You know what scares me? Homophobia. Racism. Sexism. Transphobia. Classism. Nationalism. These are the true demons that we need to slay but intellect is my sword.
An alien, probably
There's something hidden in this fucking poster help me see it
Sry for poor quality am on my phone
I kinda see a horned figure doing the Travolta dance from snf
The Woods is a 10 Cloverfield Lane style secret sequel to Blair Witch. This is 100% true screengrab it.
Could use some recommendations
basically anything that's sort've gone under the radar in the past few years - ive watched all of the classics and all of the mainstream stuff
Lucky Mckee made a movie called The Woods a while back. In fact I think he got beef with Shyamalan because Shyamalan wanted to call The Village "The Woods" and Mckee beat him to the punch. Simple name, really. The kind that tells you nothing.
Anyway, Mckee's movie was alright. Teenage witches. Bruce Campbell had a small role.
Not really horror, but kinda mind-fucking in a way
Different The Woods. This one is by Adam Wingard.
the joke obviously
Yeah, just thought I'd bring that other one up because, you know, horror movies thread.
I really haven't seen anything about this new one. Just saw the trailer on youtube and I wouldn't be surprised if this guy turns out to be right. Probably not, but it does scream Blair Witch by the looks of it
Is Nightbreed any good?
what are some good horror movies on netflix? if any
Connect the pieces
This was really good
I am very hyped for this flick
Yeah. I don't really care for the "based on real research" angle, but as a movie it was surprisingly effective. Haven't seen 2 or Annabelle, though.
>Not posting superior Eyeball
The Thing is the best horror movie ever made.
conjuring 2 and annabelle are actually worth watching, surprisingly.
conjuring 2 had some good spooks and some super cheesy parts, but annabelle was good on a big screen, basement scene was GOAT
Its weird as fuck but I enjoyed it.
If you like Barker you should have a good time.
Love Clive but, no it sucks..the story has potential but it takes itself too seriously for how Cheesy it is
Anyone check out the Editor yet? Astron 6 made a fucking amazing giallo tribute with the same batshitness of their Troma movie Fathers Day
It was terrible
T. Somebody actually unironically watches giallo
Dellamorte Dellamore. I'm probably talking out of my ass but I suspect that movie was the inspiration of David Lynch's Lost Highway. It's one of my favorite horror movies.
If you dig Supernatural you might want to check out Trollhunter. Dunno if the creators were somewhat influenced by it but the main character personality and m.o. is strikingly similar to that of the Winchesters. The movie has some dry and witty humor inspired by Norwegian culture and the final battle seems like something out of Shadow of the Colossus. Even if you don't like found footage, don't let it deter you - it's one of the best I've seen so far (only surpassed by [REC])
It's wonderfully unsettling and creepy. Not found footage either.
Can't tell if this is a joke post
I enjoyed it but I wouldn't call it amazing. love giallo though
I liked the conjuring
Conjuring 2 felt like the same movie, different setting, so I liked it I guess.
Annabelle had some cool moments but overall pretty lame.
I have NO idea how they're going to do Annabelle 2... I mean in Conjuring and Annabelle we saw her origin all the way up to her getting concealed by the Warrens. Is she going to escape?
And now we also have a movie about the nun from the conjuring 2 on the way. Why? Also according to James Wan that demon appeared as a nun specifically to Lorraine to question her faith, so now I guess it appears like that to everyone? I guess I'm jumping the gun though, and it can always try to get other people to question their faiths too but still.
Yeah, I hate when movies say they're "based" on a true story/event. More accurate to say they were "inspired".
>watching horror movies to get scared
not that user but I literally worked on it and yes it is a sequel to blair witch
Any horror films similar to the vibe of VHS, The Last Broadcast, or the Poughkepsie Tapes?
Doesnt really have to be found footage
>"giallo is good" meme
It's every bit as awful as the rest of horrorshit.
There's no difference between your average Argento movie and Friday the 13th sequel.
Is that bait?
its pure pleb horror: jumpscares and a plot you've seen a million times.
For fuck's sake user.
British Horror of the early 70s was GOAT.
Well, I thought it was good.
The Witch was suspenseful.
Antichrist was bretty gud in a different way.
Mama was okay.
Can anyone suggest an truly unsettling movies?
I got tired of gore and slashers many moons ago.
What are some good slashers with actually creepy and unsettling villains?
Obviously I already saw Halloween/TCM/Black Christmas/etc.
I tried Hush, but it was boring and I felt it didn't use the "sociopath psychologically abuses a surdomute victim" premise to its fullest potential.
Insidious. And if you like that, then maybe Insidious 2. 2 was just okay, and its just a continuation of 1. Avoid 3 at all costs. Insidious 3 is garbage.
Thanks, senpai.
D/L as we speak.
Any others?
I wanted to love The Conjuring so much with the clapping scene but once they said it was a witch, they blew their load early and I got bored of the rest of the movie.
I thought The Woman in Black was alright with the lack of CGI.
Harry Potter ruined it for me though.
I liked the Witch very much, but this was much more tense and made me so paranoid. I would recommend watching with Coherence as a double feature.
It's seriously one of the best horror films in years.
Thanks, mang.
Seconding this and The Witch. Also liked Black Christmas and Ghostwatch.
The Thing isn't scary at all imo, but maybe because by the time I finally saw it I'd already seen nearly all the transformation parts on YT. But it's the only horror movie off the top of my head that has an original af idea for a monster and those effects are fucking mesmerizing.
not horror
neither is coherence
explain Martyrs ending pls
Mama was complete shit. Kys
Why do people recommend fucking Insidious in these threads?
jump scares, nothing but jump scares. so cheap.
Is Witch any good? I keep seeing that fucking goat shilled here, woulds't though blah blah blah.
The Haunting (1963) was one of the best horror movies I have ever seen.
If you like ghost stories then watch this.
You choose what to believe. Comment full of spoilers :^)
The old lady killed herself because there was nothing after death. Or because the martyr said something about heaven and hell and because of that, the old lady knew she was going to hell. Or something else, idk. It's up to you.
Night Breed does suffer from trying to tell a really grand story too quick, but it's still fucking great.
So many great costumes, practical effects and characters... it's one of the last great wide scale fantasy horror films (maybe the last one).
It is a must watch, but...
DO NOT watch it on your lap top while browsing the internet. Watch it on a big screen and give it the attention it deserves.
More good b&w Horror?
I really liked repulsion. It's more psychological Horror/Thriller though.
Why would she kill herself to go to hell even sooner?
I don't know, user, i don't know. That's what i believe, if you don't you may make your own theory since they probably won't make a Martyrs 2 or w/e because the "remake" was simply disgusting
But hear me out.
>secret organization tortures random people to know what's in the after life
>turns out heaven and hell are real
>as they've been torturing or supporting this shit, they are going to hell
>all those years of research searching for heaven and you end up going to hell
just watched city of the dead aka horror hotel 1960, might be ok if you like witches, 6/10. A lot better than fulci's city of the living dead 4/10
I love Deneuve and never watched this, thank you for the recommendation.
Watch The Innocents (1960).
Tetsuo (1990) is not particularly horror but I love the unsettling atmosphere conveyed from the whole thing
m8 this board is reddit as fuck now. this film was generic trash and they can't even see it lmao
I'll put it on my List. Thank you. Is it Haunted House Horror because i love that. By the way, have you seen dementia 13? I have the bd lying around but haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
I know people with usually good taste in Horror who claim that It's a loving hommage to Horror but i agree that It's pretty generic. Not as bad as Insidious or sinister and stuff like that. Also it s not found footage.
recommend you're next if you want an easy to watch somewhat "fresh" movie, enjoyed it a lot, the main actress is really charismatic
>"horror" general
>bunch of pleb-tier trash
Yep ... Sup Forums
Post patrician horror then you redditor
>don't post anything better
>act smug and superior over your own opinion
Yep...it's Sup Forums alright
Kinda dated, the whole theme of:
>humans are the real monsters
was a lot less cliché than it is now, also it faster and arguable more enjoyable to just read the book that it's based on, only about 90 pages long
Daily reminder that the drink MacReady offers Childs at the end was actually a Molotov cocktail, MacReady smiles because he knows that Childs is a Thing now and he has no chance of defeating him before he freezes to death
The Woods 2006 is a really good horror movie. Also, it's set in the 60s. I thought it was a good idea and a decade we don't see much of in contemporary horror movies.
It's a little bit Evil Dead, with Bruce Campbell having a small role and trees being involved and all.
I'd recommend Gummo if you're looking for a trule unsettling movie, it's not horror tho
i watched videodrome again last night
christ what a masterpiece. kronenburgs best by far.
No. Insidious 1 was good, with some bad parts (like Sinister 1). Insidious 2 was shit (like Sinister 2). Insidious 3 was okay. Felt like a straight-to-dvd horror. Not that good, but inoffensively a little above average.
I like you. Sadly, I saw the remake before the original. But after seeing the 60s one, Iit made me want to (audio with voice actors) read the book.
It's entertaining as fuck, but it's a mess (even the director's cut) and it's very ham-fisted with the HUMANS ARE DA REAL MONSTAHZ. It's like a horror version of the film Excalibur.
It's good. Made me very uncomfortable.
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? might be to your liking.
Watched it a year or two ago. Pretty fucking funny, but only if you're familiar with giallo and Italian horror in general. You know they're making a real proper horror film, right? With practical FX that look pretty damn good in the teaser trailer they put out last year or so. Don't know why the fucking movie hasn't come out yet since they got more than enough funding from their kickstarter to finish it a while ago.
Thank you, will check it out.
Lake Mungo if you're fine with fauxmentaries.
>dont know why the movie hasnt come out yet
Uhhhh user...
The kickstarter ended a long ass time ago. They were asking for extra money to finish filming and they received more than they asked. The movie should have came out by now.
Do not fall for this shit. I repeat, do not fall for this shit.
You will regret watching this movie. You'll think 'Well I'm not getting that time back".
You give me hope for mankind. I tought such innocence was gone from our world.
They ran with the money, thats how kickstarter works and thats what i was hinting at. Hope you didnt back them.
Truly the plebbest of the pleb.
The most pleb thing in this thread is your bait.
Try The Changeling (the one with George C. Scott). One of the best haunted house movies.
Wrong movie, I made the same mistake
I liked it a lot. Not perfect or anything, but worth watching more than once.
I enhanced it.
Just what I thought.
Top qt horror protagonists.
Yea, I should have read further down before responding.
TW as a Blair Witch spin-off might not be a bad idea. I wonder if they'll use the same mythos as the offical sequel and the books though.