In the light of the Seven edition
Eternal /got/ general
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Azor means butt stuff anyway. Let them say Azor _____. They're just saying that their favorite character likes receiving butt play.
delete this stupid fucking reddit image
You're welcome, HBO.
nobody can prove this wrong
no u
friendly reminder that this is GOTs target audience
Why wasnt Brandon ever present in the flashbacks btw?
>love I get so lost, sometimes
>days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
>when I want to run away
>I drive off in my car
>but whichever way I go
>I come back to the place you are
>all my instincts, they return
>and the grand facade, so soon will burn
>without a noise, without my pride
>I reach out from the inside
>love, I don't like to see so much pain
>so much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away
>I get so tired of working so hard for our survival
>I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive
>and all my instincts, they return
>and the grand facade, so soon will burn
>without a noise, without my pride
>I reach out from the inside
i think you're generalising normies too much
what did you do? watch a few Reaction videos from that cancerous hipster bar and that Indian MTV show?
GoT has millions of viewers, they're not all thinking the same things. you're looking at the general audience with a bitter and pre-conceived image of something you dislike. they're not all the same.
>kills himself over a 2 episode arc
wew lad
this is a very bradamante post
Fuck off Dany x Jon, CIA x Sansa
/got/, which king/queen had the best crown?
He was in the first trailer for season 1, but then D&D decided to cut every flashback out.
bradamante has been posting well tonight. he's absolutely right about some things, and he's wrong about other things.
on the topic of bitter insecure "muh white male" fags terrified of how women are depicted in fiction, he's absolutely correct
He didn't have a vagina, and it's open season on non females in the Seven Tumblrdoms.
>"Maybe if I play it up in this bar, I'll get some bit parts in commercials"
can you imagine how pathetic the life of a general thread maker must be? I lol at the thought of them getting super autistically angry whenever someone beats them to it, and I especially find it funny whenever multiple generals are made and the thread most recently made ends up becoming the official thread while the others, even though they may have been made minutes or seconds earlier, ends up losing steam and 404ing. Just imaging how upset they get brings me joy.
I'm sorry?
isnt this actor like 20? he literally looks and sounds 14
And then there is /you), a guy who wastes even a second of thought about peopel who make general threads.
he's supposed to have been timid and ill for 2 seasons, not eating or sleeping.
they didnt put any makeup on him to imply that
He's doing a character voice, and I would assume the cast him because he looks young.
Why do starks get all the super powers?
Bran:=3 eyed nigga
Jon:=azor ahai
Arya: pshh nuffin personnel
He's 18, but the character is supposed to be like 15 so they deliberately cast someone who looked youthful
He's dating Myrcella 2.0.
recently 18
Holy shit DCC is legal. Quick post qt tommen!
i was wrong this time since it was a grill who started the argument
...Did you make a competing general or something? I'm sorry for your loss.
kill yourself
he is not even 10 in the books
Pretty sure arya and Jon were also wargs
Why does Lyanna look like a Mexican.
So basically.
The queen of love and beauty.
jon has literally 0 confirmed super powers
he was the guy that made that image is just a faggot and forgot to include him
I was going to reply to your post but I saw that you were using a tripcode so I decided not to.
Now that he's become King in the North is Jon Snow going to be legitimized as Jon Stark or is everyone just gonna kneel to a bastid
Sansa is not slut. Sansa is goddess. It is known
It's Jaime x Brienne
oh. to be honest with you though i couldnt really tell which kid was supposed to represent which brother. i thought there were only 2 and assumed it was ned and benjen
Bran is the only one with a superpower, desu senpai desu desu. I guess too if you count the faceless man routine.
A rather large bolloid impact
J.J. Abrams?
I know that, but everyone was aged up in the show. I think it was obvious we were talking about the show version, not the books.
Tommen is a better character in the show anyway
Tiny Stannis for King!
Dead show
> queen of love and beauty
not OP, but does the truth butt hurt you?
girls can still be edgy Alt Right anti-feminists though
Why are you namefagging on a Cambodian rimming board?
Let's talk about that is known....
>straight girl attention whore lezzing it up for attention
wow, revolutionary
>Preston's early videos were just him pointing differences between show and book
>now he does autistic rants with multiple personalities shitting on every single scene
GoT does things to people.
Sansa's just gonna become a jealous evil woman and will try to screw over Jon somehow resulting in her death progressing Jon's character development.
Why did they cast a plain looking Arab as the most beautiful woman in westeros?
What did they mean by this?
>CIA: "Yesh my love?"
>"I'm super cold, come warm me up ;3"
>CIA: "Wush giving me an erecshun part of your plan?"
I bet maisie's nipples are mismatched. She seems like the type.
This is what happens when a show gets increasingly bad
She was all over everyone that day, so what? It wasn't slutty, it was cute.
Haha, you're so funny. Like seriously. Haha. :^)
That'd be pretty stupid considering they don't really follow the 7
What was the other stuff she whispered to Ned besides "promise me..."?
that is what happens when your whole life revolves around a tv show.
>slutty can't be cute
>implying this is isn't CLASSIC Sophie
Everyone needs a signature move, user
Fucking kek
The pleasure of being cummed inside, by rhaegar
They are perfect
Promise mealong with my big cock
He just does it for Youtube views and donations in his spare time.
>Listen to me, Ned
>whisper whisper whisper
>If Robert finds out he'll kill him
>You know him
>You have to protect him
>Promise me, Ned
Preston acts like Got get worst per episode when now he just sounds like a nit picky autist whose bitter as fuck with a chip on his shoulder
How the fuck is this slutty? What are you a fucking priest? You're probabaly some faggot from ISIS aren't you?
Is /got/ still pretending he was wrong about any of his critiques about ep 10?
his multiple personality shtick is retarded and pointless but he was not wrong
My thinking was because there's sort of a thematic thing going on in the flashback in the Winterfell Courtyard with Bran saying they all look so happy compared to how their lives are gonna furn out.
You've got Ned, you get Benjen, you get Lyanna and Hodor and gradually over the season you get a revelation about all 4 of those children. Ned with the dishonourable kill bullshit, Benjen as Coldhands, Hodor with Hold the Door and Lyanna with being Jon Snow's mother so it kind of all comes full circle.
Brandon wasn't relevant to the present plot of Season 6 so I guess that's why they didn't show him, granted they showed Rickard briefly so who knows. There was another guy there but he was identified as Ser Rodrik instead.
Why is she always doing that?
This is classic Sophie.
Just get over it. You're sounding like a stannisfag.
Why does she take some many photos of her ass? Like seriously, this is not normal.
what do you define as slutty then?
the inbred religious hillbillies from Sup Forums are poisoning this thread, what do you think
why in the seven hells is she always doing that?
So is Benjen cold hands or what
How is he dead but self aware and not a mindless wight
I know the Sand Sneks are stronk womyn and all. But why wouldn't they try to wed Trystane to Danny.
He would have been on the council and thus have useful information.
And that way the ruling family of Dorne would marry into the ruling house of Westeros.
They are supposed to be masters of poison and all, seems they could have murdered Doran (who wasn't all that healthy) and Myrcella who was going back to Kingslanding (then capital of court intrigue and plots) without looking responsible.
Then Trystane would be both single, prince of Dorne and on the high council.
He's objectively right.
Ned wasn't dishonourable, if anything his strike was mercy after howland reed wounded Dayne.
Method acting
the children put dragonglass in his ass
he is a white walker but not under the controll of night king
>people have pearly white teeth
what's wrong with that fag?