I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years last week Sup Forumsros...

I just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years last week Sup Forumsros. She wants to be friends but I don't think I can do it anymore. What do I do guys?

Grow up. Become a man and stop being a lame pussy.

It depends, why did you guys break up?

Say no. But then if she sees you dating her friend she might throw silverware at you and stuff. Had it happen. It's funny as hell, but dangerous.

Honestly, I don't even know anymore. We met a while back in high school and things were fine. I guess along the road we've gotten stale. I'm not the one to go searching for new women when things go sour but I guess she's going out for the college life. Maybe back in August she told me that he started having dreams about dating other people but I dismissed it, looks like it got to her head and she left

Ok technically it was her roommate and not her friend. They didn't even get along. Still be careful who you date afterwards if you want to end it on on a flat note

I'm not the one who dumped her, I got dumped. I guess that's a bit confusing

kill her and feast on her flesh.

Nice gag but I'm getting pretty depressed about it. I'm debating whether or not I should cut contact with her. I'm starting to lose the will to do anything

If you still have feelings for her, try and break it off they never end or just never end well. Also don't ever try and get back at her that's a bad mentality to have. I'm sorry you're going through this, I hope you get through it bro.

Kys like a normal person

Me to. Still I refused to be friends and a couple days later went on a date with her roommate and got caught. She dumped me and then immediately asked if we could still be friends. I was like "fuck no". Plus I always had trouble understanding her Israeli accent, so we didn't have that much in common. Except for well...you know.

That's the hardest part. I've been fighting for this chick for a while and then I stopped somewhere along the way. I feel like it's my fault. I mean I'm not a pussy in that sense, we all get lazy when we comfortable but I guess I got too comfortable idk.

Just fuck her friend behind her back and hope she doesn't find out for weeks. You get your revenge and her ugly friend gets laid. Everyone wins

Don't be friends. It hurts at first, but you will be happy about it because you can focus on benefiting yourself, instead of wasting your energy on someone who doesn't care nearly as much as you do.

As savage as it sounds, I would never do something to hurt her. She's probably the reason I even try to move on with my life
That's what majority of people are saying. It's just time for me to cut her out of my life. She's just been so much of it that it's crazy to think about going on without her

i would say take some time off to work on yourselves..come back and be friends

Starting to feel like that's the only ending

There will be other partners that will move you the same way I swear, but don't immediately look for them, give it time bro you got this.

Glad to see some light at the end of the tunnel. She was just everything. We'd stay up all night playing Dark Souls and shit, and now it feels like it just never happened. Disgusting feeling tbh

Yeah i flipped major shit when me and my girlfriend of six years split...needless to say she didnt want to be friends after that and thats it...she wont even say a word to me now..
be friends...dont lose your cool.

Damn. I hope it never goes that way. How are you now my man?

I'm in the same boat as you OP, I just ended an engagement of 3 years. It sucks for a few months but after you realize the endless stream of pussy that is out there for the taking, it will get much easier. Just go out and slay some fucking vagina bro.

Do you ever think about her though?

Yeah, best to not do what i did. Now?...i wish i could tell you im better...but im still so fucking depressed...its been about 5 months give or take...everyone says go get pussy blah blah..but i just miss the girl i thought and still think is the only one for me i have no interest in anything anymore...i do a lot of drugs now....kinda hope i OD...so not well man

things will go better for you though if you decide to be friends

You'll never be friends again. You'll slowly drift apart in the next few months.

Fuck man. My heart goes out to you, I'm feeling like shit now but you have it far worse than I could imagine it
Hope not. We have too many good memories for me to be plagued by one bad one

>just broke up with my girlfriend of 4 years last week Sup Forumsros

If you had sex you stay celibate until you marry someone, otherwise its off to the gas chambers with you. Get over it, don't jerk off, and have lots of white children.

Impossible, I'm a nig. Can only ruin your genes here

All the fucking time but, then I remember that I was fucking miserable because she was such a controlling bitch all of the time. Even through all that I still love her but, I know that I am better off without her. You'll never stop loving her but it will get easier.

appreciate the sympathy.
i need to leave this thread now before i go full retard and take handfuls of pills again

good luck..things will work out better for you user

Alright... change of plans
>join the black separatist movement and get your kind back into Africa
>with your superior African American genetics can dominate the 65 IQ tribes people who still shit where they stand.

It is your destiny.

>You'll never stop loving her but it will get easier.

Oh no you'll stop loving her and even forget who she is eventually. With age comes memory distortions and compensation for previous failures.

>my former on the bitch on the left

Don't, never works.

Don't be friends.

>Online Relationship for a year while in military
>getting out
>move to be with her
>realize shes fucken insane
>try to make it work
>she is stressful, rude, and spoiled
>toxic to be around
>initiates fights all night
>losing sleep
>sex sucks, i start faking orgasms
>she gives me shit for enjoying a few beers
>cant sleep in house after awhile
>she just tries to fight with me and accuse me of wrong-doing
>we make plans to do things, she cancels at last second and blames me over and over
>no effort on her end
>start losing /fit/ physique from stress
>start eating like shit
>going no where
>i leave one night and drive home
>no warning, just sick of it
>she wants to stay friends
>okay, sure. just friends.
>she tries asking for dick pics
>she tries sending me nudes
>i tell her no, she freaks out
>i stop texting her
>i stop responding to her completely

It worked in the end. She would always say "she met some guy" and i would be like "cool, have fun!" and she would flip shit because she didn't actually meet someone, she was trying to make me jealous and it didn't work.

what to learn? If you break up, break off.

She doesn't want to be friends either, she's just trying to get you to not feel as bad.

You have to stay completely apart from her until you have no feelings at all for her. If you try to be friends while you still do its gonna fucking destroy you when she gets some new guy and you see them together. I speak from experience.

Heres whats gonna happen OP if you stay friends.

>Hang out sometimes, once a week, maybe more/less
>Call/text her 'what are you doing tonight'
>skirts the issue
>try again, another day, same vague answer
>find out shes on dates
>go into obsession finding out who,where they met, what she likes about him,physical proportions,where they go, what they do,etc,etc,etc

Don't do it op.