What are some movies to take my mind off of the fact that I've had bloody diarrhea 8 times today?
What are some movies to take my mind off of the fact that I've had bloody diarrhea 8 times today?
Other urls found in this thread:
Harry potter
American history x
Dumb and Dumber
You should go see a doctor. Doctor Strangelove that is
I went to the doctor, they told me I had ulcerative colitis. I got a colonoscopy months ago but thanks to incompetence I haven't gotten the results yet and won't for a while, they gave me medicine but I ran out and don't know how to get more
You sound like your kind of dying user.
Bloody diarrhea sounds like a slow way to go, my condolences.
Or Dr Zhivago
Call your doctor for more. He'll probably write a prescription. Schedule an appointment with him or something.
My mom would have to call
you have to go back
Diarrhea Wimpy Kid and The Diarrhea Anne Frank
I'm white
She told me to take these antidiahrreals even though with my severity you're not supposed to without doctor's consent because it increases the risk of toxic megacolon
how old are you?
Has OP died of dehydration yet? If not watch Birdman for those tracking shots
lets not be that mean user
I know but it still gives me a technical boner from the tracking shots, I don't know what's wrong with me
Ebin pasta, cunt.
Like I told you last time, SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE
>tfw your bacne is so bad just wearing a shirt hurts
I assume it is pretty hard to actually go out and do anything at all with that condition. If you are stuck at home watching the same shit(sorry) over and over. I can see how that may be hard(sorry again) to find a movie to get comfy to. Maybe Shakes the Clown, Martin & Orloff and Wet Hot(sorry) American Summer will keep you entertained inbetween wipes.
>summer will keep you entertained
>replies to b8
You already are
you should be drinking water instead of watching movies, the D dehydrates you really bad
>water isn't his choice beverage watching movies
You should leave mexico if you hate wet poopoo so much
Gatorade then.
Van Wilder
Leaving Las Vegas
Dreamcatcher (2003)