YLYL thread nr. 9446425

YLYL thread nr. 9446425

Other urls found in this thread:


that ape can't do shit. that bitch is imaging things.







why did I lose to this old ass meme?





Damn daniel :)






Fresh OC

you lost






>when shit tries to cuddle

If u post a banana in this thread ur mother will die in her sleep

Ahahaa!!! LOL!!!

thats actually impressive

Heheheh! So funny as god!


YLYL used to be a great way to get a few keks in each day

Gj for making it cancer banana fags



seems like a faggot

black people are monkeys? Never heard that one before. What an original joke

I think hardcore racists must all be autistic. Autistic people love watching the same movie on repeat. Racists just keep telling each other the same joke.



t. banana poster

yep, like kikes


I love this one

I love this one


9fag. Internal ree.


isn't that the angry lady face from the pic of the guy dressed in his fury suit and his parents just look dissapointed, their in a kitchen and the place just looks like a shit hole??

Almost every single banana pic deleted, and that user banned to all shit.

Nicely done, mods. Keep up the good work.


And niggers keep on killing each other in Chicago. What's your point?

Best girl

Holy shit the lazy mods actually doing something

wew lad


youtube.com/watch?v=T6_YIms73mM&feature=youtu.be ,








sauce on webm?






Are you proud of yourself OP? Are you proud of what this thread has become?
You've created yet another vehicle for "le funny banana maymay" to be posted. That's all you've done by creating this YLYL thread. I know what you were thinking. "I'll share some laughs with my fellow anons by creating a YLYL thread on Sup Forums! That will help me pass some time." But look what happened. Your entire thread is filled with pictures of that fucking banana.
And honestly, what were you expecting to happen? If you've been in any YLYL thread, any one AT ALL in the past year, then you've witnessed this happening. Every thread is the same. Sure, every once in a while something funny gets posted. But then the inevitable: the banana. We all know it's going to happen. It's happened here. It's going to happen in the next thread, and the next one after that. You should know better by now.
Sure, it's not your fault that these faggots keeping posting pictures of a naked banana. It's not your fault that the users here are too fucking stupid to post original content instead of regurgitating the same 9gag-level images day in and day out. But you know what? You're an enabler. By creating YLYL threads, you're inviting people to come in and post mundane, idiotic garbage. We all know that every YLYL is shit, so what makes you think yours is going to be any different? If you know that this banana shit is going to happen and then ignore it and create a thread anyway, you're part of the problem. You are exactly what people are referring to when they use the phrase "the cancer that's killing Sup Forums." You should be ashamed of yourself.


What the fuck are they doing

she was probably listening to peace sells.

I'm embarrassed that I lost to this





the sheer look of horror on that tattoo wolf's face tho

lol saved

spotted the detroit chimp.















not comparable.. breasts aren't sexual organs... All this image does is slut shame women



then no wonder she had a reaction like, fucking 10/10 record

Solid gold

i know were thats from
good Thread

A little Cytomel will fix that right up
