It's an utter shame the post-Nathan seasons are so shite; I enjoyed the concept and excecution of the series

It's an utter shame the post-Nathan seasons are so shite; I enjoyed the concept and excecution of the series.


>implying based Rudy wasn't great
>hating the four horsemen/misfits vs. evil group of people powers/zombie episodes
>the stupidly funny fucking power

Come on now OP

rudy a shit
show turned to shit when there was literally a character who's power was to give people new powers

He didn't pull powers out of his ass he could only hold powers that people gave him

Did that actor go onto do anything else?

i really identified with rudy, he was their saving grace, but you're right about them other than that

ive never seen this show but holy shit that girl second from the left might be the ugliest person i have ever seen. she looks like she has zika virus

Nope, that was his reason for leaving the show too he thought he could make it as a movie actor. Only went on to do a shitty YA-book adaptation

Shame. And the autist got a part on GoT

>implying Rudy wasn't better
>implying season 5 wasn't the best

This show is full of paradoxes. Rudy is the best character, but the show goes to shit when he arrives. Curtis is the worst character, but his episodes are the best episodes.

Rudy was the only thing that kept this show alive, he was the best character in the series you fucking plebian

>this episode

The show is unwatchable after the original cast is all gone.

>implying season 5 wasn't the best

I stopped watching after Ramsey left? did I miss anything?

>the one counselor that didn't die

I keked after that black lady died immediately upon arrival. Also a little disappointed with how Finns telekinesis power was weak as hell

Shaun was still my favorite probation worker.

rudy scenes are kino m8
nathan was as one dimensional as it can be

best probation worker coming through

Almost teared a little when he died


I would crush Nathan's twinky little butthole but Rudy was funnier and arguably just as likable.

He was much more likable. Nathan was a cunt to everyone

Rudy replacing Nathan was best, new gang (aside from Rudy) wasn't as good but still great.

Original gang plus Rudy was best. Still cry over this shit more than any other show. Rudy is my husbando :'''((((

>Nathan leave the show
>acts like hot shit, and believes he's better than the show
>literally no where now
Top Kek

Did the ugly chav girl ever take 'em out?
Only thing I liked about her was her tiddays

Nope, actress went full Gibson and got fired and her character became nigger loveer offscreen.