"Plinkett was a mistake."
What did he mean by this?
"Plinkett was a mistake."
What did he mean by this?
why dont you go ask reddit?
what video?
everything about these guys except plinkett sucks. this fuck never apologized for liking the force reawakened. horrible.
>apologising for liking a movie
To be fair, has anyone ever apologized for The Force Wakes Up?
Plinkett is responsible for their underage fanbase.
Two words for you: best of the worst
>Plinkett is responsible for their fanbase.
Fixed. Pachinko put RLM on the map, ain't nobody came flocking for Half in the Bag.
Jay should go sleeveless more often :3
>ain't nobody came flocking for Half in the Bag.
I-I did?
How about just shirtless?
Jay has horrible taste.
Mike actually is reasonable when reviewing movies, but Jay just ruins every discussion.
Jay is an MCU cuck.
They're garbage though, the whole RLM group is trash.
thats three words
these guys are terrific
that's four
fucking dropout, "of the" is not considered words in a title.
Just because you don't capitalize them doesn't mean they're not words.
>he never took english at a college level
what the I mean of this?
>he had a retard for a professor
Jay has a manlet face and a weak jaw line with a childs beard.
haha, where is this from? which video?
plinkett tfa video