I don't know about you guys but I think The Purge: Election Year looks phenomenal. Don't believe me? Then check out this awesome trailer: youtube.com
I don't know about you guys but I think The Purge: Election Year looks phenomenal. Don't believe me...
Wow this movie looks awesome! Can't wait to see it!
>I posted it again, boss. Can I come out of my cage yet?
Americans are fucking stupid
Why are normie movies so awful?
No. You have to meet your quota of 5 threads a day.
They should hand those stickers out to bulimics.
Looking forward to this. I liked the second one so much more than the first.
That movie sucked.
Inferior cretin peasants are everywhere throughout this website you have no idea what it is like to really be superior.. from having homework and school work get 100% so often the teachers mark it 110% as a joke
From being a super fast runner
amazing at keyboard/piano, drums, acting, swimming, wood work, maths, English, sports, guitar, cunning and pattern matching with heightened senses and a vast range of cognitive abilities far beyond your comprehension to invalids quotes of Einstein and behavior of stefan hawkings time machine party all the way to invalidating your whole existance
Being able to manipulate people with the truth so much that you are almost immune to being thought of as a lier
To the range of memory and visual thinking of remembering your whole day as 2-3 years old
And also being able to remember 3 different visual displays of video in your head at the same time as seeing real life
Or having your memory as a GPS
Only the troubled people fully can start to see you aren't perfect but they them selves begin to be annoyed at your superiority
This is not narcism or some lie this is a bunch of facts
crushing everyone's mind through logic and tricks and truth to the point they are confused or you start to wonder
Am I human?
This is what it is like to have aspergers and psychopathy
BASICALY everything of psychopathy and aspergers
Without the misunderstanding or insanity
I am a hybrid
>people watch this and think anarchy would be awful
>when the film is about fascism
>it's not even subtle
> in the future, on one day a year all crime is legalise.
How can you take that premise and do *nothing of interest* with it after three fucking movies? It's actually kind of impressing in a sad sort of way.
I havent seen any of the purge movies. Are they actually worth watching?
Grandiose delusions
why the fuck would they make yet ANOTHER ONE when the last two were complete disappointments
At this point I'm convinced it's just bait, no shill would be this obvious.
Im going to repost this as a shitpost.
because this movie looks fucking stupid.
I can't wait to see this film, then follow it up with some Falloutâ„¢ 4!
i want to die but i can't bring myself to do it
There was a second Purge movie?
Feels good! I don't know what this song is but I fucking love it!
>$0.02 has been added to your account.
>Minority heroes
>dude poor people lmao
>dude our government is corrupt but this new senator can change it lmao
the future looks very dark
Reported as spam. Fucking shills.
Calm down bro it's just the purge
But it's mostly anarchy during purge night, you tard. The well-off people are safe while the poor get fucked over.
I like the comparison between Trump and the Founding Fathers, via 'Make America Great Again'. It seems very fitting, considering how people are retarded thinking he will really make the US better. Guy doesn't understand government, and pisses off everyone who doesn't support him. The indecency of Joseph McCarthy, the idiocy of Bush II, the inexperience (and lack of foresight) of Reagan. The Purge seems like something Trump would come up with, akin to Reaganomics or the Bush tax cuts.
I also like how the 3 Purge movies all do different genres. The first is more compact, a simple home invasion. The second is people surviving a journey, and the third seems like a chase movie. Hopefully it keeps changing up in later sequels. Fucking Saw, and Paranormal Activity had the exact same movie redone multiple times over the sequels. That shit got boring quickly and these movies still seem fresh (to me).
What do you expect? It's just contemporary elements added in so you have reason to see some action/conflict. Also, know how I know you're under 25? Unnatural hatred for Clinton and possibly a fondness for Sanders.
Too bad all 3 movies are shit.
>shilling for clinton
wew lad
Was Purge:Anarchy any good?
Sick pasta
What are the ramifications for white collar crime in this world that has an annual purge?
Like seriously, what stops a broker or banker from lifting and moving vasts sums of money to their private accounts?
Surely if it's legal no one can touch you.
Has a decent score on RT (which you all hold in high regard here)
>The Purge seems like something Trump would come up with
>plans to deport legal US-born citizens, without an amendment
>doesn't understand how law works, nor the ramifications of his hatemongering
I get the Sanders fags, but not you Trump memers. Do you not listen to what he says and promises? Do you not know US law/government yourselves, and especially how what he promises isn't viable/possible? After Ron Paul, I didn't know 'counter-culture' and contrarian faggots could get any more retarded. And this coming from a guy who just today decided to make an autistic, unconventional girl his waifu. You are more retarded than a guy who fantasizes about worshipping a retarded and weird girl. Congratulations.
I really can't wait for this movie, it looks so cool, definitely one to see in the cinema rather than a shitty torrent
Who cares. The purge is about scary masks and murder
If your "waifu" is 3D then you're doubly retarded.
How is that bait? BUILD WALL and let Mexico pay billions for it is the most retarded thing i've ever heard and LITERALLY impossible, due to the geography, territorial lines and laws. LITERALLY impossible. This will never happen, even if Trump would pay it all by himself, which he can't, this Wall will never be build.
And still, THAT's what made people vote for him. He's an absolute manchild who thinks belgium is a city and has literally no idea what the Brexit vote was for. He's fucking retarded and thinks like a pre-schooler.
The Purge would perfectly fit into his stupid ideas.
>inb4 leftistcuck shillary lol
What would stop a foreign country, say Russia, from dropping a couple of nukes on the US?
>implying trump cares about any of that
He just needs the Central America vote. All he wants is the power man
Quick Sup Forums, what would you do during the Purge?
I'd walk across one of those nice public lawns.
Keep discussing your Purge plans guys
haha, good joke, first time i heard that. i would download movies and loiter lmao
I'd be too scared to participate
Shitpost on Sup Forums
hahaha lol
quick bump
another shilled viral garbage movie that newfags still will reply to
kill yourselves, stop replying to the purge shit, its literally viraled/shilled here on Sup Forums from years ago, jesus christ you people are new