>burgerclaps will never get tv like this
how does that make you feel?
Burgerclaps will never get tv like this
Other urls found in this thread:
Thank fuck, too. Fucking degenerate ZIKAIDS-carrying cretins.
Brazil-nuking, when?
Argentina actually. Brazil doesn't have this kind of quality tv.
Is that Argentina or Brazil?
Either way, stay cucked first world shitters.
That's a bizarre response to a webm of a Mexican TV show, senpai.
what is the internet?
Fake tits ruin this.
>watching tv
here we go...
>watching actual TV programming on a TV
Is it 2002 again? Just go to pornhub or whatever plebfilter porn site you want.
I don't really care anymore.
Fucking doctor shot me up full of benzodiazapine and now I can't feel my dick.
Fuck this country.
Can you post a gif? That shitty webbum doesn't work in Safari.
>yfw this is part of Saturday's morning usual shows
Kids these days huh
What you got user?
kek you are a good man
So which is it?
download vlc player for ios.
she was literally raped on tv!
More from the useless braindead slut 4U
im on imac
Sauce Safari boy. lewdness starts at 5:40 youtube.com
makes me want to pay my debts
Use Chrome nigga
>inb4 muh jews
>silicone breast implants
literally softcore pornography
download a real web browser you fucking retard
jesus Christ...
We don't have too many SJW down here. And our Lena Dunham is much more fuckable
>South Americans actually watch TV in current year
That's right
So they'll never be subjected to nasty, flat, bony asses? Sounds good to me.
jesus, the judges at the end
I live in America and I've been watching this version of Dancing with the Star for years online.
I first saw the clip in the OPs Webm FIVE FUCKING YEARS AGO!
Glad to see Sup Forums is finally getting on my level
If I wanted porn I'd watch porn, not edgy tv dancing.
like that chilean show that shows the boobs that is on jewtube.
>that bulge in her undies
>Not liking that fatty pubis
What are you gay?
I hear theres naked women on the internet.
Oh, and just for the record they did get into a little bit of hot water for that dancing in the OP. Now it's just kinda standard.
>Not liking that fatty shecock
What are you gay?
>zero ass
>huge tits
no thanks
again from the last thread can anyone hook me up on a link for Strip Dance torrents? I can't seem to find those youtube vids from before. thanks
>its an american gets triggered with sex on television episode
kek. no wonder you guys shoot people so much
> I can't seem to find those youtube vids from before.
I just check, and they are still there user. Most of them en HD.
no those are the newer ones. the newer ones are less risque, the older ones that I'll never forget where they used Crazy by Aerosmith soundtrack and had the office girl and janitor stripping. jfc i was nutting on that video for days
This guy gets it. You've got little bitches crying out the word "degenerate" every time they see something mildly more sexual on tv.
Why don't you go into one of the thousand GoT or capeshit threads if you get triggered by this easily ?
Bitch needs to do more squats
This guy doesn't get it and he's a cuck who'll try to turn the tables on me but can't because he's a cuck.
more webms less bored faggots shitposting
Thread needs more webms of people getting shot
>be latin american
>go outside
>get murdered
>be brazilian
>go outside
>shit in the streets
This guy is a samefag ChileANO
I hate that these type of women in brazil stopped doing porn.
All these fat assed stage girls were doing all sorts of nasty shit around 10 years ago, it all went dry
poo in the loo, don't be like pajeet
I want to see this on USA tv just to see the heads explode from the SJW fat feminists, seeing a hot body like this that they never had and never will
>hot body
It's okay to be gay user, just stop announcing it.
okau ill admit that girl with the big ass and tits and heels (naked one) is hot, but so is the dressed bitch
thought they were bout to make out
just teasin i guess
as for topic
i feel like im in paradise, by god's loving
The next time you use a meme word you should at least find out what it means. If you believe the Dance in Ops webm is to EXTREME for television and you consider anyone who enjoys it to be a "degenerate" than go back to watching your actual American cuck capeshit shows.
Dubs confirmed for cuck.
They all got dick transplants and do tranny porn now.
>No ass
>be american
>can't watch a woman unless she's a)fat b)above 30 c)fucking blacks
It's bizarre this isn't even that much of an exageration
>can't watch a woman unless she's fat
So you must be enjoying this thread then.
It's a wonder south american countries are the biggest superpowers in the world...oh wait
>I'd rather have no ass and tits like 10 year old boy
We got a regular Dick Tracy over here.
Not even kidding- this is pure degeneracy. No society can survive that thinks this is ok. You don't even have to be Sup Forums to think that people basically fucking each other on television is a bad thing.
Fatties ain't hot and they're rarely tight or clean.
A 10 year old girl though, wooh boy.
It's like a vice grip on your cock and they're light as so no risk of being crushed under an unwashed, street shitting ass.
uh oh. do you want to shoot someone now? Trump2016
You're on Sup Forums, the thirds most contrarian board on Sup Forums. What did you honestly expect
What can we do to stop degeneracy in Mexico?
it is, it was a time argentina was circling the drain hard.
But it's a degeneration that arises from a still living spirit and a healthy liking of women.
Americans have morals unlike you Dionysus worshiping pagans
>waaaah the americunts are shooting people cos they see so much nudity on tv
>in reality they're shooting people because there isn't enough nudity on tv
cuckadoodledoo to you juan.
damn pablo, you're literally jealous of their guns
>Be american
>Try to watch Dating Naked
>All the good parts are censored
I hate this, I just want to see the titties, vag, and dongs. Is that too much to ask?
>But it's a degeneration that arises from a still living spirit and a healthy liking of she-men.
ftfy cuck
Sup Forums is an opinion leader, not contrarian
jesus, even the men are less gross than that thing.
that fucking belly, jesus. Is that a bad lipo?
I guess it sucks.
Do they ever show nips/puss?
dem nips
if i'm juan i'd literally have more guns than you nigger
It's contrarian. Sup Forums has no opinions until someone else raises theirs in which case they go the opposite direction.
>Glaring Pepe
wtf are you the same going who posted this
or was he 100% correct?
>the white guy and the black are eye fucking each other
can't blame them the woman is hideous
Shit on a stick is not a gun, monkey boy.
Go back to following big brother india and keep shitting in streets and electing corrupt officials to drain money from your third world shithole.
I hate this bitch so much. Cualca is "normie fat girl" humor.
That being said, tinelli and its satellite shows are the kind of tv that keep the chimps in argentina happy. They dumb down everyone and make stupid drama seem normal in everyone's life. I know this is a meme thread and argentina has worse shit going on with fucking lopez and macri and whatnot but holy shit
>Tinelli hacenos un favor y morite, forro.
Gay sex for all.
>knowing anything about south american countries
Did you steal the computer you're using cuck?
She has a poorly recorder home sex video too, user.
Link pls
Never forget, the ameritards went into national meltdown when the Sister of the nation's favourite paedophile flashed a bit of nipple.