Wasn't expecting much, holy shit this was good. It didn't over stay its welcome like most slasher movies
Green Room
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i enjoyed the movie as well op
>tfw no qt punk gf
The badass punk chick was fucking gorgeous, if she didn't have that dyke hair cut shed be a qt
She was a qt anyway, faglord.
she was a skin, not a punk. Go across the pond and see shitty no name bands to find a billion skinhead chicks who still have that haircut. Be forewarned they smell like vinegar and cloves. Still though, Green Room was fucking amazing, even better than Blue Ruin.
Was a great fucking movie
i want to feather those bangs
A horror spectrum movie that Sup Forums didn't immedietly shit on.
I wanna watch, but the plot sounds so shitty..
Great movie, kinda dumb though how the bandmates had pretty much no reaction to the deaths of their comrades
What do they call this hair style?
Don't waste your time, I watched it when it had a limited theatrical release and there's nothing special about it. It's boring from the beginning to the end. Everyone on Sup Forums is just shilling it because it's not well known. If this movie somehow became famous, then everyone here would suddenly hate it.
>Sup Forums is a bunch of evil contrarians I am smarter than all these people who I hate because they think they're smarter than everyone else!
its time to go back, my friend
Fug you I genuinely liked it, the gore scenes looked pretty realistic
I agree, thought it was great. Though I liked the third act and the ending, in my opinion it was best right at the midpoint when they still had the hostage alive and were negotiating over the gun through the door. I was amazed at how well it was able to sustain that level of tension. How awesome was this scene btw?
I like how Saulnier's take on the nazis wasn't the typical bald head, leather jacket and combat boots. Short hair, colored bombers and laces to differentiate between the ranks.
Lost my shit on this part.
I was expecting Justin to charge them. Its crazy how they took logical steps whereas other movies pull the typical one dude dies cause he strays off or doesn't listen.
>Shoot the cherry
I think it's a chelsea hair cut?
Go back where? This is my place of origin :^)
The other one, the band girl was qt too
This is how all the skin head punks and sharps dress retard. It's not his take on anything.
Literally dead now, and has become a real life viking warrior.
>am cry
just watched alpha dog and this yesterday anton was p good
>dude having pride in your heritage is bad lmao
>only if you're white though XD
fucking kike shit
>Nazi punks
came here to make a thread. I think this is my kino of the year so far honestly.
>tfw alia and imogen didn't kissed
someone with the bluray dl pls get a screencap of this
Great fucking film all around, shit is intense and feels real, it's the first time in years I was legit in the edge of my seat wondering if they were going to make it out.
The gore never goes overboard and is only used when needed, the arm hacking scene is horrifying without showing any swinging, fantastic directing.
Only problem is that the end was kinda meh.
Also this, best fucking line.
being proud of anything you have no control of is bad.
Literally better than The VVitch.
It was pretty good yeah. Fun to see Sup Forums get BTFO.
i didn't get this thought it was kinda cringy. explain
Just finished it. Fucking Kino Nazi movie
Absolutely fantastic; as has already been pointed out, the tension grips you from the off and is sustained unrelentingly in turn by vacillating smoothly between shock and dread
Great performances all round, Macon Blair was understated awesome just like in Murder Party and Blue Ruin
Tightly plotted, zips straight thru to the 90 minute mark and ends with an touch of unexpected levity which only buttresses what has come before
Only criticism would be that Saulnier treads too close to his previous work thematically and maybe needs to look at expanding and adapting his story model in future work
Overall tho, slick and skillful; genre movie of 2016/10
This isn't letterboxd, keep your fag words there
>plot revolves around a female forgetting her cell phone
Go back to your game of thrones threads
post your lb
Somebody rustled over their command of English?
Lol keep working on keeping Sup Forums a morass of memery; kek forfend we express ideas thoughtfully and discuss them here :^)
I don't use it haha
Sup Forums shall remain as it was born
Dude never seen that shit in my life aside from the boots and leather jacket. Even at shows thats what theyre wearing. These dudes were trying to be subtle...with the SS and swastika patches on their sleeves.
You obviously werent watching the movie.
holy shit i'm retarded lol
i thought they were singing "nasty punks, fuck off" and i didn't get why the nazis were getting all pissed off by it
Terrible with flashes of genuine insight and pleasant surprise, you mean
There's room among the spasticity for cogent fluidity of thought, so we ought to honor that covenant of fun/lament
This is the definition of a hidden gem, nobody has heard of it
It really is too easy here sometimes :^)
This meme where people pretend that Green Room is above average is hilarious.
Which is a real shame cause it's great all around.
Brutal action. loved it. Ending was kinda meh but I thought it was very well made.
a little mad though because i literally wrote this story two years ago just not with skinheads but with a mexican gang.
It never played in my area?
Blame the distributors, there was plenty of interest for this desu
because i didn't think it would be worth the 12 dollar movie ticket so i waited until i could torrent it for free
It went nationwide.
Not in bong, my nigga
Oh fuck you. Shit like this is why we keep getting nothing but drivel from the studios.
90% of the time that is the correct assumption though.
Wow dude, that sounds really racist. I hope you burn in hell for your crimes, bigot.
You must have no idea what your own taste in film is if you're leaving the theater disappointed 90 percent of the time.
I was actually a little bummed out when the lights turned back on, I thought we were literally going to watch that play out in almost complete black
She was 10/10 qt in Fright Night
Do you think the hospital could save his arm?
my version is better tho.
when somebody buys my fucking script youll see
I thought it was meh-tier. They already made like a dozen movies like it in the late '90s-early '00s. Youngfags on here don't remember.
No. It was practically off anyway.
I recommended Green Room to my friend without really telling him anything about it so he went to see it and was under the impression that it was just a film about a struggling band playing gigs. When his armed got hacked he told me he was thinking it was going to make their next show very hard to play.
This so hard.
>she'll never nurse your cut off arm back to health while listening to slayer
i think 3/4ths of the band being dead will make it even harder
She said in the movie her two favorite bands for a island were madonna /slayer
He was playing with the skinheads, playing on the fact that some nazis were wotanists.
>maebe makes a spear out of a glass tube by breaking the end of it
>"oh shit nigga we about to this thing go throu someone's neck!"
>she immediately throws it against a wall and it shatters into dust
They thought someone could be on the other side of the door and that was a precaution.
>fluorescent tube in neck
>after the raid
Good luck living up to that.
here u go. sorry for the letterboxes.
Jesus Christ man!
just watched this
wtf I hate neo-nazis now
I like their fashion sense. Where to cop a bomber w/ SS patch that isnt alpha industries?
not bad just pathetic
and having your whole life revolve around it should make you consider suicide
Torrent when?
in the past
two days ago
holy fuck no problem i found it
They didn't have any stupid small shit such as them sitting in the room yet no one was watching the door so they figured it out eventually, and the guy didn't go through those meat curtains blindly.
I appreciate that the crew didn't screw up, they were trying their best to survive, they was no stupid decision because the movie has to move forward and someone needs to die.
You try to flee and get stabbed in the back, you leave the room and get eaten by a dog, you look for a gun and get shot in the face. You can't look back and say "yeah he shoud've done that instead"
That's the joke. They're admitting they have shitty taste.
Just watched it.
Pretty good.
And now i feel sad that Anton Yelchin died.
>underage/newfaggots reply to this SHILL shit STILL
how fucking retarded are you people? go get yourself checked.
lmao hmmn really makes you think..
>the first hi-res picture popping up when you img search green room is the most used here
wow damn dude hows harvard
Posted in a previous thread but that exchange between Werm and Pat gave me fucking chills.
>Your set was pretty good
>What was the name of your second to last song?
>uh...Toxic Evolution
>It's fucking hard, man
>That's the one I did her to
>Simon & Garfunkel
>the main character just died last week
Buy a surplus nylon bomber and sew the patches yourself senpai. SS patches suck tho!!! I have a navy one with a Disneyland patch cuz I'm punk as fuck.