So they're just dropping this plotline then eh?

So they're just dropping this plotline then eh?

I hear that Aerys put hundreds of barrels of Wildfire under the north of the wall

Wait seriously?

yes, they're going to drop this plotline even though they literally talked about this in the KING IN DA NORF scene. they're not going to touch this plotline at all in the remainder 2 seasons, you fucking moron.


Isn't this from Prometheus?

pretty obvious next season will deal almost exclusively with cersei needing to die and dany getting to westeros.

once all the fights are resolved, wall is going to attack while jon and friends look on in horror as the night's watch gets fucking obliterated.

final season will be the war

Yup lol

Two seasons ago they were ready to attack and now they're doing fuck all. D&D are hoping we forget about this plotline.

This plotline is too expensive.

The producers need more money for coke and underage sluts

Do you think they'll have ice dragons?

100% chance they do since otherwise MUH DRAGUNS will just fry them all.

Chances are Drogon will be the only one that survives.

>taking the bait

Why did you?

No chance cause of budget

Just like they dropped Osha and Rickon and Margery and Loras.

Why are there so many criticisms of television shows that ultimately boil down to "It didn't happen in this episode so it's definitely never going to happen"?

One of her dragons will die and come back an undead ice dragon

Implying they won't have ice spiders

Because this is a major plotline that everyone in the show keeps saying is the real threat and yet 6 seasons in there is no Night King anywhere except for attacking people who come to his territory...

No wonder Tyrion doesn't believe they exist.

>The Others in the books
>Alien looking creatures that have a language and culture, ride nightmarish things like massive spiders and are known to be oddly beautiful/graceful

>The Others in the show
>Ice zombies
>Mouths look like mummified anus

Hes been waiting for Winter to come

I never knew the book had so much more content

Osha was one of the most upsetting deaths in the series for me. Fuck that.

Literally who? I have watched the whole show and dont know who those are. Explain

>"It didn't happen in this episode so it's definitely never going to happen"?
And somehow what you just said doesn't apply here?

What did Varys do to the sorcerer who castrated him?

Those ice balls assholes cant cross the wall ... UNTIL Brans crippled ass does. The same way he crossed the magic in the cave. So thank that little shit

The White Walkers bring Winter with them

It's gonna be Cersei + Euron vs Dany + Jon

Remember kids it's not magical ice necromancy they're just using telekinesis with their minds.


they have been waiting for winter this whole time. they will attack once winter has settled in and they have the advantage. the wall is also magic so they cant pass it. they may be waiting for the ocean surrounding to freeze so they can walk around it.

not sure what they will do once winter comes full force but thats what they have been waiting for

nothing proves this to be true through the whole world. sure north of the wall were its already cold they can make it even colder but what proves their power will work when they go south where its warm. winter will protect them as they go south.
