Just got back from a pre-screening of this
Ask me anything
Just got back from a pre-screening of this
How shit is it?
You see Aubrey Plaza's ass for a second, and Stephanie Beard is completely naked for one scene. They tease naked Anna Kendrick a few times but you never see anything :(
Literally the same as every other R-Rated Romantic Comedy
Is he just playing Adam DeMamp again?
Yeah. It may as well be the same character. he shrieks like 25% of his lines
Where the fuck did I put my wallet
Have you checked the couch? I usually leave it there
Why did you watch this garbage?
Free Tickets
Who even watches movies like this and why are so many of them made every year?
How did the crowd react, were they laughing at the jokes?
To all of you who thought Aubrey or Anna would go nude for this shit, slap yourselves.
Anna hairlip Kendrick, not even once
They were into it, but not anything special really. There were a couple parts that got big laughs, but most of the time only a few people really laughed hard at a joke.
Felt like most people had the reaction I did of "well, it was a fun 90 minutes but ill probably never think about or talk about it again"
Mostly highschool/college kids if I had to guess. They probably keep making them cause theres not a whole lot of production really. Plus a lot of the movie felt improvised at parts so I dont think the writers are trying to give it their absolute all
>increasing the revenue of a movie with an interracial couple
I didn't pay for the tickets.
Also they didn't make a single joke about them being interracial. They set up the perfect scenario too, but they do nothing with it. I mean, I guess I respect that, but like there's so much comedic potential that got wasted
rating? is it good, any laughs? something interesing?
>why does Aubrey Plaza look darker than usual in the poster?
Id give it a 6.5/10
There are some really good laughs, but a lot of its super predictable.
Id recommend seeing it for matinee or something, probably not worth full price tickets.
I think in a sentence the movie can be summed up with "wow, that was a really fun 90 minutes with a lot of good laughs and im glad i saw it, but ive left the theater and forgot about it completely already"
Know what I mean
How well do they hide the male leads being manlets
No idea. Aubrey Plaza's pretty white, but next to Anna Kendrick she's dark as fuck
pics or it isnt true
Pretty well apparently cause I never really noticed.
is efrons performance better than in bad grandpa?
All I want to do is see Anna Kendrick in a bikini or do some sexy stuff. Don't care about the movie, just about my mousefu.
I didn't see bad grandpa, but Efron gives an ok performance. Like nobody in the movie is really giving it 100%, but Efrons fine, just not really trying