Does the show recognize that Elliot and Mr...

Does the show recognize that Elliot and Mr. Robot have laughably delusional world views or do the writers actually believe in this shit?

Wow a guy who thinks he's his father and kisses his sister is a nutcase. Mr. Robot writers = BTFO

He has a few good points, especially in the pilot episode.

By his world view is a part of his flaws. He distrusts the world too much. Sometimes that helps but sometimes that doesn't.

Yeah the world totally isn't bad guys.

He's an unreliable narrator, that's what makes the show interesting

>evil corp



his world view is occupy wall street on crack. I'm not saying leftist politics are bad, but bad leftist politics are insufferable. It's almost as cliche as middle class colleges kids turning into jr. Marxists after their first philosophy class in college

I'm not finished with the 1st season yet so I'll see. His constant tech metaphors and analogies are cringey

What are his world views? If it's that the world is a corrupt horrible place as implies then he's right

Mr. Robot?

>Has great paying stable job
>Masters serious skills
>Has multiple friends
>Has had multiple girlfriends
>Uses drugs

More like Mr. Normie am I right guys?

cant wait till they show of his collection of green frogs on the show

hes hardcore he occasionally glances at the front page of Sup Forums one of the top hacker sites.


>Not inspecting element of every page you're at while using linux


>Has great paying stable job
not exactly impossible.
>Masters serious skills
>Has multiple friends
Well his other personality is a smooth talking sunnavabitch.
>Has had multiple girlfriends
That's what made that one drug dealing girl special. She was the only one willing to deal with his lack of social skills. Other was his sister and the blonde girl he probably met through his sister.
>Uses drugs
"Mr. Robot" doesn't refer to the /r9k/ robot.

>Well his other personality is a smooth talking sunnavabitch.

Please don't tell me it's Christian Slater

>the blonde girl he probably met through his sister.
U wot m8?
They literally say in the first damn episode they met when there parents both got cancer from the same company

It is.

how to make jaw gains like rami ?

Cmon man
That was obvious from the first episodes

Welp, that ruined the character for me

Have some sort of sandnigger genetics

he looks like some kind of slippery amphibian

It seems I might be just be retarded.

I seem to recall him saying they were childhood friends or something? I mite b wrong.

But maybe they just met by grim circumstances and she made an effort to be nice to him because they both went through a tragic event and could relate to each other easily.

In most normal situations, a girl wouldn't make an effort to be nice to an autist like that.

What the fuck are you talking about?

No your right
They got to first know ech other when there parents both got cancer
They grew close from there
Elliot wasn't autistic till his dad died

Depends if your lack of social skills makes you look mysterious. Worked with my last girl friend at least.

>Junkie hacker that cries himself to sleep
>looks like this

Ah you know what? I was thinking that the cancer thing happened while he was an adult. I forgot that it happened while he was young.

Making friends can be luck-based, to be honest. Sometimes you randomly meet someone and just click and become friends. He seemed to just luck out on situation (sadly at the cost of his father). It's a very unique situation for him but being friends with her isn't totally out of the blue or impossible.

You did the smart thing and didn't attempt to be normal when you couldn't. Elliot seems to either not know how to hide it or just doesn't care. However, the way he talks to people makes it seem like he wants to hide it but just can't. He's very self-aware, almost to a fault.

This character is very interesting, it dives into issues most normal people just wouldn't be able to understand at all. We don't see many like him, especially on moderately popular TV channels. I'm very interested to see where he goes.

hes just skinny bro. he's no heartthrob

showrunner literally said he based on Elliot on himself lmao

Fuck off

look mom I posted it again!!!

Sam Esmail right?

The same guy who made this.

There both Egyptians in America

I kept on walking in on someone watching this and while it did seem midely interesting it seemed totally self absorbed.

It certainly has many issues, I only watched it because it was the dude's directorial debut and Mr. Robot impressed me.

If you're interested in gorgeous cinematography you'll like it.

Not much replay value, but it might be worth a torrent just to see the visuals once.

he's dating emmy rossum and he directed her in a movie where she dates another guy?

cuck confirmed

she's also a Jew who is known for nude scenes and he's an active Muslim. she also has the ominous 'spiritual, but not religious' self-description that most millennial whores come with

this man is Mr.Cuckhold now

>You'll never be Rami's drug dealer/fuck buddy neighbour

Chew thick sugarfree gum all day, get on ADHD stimulants, and lose weight. That's how I got my angular thing going on.

Someone should hook him up with Emma Stone

>kisses his sister
nothing wrong with desu



Why did they use the SEGA font?

>fucking evil corp

Human growth hormone + shit like sustenol, andronol, TRT, etc, take your pick of artificial androgens but remember to use responsibly and work out/eat a lot so you don't get bacne and moobs.

How is he 35 years old

dumb frogposter