I AM A FAGGOT about to an hero

I AM A FAGGOT about to an hero

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it.

no one really cares

L8er Sk8er Don't let the H8r's get to you masterB8er. Don't forget to do a flip on your way out.



reported to the fbi so what are your demands user ?



stream? where you from?

You better do it this time

Sick pellet gun user.

Stream or GTFO

livestream it

How Many Hostages do say you have ?


Pshhh the rat slayer is such an over rated weapon.

green post your story OP

do it


Hi anons, how was your day?

make yourself human to us. Let us see who you are.

just do it
dont talk about it
>also, do something better than shoot yourself
>something newsworthy
>then you prove you are not a faggot and actually did it


do it

OP here
>be me
>be a faggot

All of the sudden everyone is posting an hero threads. Piss off. This is the 3rd one so far today with low quality bait!



Suicide hotline for lgbt
(866) 488-7386

Nah m8 it's good for baby characters. Try shooting it at a death claw and you will get raped :)




OP here
its just a prank bros


Pretty good, work sucked but I got 1235.56 in sales today so I did pretty good. Looking forward to the next commission check to snag a bit of that.

Thats an interesting weapon what kind is that?



loooks like at savage 64fxp



Uh that's a pellet gun



you'regonna kill you'reselfe with a fucking 22LR?
fucking retard

I'm gonna go make a comfy thread cuz Sup Forums is fucking garbage right now





that's not a real gun.
try harder faggot

Don't kill yourself, go to church and make something out of your life. Also, that 22 won't do shit to penetrate a human skull.


good night sweet prince

What if it was in you're mouth?




It would shatter your spinal cord and you'd be a cripple for the rest of your life, or it would put a hole in your cheek that's more likely than not to become gangrenpus. Seriously, don't kill yourself, when you're dead, you're dead forever, and life is short, don't waste it.

Context ? this is awesome and I'm not even gay (probably)

I care. livestream it, OP




who dis



This kek




what's that piece of shit, OP, the one in your hand, is that a shit you took?


is he being legit or nah?






If you wanna massacre something can you at least make it worth it. Kill Trump or something.

Connor no




Hi mom
I'm in a historical post


plz don't, there's more to live for me laddy


goddamnit charlie


do it like the real an hero of the acid, acid boy

reddit.com/r/news/comments/5hchzt/someone_just_commited_suicide_live_on_Sup Forums_wtf/?sort=controversial




with a 22lr?

brain damage fro the win



too late, siimpsons did it.