>*deletes Lion in a Coma*
*deletes Lion in a Coma*
Kayden Price
Dylan Peterson
*deletes any Animal Collective*
John Bell
*deletes studio banter after oh my golly*
Mason Hill
this though.
Jaxson Powell
reminder if u delete anything other than guys eyes ur a pleb
Michael Phillips
>*deletes Summertime Clothes and Lion in a Coma
Fixed it for you
Owen Nelson
guys eyes is fine, summertime clothes is also great.
but man, when lion in a coma comes on I tune out hard.
Wyatt Morales
>summertime clothes is also great
He doesn't remember our vote for worst AnCo songs.
Summertime Clothes, Golden Gal and Lion in a Coma are top 3, bud.
Cameron Hall
>giving a shit what Sup Forums likes
Logan Rodriguez
>he's not a drone
Why are you even here?