Im sure people here deal with chronic rage

Im sure people here deal with chronic rage

I am pissed all the time, at specific people and the world. My situation in life isnt horrible but Im stressed. How do you guys handle rage without blowing up? ill dump porn if people reply



I am on meds. There is a trigger and a therapist can help you find it. I still have berserker-style flashes but the meds help me control it. I see it as a tool now. If I am in a life threatening situation I can tap that monster easy as flipping a switch.

Enjoy a pic.

grow up and stop being angsty children

i was on antidepressants but they really fucked me up, what do you take?
i didnt tell him to be edgy, i just have anger issues that i cant deal with

Are you retarded? Just deal with it. If you have a problem solve it,if you can't accept it. Life isn't fair you can't change everything. This or do a massive shotting to release that rage, faglord..

I am 45.

see beating the fuck out of people and getting arrested isnt working out for me

Lexapro and Buspar. One for depressive issues the other for anxiety.

Lexapro. Makes me feel like the world is a tolerable place, and not everyone needs to be killed.

I drink excessively and self harm
Usually deals with the unbridled anger
My friends think I'm the happiest person around, but in all reality I'd like to burn every place of social interaction to the ground.

Have you tried manning the fuck up and not being a bitch?

This webm would be hot if there wasnt a huge dollop of spit on the end of her tounge...
Like wtf?

Not OP here but the other guy. Had my bout with alcohol. Helped for a while till I started coughing up blood in a college class. Went cold turkey, saw a therapist got meds.

Ah, the cry of the ignorant. "Just stop bro lol"

did this fuck with you guys at first? Prozac destroyed me for a couple months before i got off of it
how would i consult a doctor about this? do i just say i want medication without therapy
its not about manning up, im sure im a lot more "alpha" than you but its fucking my life up

It's probably depression. Sort your life out the way you really want it and it will pass.

What do you suggest , edge lord?

How long did your alcohol coping last? I've been going on a year and a half with it so far.
It really does make for a nice nightly buffer against the world.


Meds helped me. I didn't even realise how bad a problem I had until I got on them.

When does it get worse? When you do shit and fail is it exceptionally explosive?


stop being a fucking bitch. who cares what you do in this life. be good to people and be nice. the rest doesnt matter.

Haha its nothing to do with being "alpha" you faggt.
Only fucking Sup Forums losers talk like that.

Complaining about your shitty problems on in the internet is fuckin sad.

There a billion people on this earth that have it 1000x harder than you.
Get the fuck over it, everyone has problems.

Go fuckin nerd rage at some twelvies on COD.
Youll fit in better there, cause we dont give a ffuaaccckkkkk

If you're waiting for it to end, you're going to find that you're waiting a long time for something that's never going to happen. You're gonna have to decide to stop. and "tomorrow" usually stays "tomorrow."


How'd you get so fucking cool, man?

Prozac is harsh. There are better out there. Keep in mind any antidepressant is gonna kill your dick but in time things start to work again. So if you have a gf/wife that may be an issue. There is no avoiding a therapist/ psychiatrist, you need them to do the analysis for the meds.

Kek'd and check'd

Try Aikido. Every body seems to want to call it a bullshit martial art, but they miss the point. It's the philosophy behind it that counts. Better than any drug.

Well first of all i dont cry about my life on the cunthole of the internet for attention.
Then i fuck your mom.

Also nice trips

this is op but only real solutions ive found have been friends/women and drugs
ive had bad experiences with meds so i dont know where to go from there to make sure that doesnt happen again
its mostly when people confront me or when im alone for long periods of time
just massive rage through my body, lasts all day, can barely talk to people
you understand youre the one looking like an idiot? im asking for help, youre the one trying to argue

I was drinking solid, everyday for a good year till the coughing blood episode.

I just smoke weed, it really dulls your feelings for a good few hours. And the first hour, you're of course high.

Also, have no high expectations for yourself or people around you. Being alone helps too from time to time (friends and family). And don't get a girlfriend, love is all mind-games.


Like the shakey, crazy anxious adrenaline rush, but all day?

That sounds pretty accurate.
I see no close future of stopping, I've got no other way to cope for the foreseeable future.
I assume it will be a lot like the weight loss I went through, I'll have to find a rock bottom.

Go to a fuckin doctor if you want help faggot.

Asking this group of autists and edgelords for help is dumb as fuck.

You are asking for attention.
Im just telling it like it is my man

God I wish it was legal in my state.

I looked into borderline personality disorder, and the borderline rage phenomenon is tied to trauma caused in the past usually abondoment, neglect, abuse. I was and am still that child hurt and angry about being so mistreated, that triggers trigger that rage and suddenly all the collective rage of one's past comes out at once.

I have to address the memories and the issues tied to them. Apologies from family members or adults who mistreated you as a child helps but if that person is abusive or have issues themselves then simply forgive and begin a healing process. Endless rage will lead to tragedy and there are pleasures and meanings to life yet to find.

OP here, is there really any alternative to medication?

thats only if i want to fight someone but yeah, huge pressure in my chest and back, shaky rage all day

You're the only one being an autistic edgelord asking for attention in this thread.

Im just telling it like it is my man

being an autist, i assumed Sup Forums would have a good sample size dealing with my problems, youre just being cancerous dude

My trauma was my dad dieing in front of me of a massive heart attack when I was 15 years old.

It's easy to come by in every country. I'm from Denmark for example. You just need a right friend or contact

Well if you already realize that, you should take that as a cue that you're not as hopeless as you think. There's a part of your brain that knows you're going to be OK and it's afraid to speak up over the part that is romanticizing your descent to the bottom of a bottle.

Don't let that part be so loud. Just skip that part.

if you can afford it get some morphine, take small doses through out the day, enough to dull you but not enough to get you completely smashed, and on the evenings drink alkohol or smoke weed, best offer i can give you

No meds it takes a lot of meditation and self-analysis.

Why dont you suck my nigger dick?
You big faggot

Any hobbies? Do they trigger it?

>living in a village with only 800 people
>next city is far away
>only friend lives on the other side of the country because of his job. takes him a 5 hour car ride to get here

As soon as I find something else that makes me not want to shoot my self in the face I'll probably stop.
So far this is the best was to internalize everything and not lash out at anyone else.
I'm sure I'll see the light and stop someday, I know very well the impact of heavy drinking in the body.

not trying to drown the problem in substances, i already smoke too much weed
im really competitive so LoL and such piss me off to no ends

whats up with this trash 2mb upload limit


You don't have to replace it with something. It's a part of you. You can't change that. If you know the impact of alcoholism you'd know that it makes it orders of magnitude more difficult to recover from depression, and in the long term can damage hormone reuptake and cause you to have much worse bouts in the future. Stop bullshitting. I spent plenty of time handing out your same rhetoric, acting like I was wise enough to handle a battle with myself that turned me into my own nemesis. What you said isn't substantial, it sounds about as productive as when I said I couldn't quit smoking because I had a Zippo collection.


If not morphine and alkohol hero
3. swallow it and man up

Yeah, but you keep playing right? Like it's not even fun but you keep thinking it will be and coming back to it, and then you just flip.

One way of coping will have to go into another, healthy or not.
I have to learn to deal with my emotions which are the stem of why I drink excessively.
Figuring out how to deal with the shitty feelings that I use alcohol to suppress is probably going to be essential, but until then I'll cope how I have to to get through my job and the hard days.

We all fucked in the head bruv thats why we are on Sup Forums. Google Cognitive Behavior Therapy or smoke alot of weed

it all depends on my mood and mindset man, but some days are definitely like that

what else is there to do though? im not satisfied by anything

Thank everyone for the tips or their personal experience. I didnt want to go back to medication but if I stay this consistent much longer that seems to be the only option.

I know you guys empathize or understand exactly what I'm going through so good luck to yall and im sorry youre a piece of shit too

That's my secret captain, I'm always angery

i used to channel my rage thru sports, specifically weightlifting and raquetball(loong time ago)

>, but until then I'll cope how I have to to get through my job and the hard days.

Sure man. You can pretend it doesn't make it worse, but you know it does. I guess you don't really get that right now, and whenever else you say this to yourself or anyone else, you're trying to sound wise and intelligent, but you sound like someone who can't see the forest for the trees. Learning the concept of investing your effort is essential. "coping" by running away from yourself is only prolonging the inevitable, but you don't get to fast forward through the interim and come out on the other side. You're signing up to make it harder for you to deal with your emotions, not coping and giving yourself a buffer. You're not right. Stop with the excuses and justification. You're gonna need to admit that you're actually afraid of facing it.

i'm trying to figure out why you care enough to get mad. what a waste of effort.

take it from me, friend, you would do better to just stop caring. it makes life so much easier when you don't have to care about all the little things that normal people fuss about. other human beings become minor annoyances that you can just brush away. as long as you're self-sustaining, you'll be fine.

yeah weightlifting has been a huge motivation for me, was obese until puberty/working out got me /fit/, made the fights easier

Chronic rage?
"i already smoke too much weed"

Found your problem shit head, whenever you're not high your brain is craving weed and it makes u mad soz not soz

>it all depends on my mood and mindset man, but some days are definitely like that

>what else is there to do though? im not satisfied by anything

You gotta stop doing the things that fuck you up as much as you can. Not permanently. I had to quit fighting games because of it, but after a while I temper back into it. I used to get so mad when I'd try to draw that I'd break all my art supplies. So I randomly tried on a tablet with a stylus and I could undo my mistakes. Stopped me from flipping shit over a curve that wasn't exactly right.

They key isn't not getting mad, just focus on filtering the shit that drives you up the wall, until eventually all that's left is stuff that makes you mad but that you have no choice but to deal with, and eventually you get better at dealing.

I don't want you project the illusion that is don't know what I'm doing is unhealthy, and that I don't know what I'm doing to my body.
I am afraid of myself, I use alcohol as the only outlet I have for my emotion because I don't know any other way to get it out.
But it's not like I'm not working on it, lately there's been a lot of self reflection and trying to redirect everything, I just can't commit to anything consistently yet since nothing is quite as reliable.
Don't get me wrong man, I know how unhealthy this is.
I'd never advocate for anyone using alcohol to drown their feelings.

Ok, so if you know what you're doing, that's another admission that you aren't as smart as you are trying to convince yourself you are with all of you explanations.

>But it's not like I'm not working on it, lately there's been a lot of self reflection and trying to redirect everything, I just can't commit to anything consistently yet since nothing is quite as reliable.

You're looking for a palpable solution and you aren't going to find it. It's a procedural thing and it has to be procedural. You don't level up one day and find out you're done. I empathize with your struggle, truly, but you're not convincing anyone but yourself of your own textbook assertions, and I'd be inclined to believe that you're not even doing a great job of that.

that would have some weight if my mood fluctuated while high or going cold turkey but neither is the case
I have physical attachments to things going on in life, I want to be successful and not have to struggle
thats reasonable man, i also love/hate fighters
this was probably the best info for my case other than medication itt
stopping games is probably a good step but that leads to my boredom and other aspects of my life being stressful as well
i understand its all a work in progress though, thanks
OP here, just wanted to say good luck man
I've been lucky to dislike getting smashed but a lot of my family is alcoholic and it really is a horrible slow death. It seems like you are taking the right steps to get out of that cycle

find a way to channel it into something productive, like idk going to the gym 5 times a week and set goals. once you see progress you might feel better about yourself since you actually accomplished something. and go see a therapist.

>Regular exercise
>Regular sunshine
>Good diet

Anything else is mumbo jumbo. Remember, mental health is just physical health.

You seem to to think that I see myself as smart, that's really not the case.
I was an idiot for turning to self harm before I turned 21, and I'm an idiot for taking up drinking to cope with everything.
I understand that it isn't an easy process, I understand that it will be a lot of baby steps to being even remotely healthy.
But at the moment I know I'm not mentally healthy enough to entirely rely on myself, I really don't want to hurt myself anymore and it's a process of weaning off both as whatever defenses ive got get stronger.
I do thank you for your empathy, and I thank you for thinking I'm smarter and stronger than I am.
I'm building up from the bottom right now, my self esteem is so low that I couldn't equate myself to anything resembling smart or reasonable.
Just trying to get by.

ouch dude good luck

I get pissed off for no reason at times. Just put on some music or play vidya to get it out of my system

Thanks dude.
It's a slow, idiotic process but it's all I have