/bb/ Big Brother 18

Devin edition

previous thread: >Bunch of free streaming places got nuked by cbs because they were posted here
>New season and people still asking for the ones that survived to be posted

Head of Household (HoH): Nicole
Power of Veto (PoV): Paul

Up for eviction on thursday: Jozea, Paulie, Bridgette

Other urls found in this thread:


Paul is getting so power drunk right now tomorrow is going to be the best. What time will the feeds stop before the live episode?

1st for glenn

You failed him like he failed us

paul threatening to go evil dick on michelle

He probably thinks he'd be the first to do it. He's actually mad that people on the show actually know what pandora's box and resets are right now

Stop taking the bait and handing out free (you)s.

First for Zakiyah's ass

all me

Every season theres always a couple autists on here who choose the ugliest girl as their waifu just be contrarian

This new cast is pretty lame. I'm not even a huge fan of the 4 returners, but they're so much better than the rest it's sad.

Yeah, split returnee/newbie seasons are just inherently unfair.

how? everyone plays the social game equally, steve and ian did. that is a lame ass excuse for you to do bad

looking at bronte when she doesn't have layers of makeup and her hair not done makes me angry how ugly she is but I can't stop looking at her mouth

I was thinking this earlier. Why aren't they the least bit curious as to why Paulie isn't campaigning hard or freaking out..or anything?

caleb is my waifu always and forever

They have said that they think Paulie has accepted his fate and is enjoying his final moments basically

god they're idiots lel

Bronte brought up how Paulie wasn't campaigning and not sweating Thursday, but then based Paul came in to say that he had given up and knew he was going.

Is Jozea a top or a bottom?

The genius trio decided that he accepted his fate in that he's going home and they think he's just trying to enjoy his time in the house.

I think tonight was their first actual conversation where that wondered why Nicole even put up Paulie and they blamed it on Cody

So who are the ones that are actually out of the loop.

Jozea, Paul, Bronte?

top, too demanding and he walks around in his underwear showing off his large cock

and Victor

haha natalie hates victor now

God I can't wait to see tomorrow's show. Hope it doesn't take the feeds long to come up after the show either. There should be some juicy drama.

Bronte's voice makes me rock hard

Everyone who is not apart of Firing Squad/8pack + Paulie


you're a pedophile or get off on sexual abuse


I'm going to keep posting this link until Bronte gets BTFO from the show, easily the worst person on here currently

I hate Paul and Jozea so much I think Paulie is in the best position because he doesn't need to deal with any of their bullshit rants

>Paul just threatened to fight whoever put him up for eviction again
lmao manlet has no idea its Frank

Shes disgusting and has a mental disability.

Is Frank the one that has the famous wrestler dad?

but sexual abuse victims make the best waifus

>annoying voice
>hates James
>is one of the few idiots who can't see what's even going on

2/10 is the best I can do here lads

That's hot!



>fuck buddy


read the first parts of this post

>"You're a pedophile"
>posting on Sup Forums

just look at how normal this face looks

>Jozea and Paul are revealing everything to Zakiyah
>Paul has no idea that he is digging his own grave

who /Pop/ here??

right here family

about time


I really hope he does something stupid to Paulie James or reddit tomorrow before the vote and just fuck himself worse

frank is pissing natalie off by telling her to throw the hoh lol



shame about that face though yikes

Is Frank seriously going to ruin this blindside?

Natalie and Bridgette know now? tf

None of them have a club and its fucking great. I have no idea why Paul isnt suspicious

what was the racist thing she said?

Told James to go back to Hong Kong or some shit

what is frank doing exactly

She said multiple times that she wants to kick his little asian ass back to hong kong

he doesn't like bronte or tiffany so probably trying to break up gurl power. he's been trying to get bridgette on his side for a few days

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

- Bronte D'Acquisto, 2016

Sending James back to "hong kong" but it sounds worse than it was

Is she our newest member of the bomb squad?

Told Bridgette and now Nat that he's voting to evict Jozea and he's going for sure.

Word will definitely spread and the blindside won't be as bad.

Devin's ghost is watching over her this season


Jozea loves to talk out his ass and catladies are getting pissed

>10:25 PM Paul/Jozea giving directions of what will happen down the line & how they will get all vets out so they make JH & get paid doubleZakiyah asks why he thinks that they get paid double in JH because it wasnt in the contract & Josea said bc he already asked. Bronte listening in on directions/talk also asked if he's sure & he says YES -jaguar3
>10:24 PM Paul didn't know they recorded their goodbye's before hand -ChillTownChick
>10:24 PM Jozea & Paul explain the game of Big Brother -PreacherCheese Less...
Jozea & Paul explain how they expect this season to go to Z & Bronte:
Their group will continue to win HOH! Put up Corey, Nicole, Michelle & Tiffany, win "Roach Killer" (Roadtrip challenge) and POV, until they get all of THEM out.
Then he expects his group to randomly draw to get nominated & evicted.
Those In the jury get paid double (he said) & will vote for the winner based on who Is the nicest.

She's cute. Cute!


messed up


Smart of Paul to distance himself

he's faking it but thinks Nicole really likes him

>blindside ruined
so we had a terrible week of live feeds and now there's no pay off


natalie just basically told victor that jozea is going home and he's like "nope" haha


Nat figured it out

Nat has figured everything out lol

nat didn't figure it out stupid fuck frank told her

>paul literally doesn't know how hoh works

man this show sucks

Negrotti is pooping! Natalie actually shits confirmed!


>tfw Natalie will tell Bronte tonight Jozea is definitely going
>feeds will turn off tomorrow for live show and they'll basically tell Jozea

T-thanks Frank....


dudes big brother clueless

wheeew, I was worried

Frank you were MY GUY until tonight

season is shaping up to be pretty shitty

why is jozea wearing literal panties? is that just the twink thing?



holy shit and Bronte just said sad panda

The only way this week will be saved is if anyone but the 8pack wins hoh/roadkill

>bronte says sad panda

frank is always gonna be my guy

I don't know why but I always gravitate towards the hyper masculine guys who try to run the show with pure athleticism, both in bb and survivor

Natalie is freaking out that she just spilled the beans and she's scared Frank is going to sell her out

>I don't know why but I always gravitate towards the hyper masculine guys who try to run the show with pure athleticism, both in bb and survivor

I have an idea why

jozea is going right?

To sum up, Natalie's pretty much telling Frank she's still voting Paulie out but to not hold that against her.

what's your idea?

my world is closing in

>agreeing to throw a HoH

gay and hasn't realized it

False alarm

nah if I were a homo it would be pretty obvious to me

the retard trio has been planning on what events to throw for days now I want this blindside so bad fuck this stupid whore

These kids be clueles

please tell me that jozea thought she was lying and noone else told him please

oh thank goodness