Are there any reviewers you feel have strong biases? I mean i know technically all reviewers do but which ones are pretty obvious about theirs? Pic very related
Untrustworthy reviewers
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally 100% of Youtube "reviewers"
Are there many? All i know is this guy, doug and rlm only because they are mentioned here. which is the worst in your opinion?
what will be his assessment of BvS UC?
will he review it at all after the snapped neck fiasco?
I imagine so. His die hard fans will tear into anyone who mutters the meme so hes not worried about that.
Virtually all of them except for Armond White are worthless.
Heard he was also pretty biased tho?
Dirty Duck is a nasty one.
biased towards what? If he sees a movie as a part of a trend that's harmful towards film culture he tends to be pretty merciless but you can never 100% predict what he's going to do. The way he puts it is that he gives movies 'what they deserve.'
That's pretty good.
>insulting a guy who worked with disabled children and drove people away from suicide
Fuck yourself
Tthe guy is a contrarian plain and simple.
of course Sup Forums is gonn suck his cock.
Jeremy Jahns, definitely. At least he doesn't try to hide it.
Those SchmoesKnow guys are also pretty bad
Red Letter Media
fuck these guys
Who is this guy and whats the deal with the snapped neck meme
It's spelt "based"
Chris is a liar when he says that the snapped neck quote was only made in 20 minutes when he made his script.
In reality; he came up with that quote weeks before he posted that script on twitter.
i still dont get it, what is the meme? just saying "tell that to zods snapped neck"?
did u even watch the video? watch it it explains
This is the absolute peak of anti-white arguments in case you were wondering. Even in Hollywood nobody goes further than this.
The meme is that it's a fucking stupid line written by somebody who thinks he's hot shit.
>Says in a podcast, "'Look man, you can't go around murdering people. You know, you're just like one of the criminals.' Then Batman could've said, 'Oh, well tell that to General Zod's snapped neck!'"
APR 15
Just for kicks, I decided to do a rewrite of the lead in and ending of the fight between Batman and Superman. Will post when I'm finished.
APR 16
This is my rewrite of the big fight in #BatmanvSuperman. Gives Bats some more depth and Supes clear motivation.
>more depth
>clear motivation
APR 16
Sad thing is, I wrote that in 20 minutes.
APR 16
Thanks for the feedback on my idea for #BvS.
APR 16
Just wrote it for kicks. #ZodsSnappedNeck
APR 17
Thanks for all the hilarious memes. #BvS
>Video of him basically going "h-hah me and my friends all laughed at those memes! Thanks for the m-memes!"
APR 17
Ok last thing on this, this one made us cry laughing.
>Posts pic related
APR 17
Being nearly 30 years old, I've learned something important. You've just gotta laugh at yourself sometimes, otherwise life gets boring.
APR 17
Thanks for the reminder guys, that line WAS dumb, and I will laugh about it for a long time.
>Video of Chris Evans laughing
APR 17
Guys, my dumb line has a Twitter, and it's beautiful. I kid you not I'm crying laughing. What a weird life I live. @ZodzSnappedNeck
APR 17
You see, if I had worked 3 years on that rewrite, then I'd be offended. But 20 minutes for fun? I'm laughing with you.
>Repeats 20 minutes
APR 23
Due to requests, I've decided to offer my final thoughts on the reaction to my Batman v Superman rewrite:
>26-minute video talking about how he got meme'd on
>"I did it for my fans"
>"I've helped people out of suicide"
>"I work with the handicapped"
>"It doesn't really matter"
>"I only spent 20 minutes on it"
>"It's not that funny"