Post smug Sup Forumsfus

Smug = best

da OG



>user, my vagina is discharging, get in there with your tongue and lick it clean, and while you're at it, stimulate my asshole. And don't you dare stop until I say other wise

What do you do?



Do what she says.


That's fucking disgusting.

You must be a fucking virgin if you think that's hot. Vaginas are really fucking gross and this is coming from a straight guy that slays pussy every weekend.

First off, they bleed, piss, build up sweat, and have discharge from there. That kind of bacteria is incredibly disgusting. They smell like pennies and milk and when you're fucking the pussy they start to produce white pussy slime that gets all over your dick and smells. I could NEVER lick a vagina unless it's literally straight from the shower and you virgins wouldn't either. Even to the hottest girl you could imagine. Once their pussy is in your face it's a different story, you start to think "uuhhh I don't want that white milky shit in my mouth, and wtf is this mucus?"

Trust me. Stick to licking a girls ass and sucking on her titties.


Do what she says.


you fags are boring

Truly the most smug loli of all time

Would put Sup Forums to shame


No one else?

>You've activated my trap card


yeah, that pic is 100% smuggness

The head angle makes it look more sassy/defiant than smug


Just watched this episode again today famalam. :^)

nadia's or ryry's?




oh, yeah

she's like smug-aggressive


dang girl
