Is it pronounced 'Homm-y' or 'Hom'?

Is it pronounced 'Homm-y' or 'Hom'?



its homme as its spelled

I think its Hom-me


I think it's either Homm-y or even Omm-y with the H silent.

this guy is so confusing to me. what's the appeal?

also its pronounces oh homie like classic simpson character Marge Simpsons



He's just a dude who plays guitar rock the right way. Experiments with cool sounds, and QOTSA have that crossover appeal that resonates with both hipsters and fans of heavier stuff.

Also has a personality and an ego, which many rock frontmen lack in this day and age.

Tell me you wouldn't let him stuff your butthole


It's pronounced "retarded politically-illiterate libertarian assclown."

>le triggered by centrists meme

Hi Sup Forums. How's the crusader LARPing going?

I'm not a retarded right-winger either, I just understand how politics fucking work.

>AKA I'm a liberal and I'm butthurt he isn't just like everyone else and that he might not like Muslims much after they killed a bunch of his fans and tried to kill his friends too

Who else hyped for new record?

1. I'm not a liberal, he is.
2. Centrism is a retarded ideology.
3. He doesn't hate Muslims, he claims he's "very politically conservative, very socially liberal." That's the political retardation.

Josh explained in an interview that he uses the Americanized pronunciation with which would be pronounced something like "homm me"

all ideologies are retarded
think about it

Thanks for the input, Stirner.

I need it yesterday



> libertarian

You know him n boots are politically conservative rite

Err, you know that that is literally describing the exact opposite of my views? That's literally what I'm criticizing Josh "hurr durr truth is in le middle" Homme for.

Yeah, in the "dude guns weed and small government lmao" way. They say so themselves.
Fucking liberals, man. So spineless.

Blues rock done in a sexy way.

Who hates this?

Next you'll be telling me Stevie Wonder was a myth.

>Stop being skeptical of both "sides" and become an ideologue
Shove your shitty strawman up your ass and kill yourself.

did you know that adding hurr durr before something doesn't make a point wrong

Centrists actually standing up for something? Color me shocked.

Egoism is an ideology though, this guy is just a retard

people are always centrist only for so long
push them hard enough and something completely different comes out

Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds, as they say.