/bb/ Big Brother 18

Tiffany is Vanessa edition

previous thread: >Bunch of free streaming places got nuked by cbs because they were posted here
>New season and people still asking for the ones that survived to be posted

Head of Household (HoH): Nicole
Power of Veto (PoV): Paul

Up for eviction on thursday: Jozea, Paulie, Bridgette

Other urls found in this thread:


must suck having to talk to someone like tiffany

having to walk on egg shells all the time

i fucking hope frank wins HOH and noms tiffany

i can't stand these fucking russo chicks


Tiffany is best girl

Is Michelle fat?

heathens shower at night rather than morning

shes getting there

gained about 5lbs so far

Tiffany is going to go full Jace when she is on the block.

bridgette can literally name the 8pack based on what's happened

Reminder that this is OUR ALLIANCE

and Bronte is OUR GIRL

Frank said he's nom'ing her if he wins roadkill again

its already ogre

Dank would be an amazing final 2

michelle is has a nice ass

tiffany getting kicked out of the 8 pack and replaced with paulie

now theyre talking shit about tiff :(

looks like the bomb squad is over

A... fat ass?

Bridgette has somehow gotten out of her shit position and Natalie has entered the majority.

she's thick

Oh, it's this thread again.

This show sucks and you should feel bad.

>and Natalie has entered the majority.
lol no

RIP headphone users

Imagine Vanessa and Tiff arguing with each other

best night of feeds since early season 16


>tfw this is my post and someone just said it in the chat and everyone agrees with them

p-please stop stealing from me

is it still a bunch of camwhores and camwhore mods?

please no bully

what went wrong?

I go in the smaller official one that's just a bunch of cat ladies

which chat?

Official BB Chat

>cat ladies
can you not?

fuck off shitlord

New to this, anyway I can watch the live stream for free?

just search bb live feed on twitter

do you have cats?


how to deal with someone like vanessa/tiffany

cbs.com all access is free once you buy it

we don't post links here

>how to deal with someone like vanessa/tiffany

if you wanna end up having her tell everyone you're gay and want to assault her before she takes you out of the game


If you live in america, just go on cbs and get a month free trial.

If not google

>Paul and jogay showing how they don't watch the show again

what went wrong?

she is stupid and a child

why is everyone acting like james not frank told the girls jozea is going home?

Frank started to bully her
Remember when he made Ian cry?

Tiffany told Natalie earlier today too who cares anymore

and that made brit cry :(

what a bully :(

>Paulie ratting out Frank now

looks like we're going down to a 7pack


is paul actually talking about greentext?

why the fuck do we get the worst guys

Man, Tiffany was so great, she had a cute face, cute hair, cute hats, now she has nigger hair, gay hats, and a JUST face
what happened to our waifu? what went wrong?

I guess i'm on the #bridgettebrigade now

nevermind disregard this statement. he was ratting out paul, but Tiff doesn't believe him and he's telling the truth

wat? which camera were they on

Paulie is the Tiff-whisperer.

she wants the d

say what you will about the califonia brothers. they can mist women better then anyone.

I expect a massive breakdown in the house in a couple mins or so

blindside better go through

like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like like


Somebody better record that shit.

nah people going to bed now

i just say it in the chat. i think people were talking about it in an earlier thread. it sounded like he was just being some numale redditor who'd seen it on the front page there

paul already confirmed that he is aware of Sup Forums, there was a conversation about pools and polls and he memed on everyone

I didn't record it because I'm not a level 95 autist but that shit happened, he said something along the lines of

>Oh yeah that board that does all that shit

he said board and that's proof enough for me

makes sense considering the amerian/turk shit that the would be interested in world politics

cam? time?

I havent showered in a week

Aw yiss wednesday nights how i've missed you

stop saying rigging polls is Sup Forums every board does that and he's a fucking reddit fag. if he was on Sup Forums and big brother he would at least know who Ian is

do your feet smell


Is this gif in reverse?
what was he doing?

I'm pretty sure thats right before boogie gave him $10k but boogie didn't win that competition so I"m not sure

word vomit

>Nicole didn't know what Tiff meant by a male chauvinist
Bless her heart.

>You are not allowed to talk about production.

james a friendzoned cuck

people on Sup Forums freak out about feminists, but they literally do no exist outside of the internet, LA, Austin and New York

80% of white women are great

You forgot SanFran.
And Seattle.
And most of Canada including the Prime Minister.

can i smell

>meme discussion in the HOH

I live near portland

it's a "paul hates frog memes" episode

is paulie talking about pepe or the kermit meme?

Seattle, San Fran, Portland and all of Canada combined dont equal the US excluding LA, Austin and New York

pacific northwest sucks thanks canada

too far

>hates frog memes
>crushes on bronte


He was talking about the Kermit one.
Normalfag instagram shit.

why would someone take the time to make that?

I bet he loves peepee

i live in bc. eastern washington and most of the PNW outside of seattle and portland and BC is fucking based. they all vote republican.


I'm catching on to Frank's plans.

He is ditching 8pack and created a 3rd weight in the house under an indie alliance of Frank, Paulie, Bridgette and PAUL or NATALIE

This is his gameplan.
screenshot this


but not for any time soon. he's gonna wait for girls alliance to break up inside of the 8pack

>going to bed all dirty

>waking up all dirty

i sweat in my sleep

all i dream is terror

I hate questioning reality when I wake up.

who scared him?