>it's drilling into the EARTH CORE!!!!!!!!
It's drilling into the EARTH CORE!!!!!!!!
I'd drill your core if you get what I mean *wink wink*
we fight the aliens again? Shit, nigger.
Woll better get his candy ass back into
Reach for a Ritalin.
>you got to see it for free AND ended up being entertained by it
>seeing it for free
Wage slave detected
>moon milk
>sick bay
Fuck you all I liked it. It was better than the first one. The only bad part was the annoying glasses wearing Jewish guy comic relief character who was in the movie for no reason.
>well, there it is
>It's the Fourth of July, let's show 'em some fireworks!
>Nej, den var bäst!
What happened in it?
Why did they need to drill into Earth's core instead of some uninhabitated planet? Like, there are 9 planets in this solar system, why does it need to be the one that can offer some resistance?
It's fucking stupid. the Oort cloud itself has way more resources of anything that they could get from earth.
A logical story would be that they want to destroy developing civilization so that they would not threaten them in the future once they reach intergalactic travel.
Jewdad, Jeff Goldblum, Data and MR PRESIDENT were the only likable characters. The rest of the cast was complete shit.
Renegade fighterpilot#1 was a total Gary Stu. Black guy fighterpilot #1 was also a Gary Stu. There wasn't even an attempt at making them relatable.
plus a ship the size of the atlantic ocean entering the atmosphere would kill all life in the first place
Tried to make it slightly more plausible than 'they invading for our resources!' which objectively is worse than 'an ancient evil awakens' for sci-fi movies
this movie is so bad
Judging by OP's pic, the windows on that ship must be miles wide
Bwa hah hah hah!
This was honestly the funniest film this year.
It was so fucking bad and cringe worthy that I ended up loving it purely because it provides endless shit to talk about.
>Why was Madam President dancing when the aliens bust in?
>Why did the Alien Queen leave the ship? She could have just stayed nice and safe and sent out her fleet
>How did the sphere race lose a war when they had far superior technology and weaponry?
>Why did Earth build a defence station on Saturn and forget about the rest of the solar system
>Why was Liam Hemsworth playing every single character in the movie
>They killed Will Smith's character in a fucking test flight HAHAHAHAHA holy shit
>The acting
>The dialogue
>Madam President
>We shot down an unknown life form for no reason, let's forget about it instantly and start the random celebrations!
>We just destroyed a random alien spaceship, time to quip!
>Hey, that house looks nice
>Yeah, it's still around. Although every single house around there is destroyed, their inhabitants and families are all dead and crushed under rubble, the children died drowning, HAHA THOUGH! THE HOUSE XD
Not even fun
What, you mean you don't like Heebie Kikeberger?
Oh I forgot a few things
>Impossible to win war but for some reason the lives of the pilots attempting a suicide mission is vital and we need to make sure they survive
>WOAH! You guys are CRAZY! I can't believe you want to RISK YOUR LIVES DUDE! Woah...
>Kunte Kinte Warlord sliding
>Kunte Kinte Warlord
>Kunte Kinte has killed thousands of aliens in Africa, despite the fact that they all left and give up when the Queen dies so what the fuck has he been killing
>Why do they leave
>Why don't they send more than one ship
>Why don't they just harvest planets without life
>Why are the aliens such dicks
>Alien Queen goes after a school bus
>Her shields are destroyed by one ship
>Missile technology has disappeared
>Kunte Kinte Warlord
>Jon Oliver is in this movie
>Jon Oliver is muh funny jew
>Suddenly an expert at using alien weaponry, him and an insane scientist kill about 50 aliens head on despite Kunte Kinte telling him that you have to get them from behind
>A scene earlier where Kunte Kinte has to actually slide under a fucking alien to stab them in the back, whilst 10 soldiers fail to gun it down
>Madam President's death scene still the funniest shit I've seen all year
>madam president
are you kidding me?
God this movie was so retarded but fun, just like the first one. I liked it.
They are
>just like the first one
delete this
The first one was a least good imo and that's not just nostalgia talking, it was a more solid movie in general.
This one sucked ass and I left the cinema absolutely baffled that anybody there felt the least bit entertained by that movie.
But this is Sup Forums so you'll all meme and be contrarian, like when you said Batman v Superman was actually good