>finally watch 2001
>epic scale now makes other films feel like normie shit
Well done based Kubrick
Finally watch 2001
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Yes yes well done kubrick, well done!
Boring piece of shit movie, just like Barry Lyndon
his pinnacle was The Shining
fuck i want that diorama.
fuck everyone who thinks it's pretentious, i hate pretentious shit but i love 2001, in it's simplest form it's a film about the evolution of man, but it's also aesthetically a beautiful film all the way through
Epic Scale?
...one space ship...
That's literally the opening scene of Star Wars Episode 1
You should get around to watching Alien as well, I KNOW IT'S SLOWER PASSED THAN THE OTHER MOVIES YOU'RE USE TO WATCHING.
>epic scale now makes other films feel like normie shit
Watch more films. Even in the simplest of scenes, you'd be surprised as to how much detail and thought goes into every frame. Kubrick's visuals are more provocative than most, yes, but it's wrong to dismiss other films on that basis.
If you really want to feel superior marathon Barry Lyndon
I don't know about that diorama but here:
I recommend giving this a watch as it's the only film I've seen that comes close to Kubrick.
Why is there a giant Iphone in this movie?
baby first pretentious film
Actually his pinnacle was Barry Lyndon
Go shit yourself
People hate it too needlessly. It wasn't as 'grand' as 2001, but it was certainly more emotional and had just as impressive a soundtrack. Beautiful sibling films
>This is what Sup Forums has come to.
Just kill me lads.
Don't ever compare 2001 to fucking Interstellar, in any way, ever again.
2001 is overrated as FUCK
Barry Lyndon, Full metal jacket and Eyes wide shut are all miles better
One of the best films ever made. Haters can go fuck themselves
I'm not even that guy but they are very comparable...
Interstellar is just far more digestible.
this predicted the tablet computer and accurately portrayed space physics before we had even put a man on the moon anyone who doesn't give 2001 it's props can fuck right off
pretty sure it was a shitpost, no one could really believe that
there literally almost the same movie
You two may want to look into assisted suicide. I am available.
>I've only see a handful of films: the post
>i read online somewhere that 2001 is the best film ever and so it is
underage b&
"Interstellar is the same as 2001"
Yep, it's a Sup Forums thread
>Epic Scale
>Literally 20 minutes where nothing happens bu a ship moving towards a spacestation
can you not see the similarities? the homage nolan pays to kubrick in it? i think your just an edgy teenager trying his hand at contrarianism
No shit, nolan more or less made it as an obvious tribute film to 2001.
But Sup Forums being the echo-chamber of underaged GoT and godzilla fans it is are too insecure and retarded to even realize this.
Kubrick wouldn't have pandered to idiots with that "Love is a force" horseshit which effectively ruined the movie.
It's a pretentious pile of shit with some good visuals for the time.
Not giving that nigger a you forgot talking shit about lyndon
>epic scale
What did he mean by this?
No seriously, what the fuck does that even mean?
>kissless virgin detected
they both have the same "horseshit" last act, mate
This. it's pretty underrated.
> the number of vehicles defines epicness
Go to sleep kiddo
It covers a lot of ground
Yea like on the moon they have earth gravity? Real accurate.
>been wanting to build a proper shelf display for my Kubrick DVDs / Blu Rays
>was only missing some neat collectible to go along with them
Ty user, I'm totally getting that orange suit. Perhaps Alex too, although that might be a little bit of an overkill.
It symbolizes the catalyst that triggered the evolutionary leap differencing humans from all other life on Earth. Little-known fact: the iPhone was actually based off of it. Jobs thought his product would be so revolutionary it would be on-par with the invention of fire, or the wheel.
but it is pretentious user. 10 minutes of colour inverts over landscape is not art.
My first experience watching this was as a teen slightly high on VHS
nothing since has been close to it
It's a big film
A music video for the world's greatest organ player's greatest album
Underrated post.
Barry Lyndon is near perfect and 2001 is perfect and so is the shining.
But his pinnacle was Eyes Wide Shut and only plebs deny it.
>slower paced than 2001
Bitch are you stupid?
>you now realize that after touching the black ipad he has specifically and undeniably become a neet hiki for life all the way back in 1968
It's pretty good, although some scenes go on for way too long.
ACO and EWS are Kubrick's best.
>tfw love 2001
I feel like such a pleb. I adore it so much and unironically consider it Kubrick's best work.
Kubrick's Top 3 kino are 2001, Barry Lyndon and Dr. Strangelove.
Everything else runs the gamut of very good to outstanding.
Although I am loathe to admit it, Jobs was right. Smartphones are intrinsically part of human culture now for much of the world.
Look, I like interstellar, but it's a far cry from Kubrickian in its execution. Just because people see the plot as similar (which I disagree with), the direction was very different, from everything like lighting to pacing
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. 2001 is the most entry level of pleb filters. If you thing IT is too inaccessible, good luck ever getting into film. I agree it's his best, though an argument could be made for BL or EWS.
You should
Kubrick and 2001 are disgusting entry level trash
Yep you pretty much watched the greatest sci fi of all time
Matrix comes close and Day the earth stood still is a bit behind that but your pretty much done with GOAT scifi after tgat
Bait. No normal person can believe that entry level=bad.
Liking 2OO1 doesn't make you a pleb. Saying it's your all time favorite perhaps means you haven't seen many films, but that doesn't take away from the movie