> 1hr long
see fucking what you wanker
Did something interesting happen?
oh god
is hillary going to win by girl power alone?
I only watched a few seconds starting min 30 and there is a hot chick talking about how her revenge porn videos are online and she can't do anything about it.
Can you guys find them?
me behind that qt on the right
Please tell me the MC is a pornstar
>click play
>click off
seriously how can anyone stand this fucking tryhard? hilary will probably win and we're gonna have 4 long years of MUH WOMEN
that's peyton list. i surprised no one has mentioned that
Dat host's feet tho.
that girl who is asking the question about revenge porn claims she was raped in a video that was leaked online. i saw the video and in it she doesn't look like she is being raped. she's giggling and rubbing her pussy while the guy fucks her. she claims she was drunk when the guy fucked her and that makes it rape. supposedly the guy was drunk too, so did she rape him?
OP, post yfw no one even recognizes that C-list disney actress you made a whole thread about
haha silly white man, you misunderstand how modern america works.
i am surprised because i learned about peyton from Sup Forums
>hilary will probably win
Doubtful. Every single person who is a Hilary supporter is outspoken because there are so social repercussions against being leftist because all the language and morality policing in American society is currently coming from the left.
But there are social repercussions to being pro Trump. People can whip out their brushes and paint you with whatever scarlet letter they want these days. The risk of easy character assassination is too worrying to people these days and it's making a lot of them reticent and guarded. There is a huge majority of people who are probably choosing to vote for him and keep quiet about it.
Disclaimer: I'm a foreigner. This is just what I've noticed. The silent majority will give him the final push imo.
polls are pretty accurate though. 8 out of 10 times they were right when it was bernie vs hillary
if trump gets elected we are fucked, he is a literal idiot, he makes statements and then instantly contradicts those statements in the same sentence.
if he gets elected there is going to be a lot of "I tried to do what i said but now I'm just going to use my power to further my own situation" bullshit and he is going to get us into wars because he can't keep his fucking mouth shut and not offend literally everyone around him.
at least hilary is a career politician, but the fact of the matter is, ultimately, no matter who wins we fucking lose, horribly.
why can't obongo get a 3rd term
Again, I'm a foreigner on the outside looking in, so I don't know anecdotal experience or what the feel is like in the country first hand, but I think the silent majority is still very largely in play for him.
I honestly think it's his to lose. Only a damning faux pas on behalf could lose it for him now.
>if trump gets elected we are fucked
You're fucked regardless. After you afforded legal self-hood to your corporations a few years back it was officially game over for the Great American Experiment.
You got a sauce for that revenge porn bud?
>hurrr trump will get us into wars
>why can't Obama, who destabilized Syria, overthrew Qaddafi, provoked Russia, "appeased" Iran and failed to rein in Saudi-Arabia get a third term??
>>hurrr trump will get us into wars
If the resources are worth it he absolutely will get you into wars or keep you in the current conflicts that you are already in. You have deliberately structured yourself to be a war-driven nation, genius.
I'm with her.
>having a song play when you enter
damnit america
>it's a "/poltv/ overestimates both Trump's popularity and feminism's unpopularity" episode