You know what time of the week it is, Sup Forums. Time to get those WEBM converters cracking, create some compilations of the SJW cringe.
You know what time of the week it is, Sup Forums. Time to get those WEBM converters cracking...
So we're going to give a shit about what other people from different ideological stand points have to say/ react to.
What are you, a pleb?
You're no different from anyone there if you even watch that normie pleb-tier show.
Dude sjw r dum lmao
>You're in burlington bar
>memebangs slaps your chubbyfu's ass and flips you off
what do you do?
What did he mean by this?
Guys! We have to make fun of right wingers/ left wingers and laugh at how emotional they are!
>If I keep pushing this completely alien agenda, maybe some 1/10 STD riddled land whale with glasses will let me put my dick in her festering, unwashed hole
Sup Forums blown the absolute fuck out
that Sup Forums anons have been revealing their powerlevel in the youtube comments
Women stylizing themselves this way - is it an example of aposematism?
>people flipping off and clapping for a televission
are americans actually this dumb?
>if I keep pushing this agenda maybe some perfect Aryan goddess will look past my hideous moontanned cratered skin and allow me impregenate her with my seed, preserving the White race
>le SJW boogeyman
Fanatics always blame a boogeyman.
Sup Forums, tumblr, Reddit... Just fucking pathetic.
I used to think Americlaps was just a meme when it started, I had never heard anyone clap at a screen in my whole life. But in the past 2 years or so for whatever reason, the meme became a reality. Every time I go to the theatre now people clap when the movie is over. I don't fucking get it.
Sup Forums is pure cancer, we need /film/ to filter this kind of trash
Liberals/SJWs and reactionary Sup Forumsfags are two sides of the same shitty coin.
All of them need to die.
Pretty much, yeah.
Best not to feed them though.
Sup Forums is a reaction to hard leftism, it is a necessary movement to stop leftist authoritarianism and nuts PC culture. Once that dies out, Sup Forums will die out. Until then it will keep growing bigger as they piss more neutral people off and push them rightward.
>You know, Ray, I said you could ask me anything... But there's some things you just don't ask a man.
PC liberals are not "hard leftists." Hard leftists, such as Marxists, hate liberals. Except they hate them for reasons beyond "muh feels" or "muh degeneracy."
Or push them to the centre.
There are some lies, myths, tin foil hat conspiracies and falsehoods that make them comparable to SJWs.
At least there are libertarians on that side who don't subscribe to the alt right wing bullshit.
P.S. feel free to visit /leftypol/, we always welcome newfriends.
>Sup Forums is a reaction to hard leftism, it is a necessary movement to stop leftist authoritarianism and nuts PC culture.
Well said. Keep fighting the good fight brother
Bullshit, it's a chicken and egg situation, pull your dick out of your rolled up copy of Mien Kampf and admit you're an oversensitive faggot and move on.
Makes me wonder what we call liberals like Sargon of Akkad and Dave Rubin. They're liberals, but hate the regressive left.
Classic Libs perhaps? They seem to be making a rise.
Now come on user, that's a little unfair.
There is a distinction between a Sup Forumsack and a Sup Forumsfag.
>if i post a fedora, i'm wrong and he's right
nice post number
I mostly just go on /his/ for that stuff.
Is there a lefty Sup Forums on Sup Forums?
Why didnt they show a reaction to Cersei's jihad nuke? That was the best part of the entire show.
newfuck detected
What's that
T. Triggered stormfag
It's on 8ch.
lol fuck off, hitler did nothing wrong
if you dont think jews are a problem then you arnt paying attention
How can you subject yourself to watch this shit? You're not only watching a shit, lowest common denominator pandering soap opera for halfwits, you're watching left winged, SJW progressive hipster/feminist millennial normies react to a shit, lowest common denominator pandering soap opera in a gigantic safe-space hugbox. If you had any self awareness to your self flagellation you'd best do yourself the favour of killing yourself
Holy shit why doesn't Isis attack this place
Wow you copied and repurposed a Sup Forums image, great job fighting Sup Forums my dood.
You can ignore the fedora if you want and just take the "Well said. Keep fighting the good fight brother" as a sarcastic mockery of your "trying to fight back" mentality. The fedora was just a way of helping you understand that i was making fun of you senpai
>if i post a meme picture, i'm right and they're wrong
well memed
>mfw this simple, factual post triggered all the redditor roaches into a frenzy
>arnt paying attention
Well your shitty grammar and conspiracy theories have caught mine
Of course there is a CIA version of this fucking picture
he was so cute back then
One is a blatant bigot with a limited sense of humour and holds on to outdated sources of information and believes in conspiracies.
The other just takes the piss and is open to new ideas, but it traditionally more right wing leaning.
The fuck are you talking about lad? I'm not too sure any one with a sane mind wants to associate themselves with holocaust deniers and bigots nowadays.
Is all you do take Sup Forums pictures/memes and edit them for your own twist? Pretty lame shit.
Am I upsetting you?
don't be mad
check out pt1 and watch those brain dead retards cheering to marge's death.
Did you wash in with the GoT tide? You FoB redditors are so easy to fuck with.
Totally dood your "I know you are but what am I" 5 year old responses are extremely upsetting, I'm shitting my pants with rage.
what the fuck is wrong with these people? they also seem to take up a lot of america these days
it just is so clearly artificial and put on, it's literally attention seeking, who can be the loudest, trying so hard to be part of this charade all the while trying to convince themselves and everyone else around them that they are happy.
just stop.
take it easy
>if I post a fedora I win the argument
if you know how to read
I would kick that fat bitch in the dick,
at least 70% of these peoples are overweight
>Jon Snow
>King inna Norf
not an argument
Do all Americans look like that? Tumblr, nu-male shit, performed masculinity by soft men, edgy tumblr by fat women.
fuck off shill
Hahaha, why are Game of Thrones fans so fucking autistic
Sort your lives out
many do, all is lost
someone post the Sup Forums version
shilling what?
its already posted
the difference is Sup Forumsacks actually admit being Sup Forums, SJWs call everyone Sup Forums but claim to be "moderates"
>clapping and cheering at scenes during a tv show
They only do this because they know they are being recorded right? No1 is this autistic in real life.
>Disagreeing with Sup Forums? You must be SJWkikeniggerfaggotnumalecuck!
>people actually go to a bar to watch a show
How fucking pleb do you have to be?
I think they do it to be a part of something bigger and to act cool to their friends
There's skmething I call "bar fandom" where people who watch sports at bars are over the op and hyperbolic about their cheering so that they can gain attention and look cool. This is why I hate watching sports at bars
People clap while watching football etc. all over the world tho. Dunno seems retarded to me as well.
isn't this technically illegal?
These are the type of people that make fun or complain of people watching sports and yet they act the same for a fucking tv show.
Why are SJWs hypocrites?
I meant watching football on TV, not IRL
>""""people"""" unironically defend that shit ITT
wew lads
You should see India. They're the worst.