Name one piece of irrefutable evidence that the holocaust actually happened Sup Forums

Name one piece of irrefutable evidence that the holocaust actually happened Sup Forums

>Protip: you fucking cant

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dead jews

Everyone dies. Naturally caused deaths prove nothing dumbass

Didn't Hitler want to kill da Jews? Or was that a conspiracy too?

the government told me so.

You're letting that liberal media get to you. There are no recorded statements of Hitler saying anything about wanting to kill Jews

i mean i dont know about you, but have you ever visited a camp? quite harrowing.

Nah ive never been to summer camp. My parents told me it wasnt good to be around so many other children

Name one piece of irrefutable evidence that the Hitler didn't have a black boyfried Sup Forums

>Protip: you fucking cant

You can't prove anything in this world outside of nature, any events, battles, stories, everything could've and probably was fabticated to a certain degree. We're all living a lie, stop trying to pretend as if you're better than the rest and are able to see through it.


this is actually true

>All those Sup Forumscucks crying "the Jews did this Hitler was wright all along"
>Lol Hitler never wanted to kill Jews ;^)

Important to respect one another's opinions

yeah, if ur a Hitler fan, wouldn't you want to find a conspiracy theory as to why the master race couldn't kill the measly Jews in a half-dozen years?

Wasn't Hitler aware of "the final solution" and his underlings like Goering and Himler orchestrated it?

>The master race

If once in your fucking worthless life you just move your fat stupid ass and check evidence you would know that this fucking happened. I've been in Auschwitz once and can tell for sure. This happened. It's sad as fuck but it's true. Go ahead you pice of shit Google it. I don't believe you could move your worthless ass and go to Auschwitz check truth.

No joke, it freaked me out when I learned how there is no real evidence... especially since it's illegal to deny it in some countries.

Shifty as fuck.


What did you see in Auschwitz that proved it was a mass extermination camp? What was there that made you say, "yup there could be no other explanation for this based on what I'm seeing" ?

fucking retard


My grandfather was there. He was a Ukrainian, and assisted with transport of slaves and jews to the camps. He spent his entire life after WWII hiding. I only mentioned this because he died about 2 years ago, so IDGAF now.

>thinking personal historical accounts mean anything

Nobody is denying that the camps exist. They're denying that they were used for mass extermination.

doergs mmo lol

Then I guess the Jew never did anything wrong, huh faggot? Since the master race never wanted to kill them.

Fuck that shit, Breitfag - we all know, and you can't do jack shit about it.

>this whole thread

>Being this much of a colossal fucking faggot

I mean the illuminati had a really big part in hitlers framing and the whole creation of the holocaust myth

Do people think prisoners of war get put in 5 star hotels?

They were prisoners and prisoners had to be kept somewhere, no different than the US having Jap camps. Some most definitely died in those camps. When the Nazi's started losing, they could barely feed their own people. Whose going to stop feeding their own people at the expense of prisoners, specially prisoners who were responsible for the whole war in the first place.

Did camps to hold prisoners of war exist, yes, they existed everywhere, including Japan and the US. Did a lot of people die in those types of places? Absolutely. Were six million Jews purposely exterminated? FUCK NO!

the b8

Anyone care to refute?

Yeah you can get the pdf of mein kampf from Google (it'll be a white nation website)

In the first two chapters he calls for extermination of the Jews

Op is among the most retarded of stormfags, a retard among retards


>hitler framed
>holocaust myth

Not even /x/ believes you.

>"there" instead of "their" in first sentence
fuck off with this shit, not reputable or truthful in the slightest.

Oh I can OP but before I do you need too provide irrefutable evidence you are not trolling.

That bait was a little too out there wasnt it


I'm a graduate student working on my master's with a focus in European history. Done some assistance on research in the field, but not all that interesting

During WW2 they did experiments on body's tolerance to hypothermia. The subjects were all jewish


Name one piece of irrefutable evidence that your mother didn't give birth to you via the arse.

>Protip: you fucking can't, turd-baby.


Of course they can't, anything that hinders their mindset forces them to return back to their echo chamber and so they can stroke each others penis'

Yeah, but OP seems to think they were just 'testing' gas, too.
This is why libraries need better funding.

oh lol that? The German government used imprisoned criminals to do tests regarding cold environments to prepare for moving through Russia during the winter

>imprisoned criminals
>The test subjects were all Jews

>irrefutable evidence

this is Sup Forums. you'll refute anything by sticking your fingers in your ears. so there is no irrefutable evidence for you.

There's plenty of irrefutable evidence for non-idiots, though. Easy to find.

The mass graves, the detainment records kept by the Nazis, the confessions of Nazi party members during the Nuremberg trials, the hundreds of thousands of human teeth found in the camps, the camps themselves, and finally, thousands of coroberative testimonies from victims.

in the bottom left; the grass and trees appear the be there unaltered in the "fake"?

>mass graves
>detainment records
Detainment does not a holocaust make
The Nuremberg trials were a kangaroo court. They were tortured, and one of the provisions of the case was that the holocaust happened and you couldn't dent it.
My favorites are the ones about the blood shooting up from the ground, and the oven rollercoaster. The masturbation machine used to kill children was pretty okay too though. Or how they were electrocuted in water pits until they turned to ash - also pretty decent.

molotov-ribbentrop agreement and the months before it

nvm the trees on the horizon are different, just look like blobs painted in, but the grass w/o a silhouette still confuses me

subjective isn't objective, stupid holocucks


So much jews in this thread, Jesus Christ.

They never found that 6m dead bodies not even close. And germans just can'not burn so much bodies as it requires very large amount of fuel, there was a deficit. There was documented about 200k-300k dead jews, not more.

People believe in holocost mostly because of fear of "holocost denial" shit.

Himmler was the man in charge of it all. The Gestapo and the SS (camp guard, not the waffen SS) were in charge of the camps and Himmler constantly pushed Hitler for more expansion.

Well, speaking as a non-nazi, I looked into this question a little, and ended up an agnostic on the matter.
Reasons being: The story told to me in school is obviously false. No lampshades, jew-fat-soaps or jew-hair-pillows existed.

The number 6 million was circulated before the war even began.

Just about everything attributed to mass executions fits better attributed to a typhus epidemic.

The official number for Auschwitz-Birkenau has been shifted downwards many times, but the total hasn't changed. It's as if the figure six million is magical somehow, and mustn't be questioned.


I could also add to that the vaaaaast documentation on socialists calling hitler stupid because he distorted marxism (kill people because of class) to aryanism (kill people because of race) when he wrote mein kampf

Georger Bernard Shaw and Édouard Daladier's writings about him at the early stages of the war....
Declassified documents of the NKVD teaching the SS how to mass kill

I could go on and on my nigga.

Good job not addressing a single fucking point in that wall of text image.

You can argue the numbers, it's very unlikely that 6 million actually died. But there is evidence to support that the jews were targets for genocide.

I didn't know that typhus caused exactly 1 or 2 ulcers on the chest or head that look like entrance wounds and also sometimes caused metal kidney stones outside the kidneys and caused death by acute massive hemorrhage or organ failure. also didn't have almost any symptoms of typhus.

I'm actually half german half Polish and I don't believe in anything other than reason.. you are the one who is acting like an animal worshiping a man and his ideals. Hitler was an asshole and a weak cuck, if he wasn't he would have won the war

Nice job not proving the holocaust isn't fucking real

In the end one thing is true.. Hitler was a socialist faggot and got what every socialist revolutionary has always got



Good one, turd burglar.
>also didn't have almost any symptoms of typhus.
who didn't have what now? It's pretty well known that typhus ravaged the fucking camps. Hence the hair shavings.

Ok. Only one single question.

Why holocaust is bad?

talk to me once you can disprove all the facts that I've laid out here.

protip - you can't

History cannot be changed in favor of your edgy nazi 4 chan meme

Actual notes dropped from trains passing my grandmother's house.
Most did not know where they went. Some knew it was bad news.

It gave the Jews massive influence on world affairs.

It's not bad per se, because that depends on your level of inteligence and nigger for example dont think that making their kids starve to buy a fucking shoe is bad.

But, it is immoral to kill an individual for the same fucking reason ou would find immoral if that individual killed you.

Pro tip - Don't kill anyone until violence is used against you

they have influence because the jews control the world finances and are in fact the smartest race on earth.. the victim card is just a feather on their cap.

Niggers have the victim card and still play no role in global geopolitics