ITT: Things plebs say
>literally nothing happens
ITT: Things plebs say
>literally nothing happens
>was it good Sup Forums?
>Fucking pleb, watch more kino! Citizen Kane, Vertigo, Tokyo Story, Sunrise, The Rules of the Game, 2001, the list goes on...
>the editing and cinematography were amazing!!
generally they say "pleb" a lot and make a big show of referring to themselves as "patrician"
>Psycho had me on the edge of my seat! Hitchcock truly is the master of suspense and Horror. It says so in imdb! Will I ever sleep again after that thrilling experience?? Hahah
i watch superhero movies
Anything relating to the BTS work that went into creating the movie.
>"I exlusivly watch kino"
>he did his own stunts!
You're dumb as fuck. I bet your entire understanding of film as a medium and its context derives from films produced after the year 2000. Anyone who doesn't understand the relevancy of one of the great influential filmmakers of the time is not only a pleb they're really fucking stupid as well.
>Walter White was just the ultimate badass, Skyler was a cunt
>it gets good later on
> Tarantino
> Pacific rim
> Breaking bad
> James Cameron's avatar
> mocking Jay
> Spiderman (any)
> Breaking bad
> Game of thrones
> Fight Club
> batman
So pretty much any recent popular movie is considered pleb
So what if any movies does Sup Forums actually likes then? Is German Expressionist cinema Kino or is that seen as poser shit?
I'll take Contrarianism for $800, Alex.
ITT: Things plebs say :
>ITT: Things plebs say
>Walter White was just the ultimate badass
literally nobody has ever said those words in that order
maybe in your autistic fantasies though
He is literally right though.
Well, except for tarantino who has one or two good movies.
German cinema is quite literally kino
>someone is questioning my film studies on community college!! woaah!!!
>Thinking Kino means It's Kino
Dam son, lurk more.
>I dont like the tv show Vikings.
been seeing these lowly peasants scurrying about lately.
I think you're the one that needs to lurk more newfriend
When you're right, you're right.
Skyler was a cunt for the better part of the show desoo. I started sympathizing with here by the end when WW went full ebil, though.