I got sentenced to prison. Movies to help me cope with this?
I got sentenced to prison. Movies to help me cope with this?
Other urls found in this thread:
what fer?
Escape from Alcatraz
The Shawshank Redemption
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
What did you do?
Theft and bodily injury
is prison rape actually a thing? I'm fucking scared, man
American history X
American Me
Animal Factory
>implying anyone on Sup Forums is going to know an actual, first-hand fact about prison
Maybe? As far as I know, just keep to yourself, only fight someone if they instigate it (which supposedly never happens), and don't accept anything from anyone for free, lest you become indebted to them
Yes. And all lines are racial. Find the people that are your color and stay near them
I don't think it's a thing. Walk to the biggest guy you see and say you shitpost on Sup Forums. He'll know I sent ya.
it's kinda shit, but 25th Hour will hit close to home for you. Not make you cope at all.
>I got sentenced to prison.
Grammar Nazis have that much power now?
fuck you, get assraped you human waste
Depends mate... Are you tall, well-built and menacing looking ? if yes you'll do alright as long as you don't piss anyone.
Also, you deserve going to prison fucboi
Not really. Don't accept anything from anyone and be wary of people trying to befriend you. Don't join a gang. Keep to yourself, lift, meditate. You'll be fine bud
Smoky and the Bandit
Con Air
The Rock
Scum (UK, 1979)
kek this
I feel like OP is lying
What did you steal and who did you injure and how?
Only way to avoid being buttfucked is to make some friends and to avoid going anywhere like the showers or the laundry room without them.
I've never been to prison but 7 guys I went to school with have.
Watch Oz and learn from the prag characters and others who were just raped in general , thats my advice man take care.
Here's what you can expect in prison faggot
Prison rape. I can guarantee you that those two words are the first thing that popped into your head when you heard you were on the way to the slammer. There is no way to sugarcoat this issue. You may be raped when you go to prison. I am not trying to scare you. It is a serious, real issue. Here are some facts:
It is estimated that there are over 300,000 instances of prison rape a year.
196,000 are estimated to happen to men in prison
123,000 are estimated to happen to men in county jail.
40,000 are estimated to be committed against boys in either adult prisons or while in juvenile facilities or lock ups.
5000 women are estimated to be raped in prison.
Remember that these are all estimates. Most rapes are not reported.
Sexual attacks in prison are considered rape when penetration occurs. It is estimated that inmates are approached with unwanted sexual advances over 80,000 times per day in the United States alone.
Keep in mind that many experts consider county and local jails to be more likely places for rapes than prisons. There is a reason for this. You are more likely to be raped while in prison if:
You are young.
You come from a middle-class background.
You are white.
You are not street smart or have no gang affiliations.
Physically you are of small stature.
By the time repeat or career criminals get to prison they have normally made the circuit through foster homes, juvenile lockups and reform schools where rape is very common. So by the time they actually make it to the big time they are well schooled in this fact of prison life and quite often they are the attackers not the attackees.
just learn to love it and become a fuccboi
Theft and Bodily Injury ? hehehe
>Sup Forums goes to prison
>Scared shitless
>Tyrone Ten Ton smells the fear and hits Sup Forums up
>'' You a big boy aight? eheh shiiieetttttt''
>'' f-f-f-for you eheh... ''
>Sup Forums gets introduced to the ol' Alabama Black Mamba
>'' gonna take care of yo bitch ass real good crackah ''
>'' t-t-thanks y-yyou too...''
OP here, thanx for all your support. Guess not a lot of recommended movies, but support nonetheless. I was trying to rob this dude's apartment, but he was home when he wasn't supposed to. I found him in his bed sleeping.. he woke up and tried to kill me. Had to defend myself, beat him to a pulp (im not very big, but the guy I was trying to rob is an extremely lanky, shortass dude) and ran away. Got picked up by the cops a short time before that. Man, I wish I didn't do it, I really dont wanna go to fucking prison.
DON'T WORRY OP when you get raped you'll find it's actually a humorous situation like on The Boondocks.
How much money did you actually think you were going to profit from this robbery?
Are you really just deadset on not getting a shitty job?
Watch the movie Scum.
It's essential that you assert yourself as the 'daddy' of your block. Once the former daddy is bleeding half to death at your feet you'll have your pick of the boipucci.
That or try watching Riki-Oh. Then you can falcon-punch your way through the prison hierarchy in the name of justice.
Sux user. How long do you got there? Just watch the movies you love right now.
Just off yourself... I don't want to live on the same planet as scum like you
This guide is for the person who has never done any kind of time. Do not think that rape will only happen in prison. If you have to go to county jail prior to your trial and while awaiting transfer to prison, a sexual attack is very likely to occur there. This can all depend on the area you live in. If you are in a rural area with a small jail, of course the chances will drop. But if you are in a metro area, Los Angeles County, New York’s Rikers Island, Miami’s Dade, and Chicago’s Cook being among the worst, your chances of being raped are going to skyrocket.
Especially, and this is not a racist statement, if you are white. Consider that of the total number of estimated prison rapes:
13% involved white inmates raping white inmates
29% involved black inmates raping black inmates.
56% involved black inmates raping white inmates.
This comes to a grand total of 85% of prison rapes being committed by blacks, with 69% of the victims being white. The rapes of white inmates are normally done by gangs of blacks and somewhat in the open so that other inmates, but not staff, can witness the attacks. The blacks involved are generally in the joint for crimes such as armed robbery or severe assault cases.
One of the reasons for this situation is that whites lack solidarity while in prison and unlike the population on the outside, are the minority on the inside.
Scenario #1. A white middle-class man, let’s say a poster on Sup Forums is picked up for theft and bodily injury, and is locked into a communal cell with four black inmates, all whom have done substantial amounts of time in prison. The white man is of small stature and has no street smarts. The chances of him being raped:. Damn near 100%.
This feels made up. To add legitimacy to your claims tell OP the fable of Donny the Punk.'
None. Escape now while you can. American Prisons are death sentences for good people. Even if you survive you'll have a huge gaping asshole and you'll become a hardened criminal not fit for society, only able to get the lowest menial jobs.
The dude is pretty loaded, but doesnt keep a big, well secured apartment. That's why it was so tempting for me to rob him
Fuck tyrone up as long as you set foot in your cell and you'll be alright.Then tell tyrone that you want to speak to "whoever's in charge",meet with him and tell him that you want to buy drugs.
Niggers will give you respect and leave you alone for some reason.
>One of the reasons for this situation is that whites lack solidarity while in prison and unlike the population on the outside, are the minority on the inside.
If you end up in a rape joint, join the brotherhood.
how did he try to kill you? Why did you wreck his shit?
I would be scared as shit if some fucking low life was in my apartment trying to rob me.
You deserved to get raped for doing this to someone. Youre lucky he didnt kill you, honestly should have to be quite frank.
this is a bad idea
You can use the threat to check in as a bargaining chip in trying to reach a compromise with other prisoners while in population, since if someone wants to use you sexually he wants to keep you out there where he is. Some examples of situations where this is useful is in getting someone to settle for head instead of taking your ass, declining to be involved in prostitution, turning down a persistent suitor who wants to make you "his kid," getting your Man (if you are "hooked up") to treat you better, or telling a gang to leave you alone. Threats are useless, however, unless you are willing to back them up by actually checking in, even for short time like a week, if your threat is disregarded. In such cases, checking in is like going on strike, and if you are not a good fighter it may be the best tool you have to bargain with. You can always think of it as a chance to catch up on your sleep, write letters, and finally get through some enormous book.
If you want to check in and staff is making it difficult, insist on your right to protection and tell them you want written documentation of their refusal to give it to you, so you can sue them for damages if you are hurt or raped. You do not have to tell them who the problem is; the statement that you are in serious danger in population is sufficient. If all else fails, refuse to re-enter your housing even if ordered to do so.
He tried getting a knife (I think) or something.. he just basically attacked me like a fucking bull. Had to defend myself..
Yeh yeh I know, I'm a fucking lowlife scum, dont u think I regret my decision to try to rob him by now?
It's Prison, Then by Vern Sheevinger
>Had to defend myself..
You had no right to defend yourself.
>text not justified
into the trash.jpg
Do you work out often? How were you able to beat him up so badly? Did you use a weapon yourself?
whatever happens op you can at least take consolation from not being sent to a Swedish prison
For some reason, the thought of a guy about to get sent to prison to get assfucked on the regular basis having Dexter gifs saved on his computer is funny as hell to me
he might be fucking other guys in the ass though user. getting hard over the prospect of sticking your erect cock in another guy's ass and then doing it isn't gay, did you know that?
How long is your sentence?
If you've got more than a few years, I'd recommend Rectify
Hell, I'd recommend it to anyone regardless of if they went to prison, it's fucking incredible.
It's about a guy who's released from death row after new evidence is discovered, having spent his entire life there
Very slow, easily the best thing on tv
I'm not reading all that. Tell me if there are any points that disagree with your previous claims.
Find the biggest and meanest motherfucker, assault him and take a bite out of his chin/throat or whatever while screaming like a madman
friendly reminder that if you try the old movie cliche "try to fight the biggest motherfucker on the block" will get you not only raped, but also possibly disfigured/mutilated as well.
t. ex-prisoner
Talk to Anne Erin. He's very familiar with prison rape.
Not if you win.
t. current biggest cracka in da block
Get Hard.
this tbqh no one will mess with Crazy Madman Mc Bob
grow a fucking beard at least, you want to look as un fuckable as possible
in another attempt for attention he finally admitted he made the whole thing up for attention
a cousin of mine was in the pen for murder, he said it's nothing like you see in the movies
Prison violence is generally a meme. You won't be (forcibly) raped, they will try to coerce you into it, and then you'll find yourself in a situation without a way out.
>obviously has never been to prison
Hi OP, I'm sorry to hear about your predicament.
Just out of interest, what race are you?
I only ask because a lot of thing in prison culture is based on race.
An actual tip: Go fight someone. Even if you lose you will show that you aren't afraid to fight
Don't accept anything from anyone, if someone offers you a candy bar and you're hungry you eat the skin off of your fingers instead man because whats going to happen is the guy that gave you that is going to come back tomorrow and he's gunna want that back and "interest" which can be any number of awful things.
coerced rape in jail seems kind of like regular rape to me to be honest with you man it's not any less despicable
As a new punk you won't know diddly-squat about your sexual duties, so here are a few practical tips: to avoid AIDS, learn to suck dick. In fact, learn it so well you can do deep throat and he'll forget all about your ass. The trick is relaxation, not easy at first, to be sure, when you feel the whole thing is absolutely disgusting, but for your own good, you need to learn to relax using any technique that works for you. In order to avoid gagging, wait til your stomach is empty (1½ hrs after meals), so there's nothing to barf. If you do throw up, do it on the floor and not him! Train yourself gradually. Meditate, say mantras, anything that gets you to relax. Stop thinking of the dick as an invading foreign object; if you can get over that perception, you'll be OK. Try to take deep breaths whenever you can and breathe through your nose. Practice holding your breath like a swimmer. If he fucks your skull so hard you think you're about to pass out from asphyxiation, you should grab his legs and signal your distress. Most likely he'll be about to come and won't let up, but it'll be over real soon.
The first few times you get fucked in the ass, it hurts bigtime. If you have to get fucked in the ass, again try to relax as much as possible and get him to slow down. It will hurt less, and if it keeps happening you will get used to it and it won't hurt at all. Be sure to use some kind of greasy stuff (vaseline, hair cream, etc.) as a lubricant, and a condom if at all possible. If you are hooked up, your jocker will usually try to minimize any pain that might be involved. After all, he wants to keep your resentment and complaints to a minimum.
A dick up your ass may well physically stimulate your prostate gland, and you may experience that as pleasurable. You may even get a hard-on while being fucked, just as a physical reaction. And some punks will find the sexual experience arousing. Many guys have some homosexual feelings even though they are basically straight.
>Don't accept anything from anyone, if someone offers you a candy bar and you're hungry you eat the skin off of your fingers instead man
Thanks Patrice.
when I was in county jail, I started a gang called the grape slushies
It's better advice than anything else in this thread
Has OP even said if he's going to minimum security or max?
Big difference
>Sup Forums
>Television & Film
Man, you show no real remorse at all for beating the shit out of a guy you were trying to rob. There goes dem mitigating factors.
No sympathy for criminal scum like you. Hope you get fat cocks jammed in your asshole daily. If you invaded my house I'd rape you myself.
really this
once you have been sentenced you are a criminal and don't get access to a computer or internet
OP is full of shit
What is Mexico youtube.com
didn't stop Mad Thad.
Read Papillon, plan escape. Think it's also a movie, book is GOAT though.
You won't get raped as long as you don't let people pick on you, let them do "favors" for you, accept gifts from them, or act like a bitch.
You'll get fucked up if you try the "knock the toughest motherfucker out" meme, just leave people alone if they aren't bothering you, but fighting back is a good idea if someone keeps picking on you or corners you. The guys that get raped are plain old bully magnets who let people walk all over them. Even if you fight back and get your ass kicked, bad guys will see you as too much trouble and will look for a weaker target.
Anybody here actually been in prison or knew someone in prison? I'd love to hear some juicy irl prison stories.
Yes,You get to choose between raped by a big nigger,rednecks,mexicans,skinheads and bikers.Enjoy (^_^)/
I don't understand why someone wouldn't steal someone's identity and live somewhere else. Why would you walk into a prison lmao
No gangs in this one because it's the south but I imagine the rest can help you out.
>25th hour
Capeshit loving pleb detected.
Because for a relatively minor offense, it's not worth the risk of getting caught (and OP WILL get caught) and spending a lot more time in prison.
I knew a guy who got a swastika burnt into his ass on the first night
Much better ways to get access to some guys place than breaking in. You should have offered him drugs, become his friend, get him to throw a party, make sure he gets drunk, passes out, then rob him blind when everyone is either gone or asleep.
Try to stay away from the other people. It's actually more dangerous to join a gang. The best way to survive is to be invisible as possible
Pic related.
Yeah because of driving drunk. Nothing really happen but maybe it was because I was in a prison of low security
Anything is better than getting raped everyday by tyrone lol
Was his name Tobias?
Thad was out on bail with restrictions that said he couldn't use a computer.
No sentencing was happening yet.
Leave the fucking country.You are better off taking refugee in Syria at this point.
Dunno, prison seems pretty fun
Y'know, minimum-security prison is no picnic. I have a client in there right now. He says the trick is: kick someone's ass the first day, or become someone's bitch. Then everything will be all right.
Was it the Aryans' welcoming gift or was it the niggers that thought he was a nazi?