How to get rid of hangover? Pls b I am dying

How to get rid of hangover? Pls b I am dying.

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Have a beer.

Drink lots of water, take some tylenol. Dont be a lil bitch

Don't take Tylenol. It will wreck your liver and it's even worse with alcohol.

yup, water, eat stuffs too. eventually nap. maybe stop drinking?

show us your dick

Yeah this can actually kill you!

sleeping xD

Ok cunt. Take any other kind of pain reliever. But mainly drink water because all a hang over is is dehydration. So drink water.

Water. Lots of it. Don't take meds. Get a greasy hamburger and a milk shake. Seriously. It works. Nibble the burger till you can manage to get it down. Then sip that milk shake. Takes about ten minutes and you will be magically better. Clam chowder is another way to help cure it. But water water water.

Water and trigumul supplement

Alcoholic here.

You get hangovers when you drink on an empty stomach.

Eat a fuckload of food, then start drinking. You'll feel fine.


That sounds like something a drunk person would say

Bullet to brain.

Not a cunt it's the number one cause of liver failure. Look it up and quit being an ass.

I said I was an alcoholic.

I'm drunk all the time.

I've 12 drinks deep tonight.

Yep. This is the first time I actually got drunk. Never drinking again. That was fucking bad.
I had eaten quite a lot of food before drinking.

Agreed always eat before hand. I never have a hangover. I drink far to much.

Drink lots of pickle juice, and try to eat something. If you can, drink a beer and take a nap.

eat bread

coconut milk and potasium tablets.
Preferably before going to sleep

How does beer help?

>Never drinking again.

M'yeah... I know this one.

Tbh I used to be really into the club scene, to the point that I was drunk most of the time because I was either coming down from the late morning of partying, or predrinking for the early evening start.

All I did about hangovers was get over them, you get so used to that feeling that it becomes the norm.
Remember to drink lots of liquid (non-alcoholic) all the time though.

I often got slaughtered and then recovered by just playing videogames/smoking all day while drinking those 2L bottles of apple juice one after another.

Nothing we can do for you now, drink water now
Next time eat before you drink

definitely water after every bout.

6 cups of icewater at night. have to pee twice before 10 am but pee pee potty is better than puking, crying, and writhing on the floor freezing for 6 hours (even though heated place).

water, mothetfucker, water.


pedialtye is great for rehydrating and they've actually started marketing it specifically for hangover, alternatively gatorade or whatever sport drink you prefer watered down 1:1 is good too, drink water
take a multivitamin if you have any handy, i like to take 1/2 a multivitamin 1/2 a b-vitamin and 1/2 a 5htp before i crash with a pedialyte or water and the other halves when i wake up once again with a healthy amount of fluid
get a good meal in your belly
take an ibuprofen or some aspirin, do not take acetaminophen

if you have some and your work affords you the luxury (no constant piss tests etc) smoke some weed.
it's a mild pain reliever that works especially well on headaches, calms nausea, increases appetite, and helps you sleep. really it's just straight up one of the things for hangover in that it helps relieve all the worst symptoms and encourages you to get your blood chemistry back to normal.

one strange thing i've noticed is that you get a tolerance for hangovers to some extent