Eh i didnt mind american sniper but yeah it was painfully average compared to his past movies.
Tom Hanks is goat though i cant not watch every movie he's in.
Eh i didnt mind american sniper but yeah it was painfully average compared to his past movies.
Tom Hanks is goat though i cant not watch every movie he's in.
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Fuck you. Except for a few missfires, Eastwood is one of the best Hollywood directors.
the old fart lost it. the CGI and fake baby shitfest that was american sniper proves it.
They will probably make up some fake drama about how he was delusional or on drugs or something.
I just don't understand how this made it into a real movie. Like, I know the baby was sick or whatever, but holy shit push the shooting day back until you find another baby.
Or at least wrap the plastic baby in a blanket or something Jesus Christ.
just another mad yuropoor because his entire continent has zero heroes
I feel this movie is already done in The Flight
This movie is being made because it's cheap as fuck, Tom Hanks is a GOAT, and people hate flying and have a fear of crashing, so having a real life story about a real life pilot who saved a bunch of people is something people want to see, it's instantly relateable in a way, say, Captain Philips or a war movie isn't.
Except Sully is a god damned irl hero
This is all you need to hear about Sully
>2 hour movie about a flight that took a total of 6 minutes
how will they stretch it out?
Or just shoot it again a few times until you find a take that doesn't look this fake. This is a director's job.
Flight 2:Lake Hudson Landing
>tfw nobody has made a Uncharted reference yet
they couldn't get baby insurance
I was sceptical at first but this trailer convinced me.
Yeah i wont be watching that
>drake the engines are out! I'm gonna try to take her down into the hudson!
>impact, cut to black
It's amazing how you miss this shit watching it in theaters. lmao.
>Director: Clint Eastwood
>Starring: Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart
Act like this isn't going to win a million Emmys.
He even looks like him
Oh shit did they all died?
>Phone ring
>everyone is kill