Can anyone recommend me some films where Obi Wan is based as hell?

Can anyone recommend me some films where Obi Wan is based as hell?

Other urls found in this thread:

Big Fish
Velvet Goldmine
Perfect Sense

What a cucking piece of cuck.

shut up faggot

Watch his documentary of him travelling in his motorcycle. Comfy as shit.

Reminder that next year I a country wants to leave the union they have to get permission from atleast 14 other member states.

Nothing undemocratic about the EU goy!

Isn't he Scottish?
Wasn't Farage in charge?

Literally just Trainspotting

Scotland is part of UK. Farage was not part of the main leave campaign.

Yeah but show me a scot who isn't

> Obi-Wan Kenobi
> anyone other than Alec guinness

Get out.

The Island.

The one where Rosario Dawson was mirin' his big uncut dick.

>farage was not part of the main leave campaign

He was Leave.EU and not Vote Leave which got the designation

Why so much hyperbole surrounding this?

Even if you were a remainer it won't affect 95% of all people at all in their day-to-day lives

>refuses to type "cunt" because afraid of pissy landwhales
>calls someone else spineless

Did he feel in charge?

Scotland got a lot of gibmedats from the EU which is why Scots are whining so much about leaving.


Why are Scots so eager to suck brown cock?


hahah are scots genetic cuckolds or what?

>over half of the British population want to leave the EU
>this is somehow a mess
Typical Scotscuck.

Have you ever thought to have actual facts/logic to back up an argument? I love memeing and shitposting as much as the next bloke but honestly this cuck stuff is being used to much it's lost it fun novelty

>EU migration
>brown cock
average intelligence of a Brexiter

That's a fake tweet

>some pretentious faggot who thought he was too good for some of the most beloved films of all time

I don't know why people are surprised when they find out an actor is a low test numale beta cuck manlet. Being effeminate and emotional is part of the job

they've been sucking english cock for so long that it's become second nature to them

>Afraid of naughty words
>someone else is spineless

I swear to god the scottish are such an embarrassment

ITT: brexitfags and Sup Forumsacks show how little they understand about the world.

Scotland voted stay specifically to remain in the EU. Now they're leaving. Is it that hard to understand?

merkel cocksucking fag.

I voted Leave because I hate all those EU immigrants from syria, iraq and general muslamic countries. Also, take back control.

>confirmed not living in the eu

Britain should be renamed browntain

It's a fake tweet, retard

Is there a single brit actor who supports brexit?
I'm fully aware for why they're doing it but there must be someone who doesn't give a fuck and just speaks his mind

Is this supposed to be ironic?

You know that refugees form all of those countries are actually being accepted by the EU? and lots of them are becoming citizens?

Literally less than 5 seconds in google

EU does nothing to set immigration quotas. Your own Labour party brought millions of brownshits to your country.

I guess being informed is also a must for a Brexiter

>its an amerifats pretends he knows anything about anything outside his boarders

I live in Britain and you're braindead.

Brown immigrants come from the Commonwealth and Brexit ran a campaign of having MORE immigration from the Commonwealth.

John Cleese