Why does Sup Forums hate Game of Thrones? I'll admit it really drags and takes a while to get anywhere...

Why does Sup Forums hate Game of Thrones? I'll admit it really drags and takes a while to get anywhere, but the drama value (when it's there) is top-notch. The last two episodes of season 6 were better than most movies I've seen.

So what gives? What are the arguments against it?

They don't hate it, they're just tsundere for it because it's popular.

Sup Forums just tries to be contrarian.

Name one popular, well-received movie or TV show they've liked. You can't.

"B-baka GoT, i-it's not like I...like you or anything!"

>muh shocking moments
Character and plot development and continuity be damned.

>I'll admit it really drags and takes a while to get anywhere

Bullshit, this show is a fucking rollercoaster. Every scene lasts five minutes, every character acts like their sole purpose in life is to be a plot device, because this show is aimed at ADHD retards.

The show is dumb. Characters do things that don't make sense. Things just happen without explanation. Ep9 battle was sweet tho. To obvious who's gonna die now

But there's amazing foreshadowing, cf
>I should have executed all of them. I should have pulled down the Sept on the High Sparrow's head before I let them do that to you. You raised me to be strong and I wasn't, but I want to be. Help me.
-Tommen, E2, during apology for keeping Cersei from leaving the Red Keep

He literally asked for it

Deadpool is generally liked on here and so is xmen dofp just off the top of my head. And most of them have an erection for it follows, those were all pre summer tho.

S1: set-up -----> pay-off
S6: MEME SHOCK MOMENT! - You didn't see that coming! WOOHOOOOOOO Ohhh what that??? A TWIIIIST? DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING HUH?

It went from a show praised for being unpredictable to one you can guess half a season ahead.

>You raised me to be strong and I wasn't, but I want to be. Help me.
>Helps him
>Becomes an hero
How is this making any sense?


This, plus in basically every example where the show deviates from the books it's worse, thus people are upset that it could have been a lot better if they had just stopped trying to outsmart the GRRM.

Also some shitty acting and cringy dialogue. Most of the really good actors are dead now.

The Wire,Sopranos

I feel like it drags on not because of nothing happening, but because what happens are basically repeats of what has already happened. Ned dying was 'shocking' because it was a breach of a contract. The Red Wedding was shocking because it was a breach of a contract committed due to a previous idealistic breach of a contract.

But there is only a certain amount of times this can be done for it to remain shocking; we get it, nothing is sacred. So instead it has come to rely on either gore (Oberyn's death), or what we have seen this season, the strain which the showrunners have put on narrative credibility.

When Cersei blew up the sept, I didn't feel anything about her character which I haven't felt before a dozen times. I never thought 'welp, she actually did it', I thought 'welp, they actually wrote it'

And that is why I dislike it.

the moment they did run out of books the quality took a massive nose dive. the last 2 seasons most of the characters just sit on their asses without doing very much. character development stalled or even reverted while the hallmark of the show, the political games, are completely absent.

>one quote sort of but not really hinting at what's to come
>"amazing foreshadowing"

RIP Pycelle.

My first thought

Characters do get fleshed out and develop somewhat. I'm okay with it as it stands

>Every scene lasts five minutes, every character acts like their sole purpose in life is to be a plot device,

I never once got that feeling. The last book had 30+ different characters, each with their own chapter(s), so I don't think this is a valid argument against the show. It's just how the story was written.

I don't even understand what you're arguing here

I never watched it because of its unpredictability. It's been praised for being realistic about humanity, having good drama, and having great scope. It also has god-tier lore, but that credit belongs with the books and GRRM.

>some shitty acting and cringy dialogue. Most of the really good actors are dead now.

Shit, I just realized you were right about this. It still has interesting characters with decent actors though.

>I feel like it drags on not because of nothing happening, but because what happens are basically repeats of what has already happened.

This is basically as vague and inaccurate as Star Wars VII being a replication of IV. Sure, there were striking similarities, but within completely different contexts and with different characters. The end result is nowhere near the same.

>When Cersei blew up the sept, I didn't feel anything about her character which I haven't felt before a dozen times.

But this hit me goddamn hard. There was nothing shocking at all about Cersei's plot, and it didn't add to her character whatsoever.

>the hallmark of the show, the political games, are completely absent.

Best argument I've read in this thread. It actually makes me kind of sad. Here's to hoping they'll make something better out of the remaining two seasons.

">Every scene lasts five minutes, every character acts like their sole purpose in life is to be a plot device,

I never once got that feeling. The last book had 30+ different characters, each with their own chapter(s), so I don't think this is a valid argument against the show. It's just how the story was written."

was meant for

Why did he kill Pycelle when he was going to be in the sept anyway?

nice opinions faggot where can i sign up for more?

I don't want any part of the writer or his fan base to rub off on me.

Yes I am so weak that I must ignore people rather than let them kill me with boredom to prove to them that I am strong.

It features female characters and treats them as human beings.

tv hates women

No need for him, and he knew a lot of stuff.

>This is basically as vague and inaccurate as Star Wars VII being a replication of IV. Sure, there were striking similarities, but within completely different contexts and with different characters. The end result is nowhere near the same.

Well, don't really disagree on that. I just meant that I am not surprised or even interested when the various characters do things that should be shocking.

How have you not seen all the self-righteous op-eds by blogger tier retards complaining that GoT is RAPE CULTURE?


most people here dont browse tumblr

Are you fucking retarded? Monday there were like 30 got threads up at the same time.

When arya was stabbed was the final straw for me. I'm done with this show. A fan theory was that it wasn't really arya, but what happened was it was arya and she just magically recovers froma fatal wound then magically kills a highly trained assassin then magically leaves the place alive.
never mind those magical disappearing dogs.
Also it is clear they are just making this some kind of women power shitshow now. Arya is a joke, this weak gremlin child killing grown men is insane, you can't have a badass fighter that in reality most of the autists on Sup Forums could overpower.

It was pretty good before, nowhere near the level of sopranos or deadwood or the wire but better than most of the fantasy type shit on tv but now it is in the toilet.

I like it, last two seasons have had shit writing though

Malcom in the Middle