Do you come with the car?
Do you come with the car?
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Oh, you!
I'd fuck that bitch
that's sexual harrassment!
homer is such a shitlord OMG you can't own a girl you piece of shit etc etc
can I have (you)s now?
Do you come with the car? :^)
she's a YELLOW CARTOON and she's not even CHINK CARTOON. WHY?
That scene terrified me just for the dummie's expression when I was younger
what episode is this??!
I didn't need molded plastic to improve my physique.
Pure. West.
Mr. Plow
aaaand that's about eight months
>[please link this comment to No. 71481265]
AWWWW Just my luck
The beach ball slap gets me everytime
>Ned Flanders: I'm Dick Tracy! Take that, >Pruneface!
>[He hits a little girl]
>Ned Flanders: Now I'm Pruneface! Take that, >Dick Tracy!
>[He hits another little boy]
>Ned Flanders: Now I'm Prune Tracy! Take that, Dick...
>[Dr. Foster rushes over]
>Dr. Foster: Stop that at once!
>Is your name Bart?
>Does your father know you're working here?
>[It was his idea]
>In that case I'll have a whiskey sour
>people unironically defend post season 5 simpsons