What was Ramsay's problem? That pizza looks delicious.
What was Ramsay's problem? That pizza looks delicious
Probably selling it at a retarded low price
Just like selling lobster below market price
If I got s pizza like that in finland, I would be so happy
looks like a fine 'a
>eating dairy
Did he order entrails as a topping?
that aint a traditional goza
i ordered a pepperoni pizza recently.
when i opened it, it looked like a cheese pizza. no, the pepperoni was underneath the cheese.
has anyone else had that?
it was bad
Who disemboweled this poor stingray?
one time i bought bacon cheddar fries from carls jr drive thru, got home, opened the box, no bacon..just cheese fries
Bro pizza is supposed to be fuckin greasy. Half the flavor comes from that shit.
You put that pizza in front of me, I'm eating at least half.
as if thats supposed to mean anything, fatty
>big disgusting-ass Papa John's looking fuck shit chewy mess
please kill yourself fagt
There shouldn't be so much grease that the pizza doesn't hold itself together.
Also, that much grease only comes from not pre-cooking meat toppings or using mostly cheddar for the cheese
>pizza is supposed to be fuckin greasy.
Its meant to have a little oil from the cheese or meat juice
It shouldn't be overly greasy though, all the pizza places near my are disgusting and no-one even makes a takeway pizza correctly anymore
Its all fried dough based and to much cheese to pick up
It needs to stop
I am not even being a pizza snob, I want normal takeway pizzas back
>Also, that much grease only comes from not pre-cooking meat toppings or using mostly cheddar for the cheese
lol kill yourself idiot
>i'm not even being a pizza snob
Any criticism about pizza makes you a pizza snob. Pizza is fucking pizza, regardless of quality it's fucking good. The only thing you can complain about is toppings like nasty ass olives or mushrooms. Any pizza to me is fucking excellent and I'm just happy to be eating pizza. Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY". That vocabulary just doesn't exist for me, it's fucking pizza I see it I'm gonna eat it. I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones. Fucking superb with a bit of ranch.
>I even like the school pizzas from way long ago, the square ones.
10/10, this user is GOAT and i would eat pizza with him
>tfw too scared to go out to eat after watching so many episodes of kitchen nightmares
How's the diabetes going?
Just eat at a chain restaurant where you know standards are pretty much standardized and trustworthy, like Olive Garden.
You put uncooked fatty meats on a pizza, all the fat drains out and makes the pizza disgusting.
You always par-cook meats first so you can drain the fat off.
You have no taste. You can't know what's good unless you know what's bad. You've obviously never had British Pub pizza or you'd know what a bad pizza is.
suck my dick you fuckman
you shouldn't buy pizza if you're going to complain that the grease levels are not optimal or whatever. pizza is the capeshit of food, literally just turn off your brain and enjoy it
You sound like a legit faggot. You're probably not even American, which means you opinion on pizza is worth exactly nothing.
>b-b-b-b-but pizza is italian
And we improved it just like we do with everything else inferior countries give us to work with.
>bruh pizza is supposed to be gross and greasy bruh keep those mushrooms and olives away from me I want more cheese dude
Your existence infuriates me
No I have not had a british pub pizza. But as long as it's just pepperoni and cheese and no other dumb toppings, there's literally no way you could fuck that up.
I like this new meme
It's spicy
>pepperoni under the cheese
absolutely disgusting, the grease from the pepperoni goes into the crust instead of sitting on top where you can soak it up
It's poison.
From his enemies.
>pre-cooking meats before putting them on pizza
>cheddar cheese makes the pizza greasy
just kill yourself my man
I bet you sopp up the pizza with a napkin before you eat it, you bitch
You're like the one fucker who order olives on a pizza and ruins the entire fucking thing for anyone else at the gathering.
Just get pepperoni and fucking cheese and maybe sausage so everyone is fucking happy. Don't ruin the whole fucking thing for one selfish motherfucker because they like eating shit on their pizza.
And fuck mushrooms, shit's nasty they all taste the fucking same to me.
yuu dont understand english banter and mannerisms
he closed his eyes and sighed as part of a joke to the waiter, the girl waiting him was also laughing at each meal and by the time this pizza came he was laughing / closing his eyes at the size of it.
it was only when he cut it open and seen the sloppy mess of uncooked dough, raw cheese, pure oil and grease and too much sauce and shitty meatblal
>motherfuckers who dab their pizzas with napkins
Go fuck yourself. You basically identify yourself as a massive fucking douche who sucks his own dick so much he just has to show off to EVERYONE how healthy he is. You're removing juicyness from the pizza and guess what you dumb fucker, PIZZAS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE JUICY AND DELICIOUS, NOT FUCKING DRY. Don't. Remove. The grease.
I have been to america
you eat like ducks, It might explain all the fucking grease allowing you to easily bypass the teeth
the only time Americans us their teeth is to exercise portion control
Cheddar is a fucking terrible cheese for a pizza for a long list of reasons.
calm down, go pour melted butter on your pizza
By admitting to being a subhuman non-American, you've invalidated anything you had to say. Congrats. :D
Pizza is good unless the dough has that weird as fuck aftertaste cant describe it just tastes like ass
Foodies need to be mass murdered.
You don't want to eat a snack like that
You have no clue my man. Like I said, you are tasteless. Do you have nasal problems? Typically bad noses lead to bad taste. You mention you can't taste mushrooms either, that probably means your nose is fucked up, and ergo, your tastebuds. I feel bad for you. You can't taste well and so your palette is so limited. You're like a color-blind man who doesn't understand why art exists.
Never fucking reply to me again unless you're contributing to the thread.
I fucking love using the garlic butter sauce from papa johns.
Fucking GOAT tier shit on a pizza. Delicious. Makes the crust even more exciting.
pressing your tongue into food to separate it isn't chewing
Who /goza/ here?
>spinach alfredo
My nigga
By exposing your posts as irrelevant and informing you the you are an "other" and don't belong, I'm not only contributing to the thread but the site as a whole.
Spinach combos pretty well with a lot of creamy, rich, salty stuff like alfredo.
>dipping pizza in garlic butter
>not filling a cup full of the stuff and drinking it with your pizza
>tfw 'go 'za posting is dead on /ck/ because the jannies delete it immidiately
i tried it and it was so bland what flavor does it even add? it seems like just extra calories
What the fuck is going on here, fat acceptance week?
I know it's mostly show and parody, but what do ameriburgers have against thin crust pizzas? a pizza where there is more dough than anything else is an abomination to real pizza connoisseurs
You have objectively shit taste in pizza you fat cunt
its supposed to give you just enough of the garlic flavor that you think the next bite will be even better
then when it isn't you just keep dunking and wanting more
about the only thing papa johns is known for
It's funny how boring and dry their breadsticks are, you pretty much need the sauce. At an extra charge of course :^)
I'm allergic to wheat so I can't eat pizza.
This thread is making me sad
>I see it I'm gonna eat it
Good lord it must suck to be you
got the full vaccine schedule didn't you?
>wanna make pizza
>but wanna make it "fancy"
>pick up some pre-made crust(because I can't bake for shit)
>shred up some italian 4-cheese blend to throw on
>get some red wine/black pepper salami my local store sells
>shred up some imported italian prosciutto
>let that shit sit in the oven until the cheese just finish melting, and the prosciutto has the slightest bit of crunch to it
That shit was tasty. Expensive, but tasty.
what kind of shitty pizza place doesn't offer gluten free alternatives???
I'm saving this to post in every Ramsay pizza thread. This is the stance a normal non-pretentious non-faggot person has. Stop being such annoying faggots about god damn pizza. You're on fucking Sup Forums in your free time, stop pretending you're a motherfucker with great taste that won't stoop so low to eat certain pizzas.
I feel sorry for you, but maybe you will live longer because of it.
Gluten-free is a meme for anyone who doesn't have Crohn's, which is almost everyone
Apparently all the pizza places that aren't super expensive custom gluten pizza shops. It's never just an option; it's either an expensive gluten-free bakery that exclusively sells gluten-free shit at a high price, or its a normal pizza joint with wheat pizza.
I've just decided to not bother
having low standards doesn't mean you can't have critical thinking, jesus christ. yeah i'll eat cold cheap pizza if i'm hungover, and it's going to taste great, but I also realize there are better things out there if for some reason I don't have to lower my expectations to the bottom.
what are some good episodes of the UK kitchen nightmare?
It's not about having low standards you mongoloid, learn to read a basic sentence. It's about not being a fucking pretentious pizza snob. A pizza isn't inherently bad just because it's cheap or comes from a chain or doesn't look like what you think a pizza should look like. Get over yourself.
The one where the owner turned into a prostitute after Ramsay left.
My girlfriend's mom can't eat gluten (or lactose, or tap water. Really shitty digestion on her.) and she found some pizza place she can eat tolerably. You just have to look
Literal babymouthed faggot. If you do not enjoy olives and mushrooms you are a child plain and simple.
The point is that those gluten and allergy friendly pizzas usually suck major ass in comparison to real pizza. I'm sure its nice to have a substitute, but the bread part alone is usually an abomination.
That's what mean though, it's always some custom joint that specifically sells gluten-free shit, it's not like I can just go to any pizza joint and ask for their "gluten-free option." If I have to drive across town and spend twice as much money on a rice pizza, might as well not eat pizza
>nasty ass olives or mushrooms
>everyone should have the same taste buds and same tastes in food
You're the worst type of faggots
As an italian i open everyone of this threads and every time im so fucking triggered
Adults should have a refined palette and not eat shit from the kids menu. Take your tendies and french fries back to /r9k/
Truth is that it's just kids and manchildren who want nothing but cheese and pepperoni on their pizza.
That's some good looking 'za. It ain't no 'go 'za though.
Fuck off you tasteless fat mong.
The funny thing is authentic Italian pizza (in Italy) is completely mediocre like half of the time.
>muh grown-up sophisticated adult pizza
I'm literally laughing in real life at how gay you two are
Don't be sad man, pizza is overrated anyway
What are Sup Forums's opinion on oysters? I think they're fucking delish but my friends think I'm weird for liking them.
uli pls
If you consider Italy alone then yes, most pizzas are mediocre, if you compare them to other conutries' one then it's fucking god food
And everybody's laughing at how much of a child you are
what's the best / less fake episode of kitchen's nightmare?
>being this much of an amerifat pleb
Consider suicide
>that pizza
Fucking disgusting
There wasn't any 'chup on that pizza, of course Ramsay was angry
>Only a fucking normie cunt complains about pizza being "TO GREAASY" or "TOO DOUGHY".
Says the guy who can't eat olives or mushrooms and literally has the tastebuds of a 5 year old kid.
If you saw the episode, you would know that it definitely is not delicious. uncooked dough, sliming with grease, and see that crust? That's their thin crust.
Only plebs and kids don't enjoy seafood
Tastes like seawater, like just about everything from the ocean.