Is that Pornhub in a Disney movie?
Are you guys fucking serious encouraging children to watch porn or even mentioning it LOL DISNEY
can't wait for Wreck it Social Porn 2.
Is that Pornhub in a Disney movie?
Are you guys fucking serious encouraging children to watch porn or even mentioning it LOL DISNEY
can't wait for Wreck it Social Porn 2.
I think it's more likely Grubhub, a website an overworked disney animator is very familiar with.
shit excuse
Lub Hub
Love Hub
And it's fucking pink
Also the hub has different colors like the logo of pornhub has.
Just shut up
I'll never understand how you can be a prude to social "degeneracy" and still spend all your time on this website.
The fucking disconnect, man
It's easy when you exist only to be contrarian.
No, it's supposed to be pic related
this seems reasonable
someone post the "Sup Forums is satire" pic
You should be more worried about the subliminal messages that encourage race mixing, believing in the holocaust and talking to foreigners. For more information, please visit us at Sup Forums.
>talking to foreigners
that's more of a /jp/ thing.
>ends in hub
>must be porn!
end yourself
>Hey kids, take off your clothes.
What did he mean by this?
Sup Sup Forums
>And it's fucking pink
I must be missing something here
he's been masturbating to porn so much he's gone colorblind.
so the new wreck it ralph is about social media and shit? thats pretty sad
amazon on the right
Do you want the shit here spreading out to the real world?
I'd rather people who think that sort of thing is something that others ought care about be rounded up and fucking gasses.
Fuck off you disgusting normalfag. This isn't Sup Forums.
>Are you guys fucking serious encouraging children to watch porn
Why are you yelling at us? We didn't make it.
>Every board on Sup Forums is the same
Yes, the people that go to /hr/ for high-quality stock-photos are the same people that go to /d/ to see pictures of children having their eye-sockets raped by women with dicks.
Sup Forums is not at all a diverse website that covers diverse topics and attracts a diverse base of users.
Every board is just Sup Forums.