>this board is so shit with Sup Forums tards that a capeshit film like BvS is considered good to this board
Why did /film/ have to die?
>this board is so shit with Sup Forums tards that a capeshit film like BvS is considered good to this board
Why did /film/ have to die?
It will only get worse
Now's your last chance to get out of here, guys.
>considered good to this board
That isn't true though
Its confirmed people from reddit and people too casual for Sup Forums
Its just baffling that people have ran this board into the ground
>That isn't true though
It is. Every thread that even talks about the movie praises it.
>game of thrones discussion dies down
>capeshit goes right back up in full force
fuck /film/ or /cel/
make the promised /capeshit/ board and save both Sup Forums and Sup Forums from this facebook cancer
>That isn't true though
Have you not been here? Everytime it's talked about it get praised
the shills are real.
>mfw i started kino
hello [red4red]!
Hi rreddit
Everyone is ,reddit
>when you realize normalfags have taken over Sup Forums
>a capeshit film like BvS is considered good
The UE is good though.
They only way someone could know that people browse other boards is if they do it themselves.
hello tourist!
did somebody say Sup Forums
It is so sad. This place is Sup Forums now
Why are you plebs complaining? This is what you cried for on /q/
>p-p-pls get rid of the waifufags and patrician posters:(( we want to be able to have fun and discuss pleb movies without any problems!
This is what it takes to forever scare An Hiro away from the idea of making a film board.
That's exactly what happened though. Maybe you were only using reddit then but that's what went down.
Go look at the /q/ archives
You'll see it all
The worst thing about it is that Sup Forums also wasn't a normie central once.
Implying Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums
We're bad but I have some standards.
>Why did /film/ have to die?
>it's a reddit complains about Sup Forums episode
Hi rreddit
Sup Forums is worse than Sup Forums. Far worse since at least the second half of the last year
t. 2014
>Why did /film/ have to die?
For the half a day /film/ existed, it was literally 100% shitposting. The truth is that people who want /film/ so badly also have terrible taste because if they actually cared about film they wouldn't spend their days trying to discuss it on Sup Forums and getting enraged about it.
>it was literally 100% shitposting
Yeah because swagshit opened it early and no mods watched it like they did with the other new boards added. I mean go ahead and pretend otherwise, Sup Forums
But Sup Forums is the best board, user.
faglord isn't an admin or developer, he can't open a board himself
Anyway, this belongs on /qa/
You did the 'absolute kinography' rank pasta in winter 2014?
Why does Sup Forums blame other boards for being the worst board on Sup Forums?
Cuckposting threads get more replies than actual film discussion, this place is worse than /mlp/ or Sup Forums.
The worse something is, the more interesting. That's why Sup Forums is my home board :^)
There are plenty of boards worse than Sup Forums. Newfags just think that it's a designated shitposting / meme board for some reason, as if that was the root of all cancer even if it was true.
Sup Forums is worse and is now the underage reddit central
Sup Forums is worse
/mlp/ is worse
Sup Forums is worse
/trash/ is worse
And before that Star Wars: Reborn or whatever is called was considered good, and before that Nolan's Batman, and before that...
Sup Forums got absorbed by the collective mind of the internet
Someone should make a meme image of how Sup Forums sees itself vs how the rest of Sup Forums sees Sup Forums
>Orlando shooting
>Sup Forums should slow down like it usually does since everyone goes to Sup Forums as we aren't allowed threads here anymore
>>it doesn't
>new game of thrones episode
>Sup Forums should move fast, but its moving a bit slower than usual
>>it shouldn't especially the next day(monday)
>e3 monday
>>Sup Forums slows down (threads actually last more than two hours after the last bump like they use to) meme cancer is pretty much gone
>E3 ends
>>Sup Forums goes back to threads dying after less than 40 minutes
Merely a coincidence right?
It's a considerable improvement over the theatrical cut.
It still isn't good
But I guess you'll just counter my post with something about Marvel.
fuck off
you don't get it
But it's the Sup Forumsedditors who have an unhealthy obsession with disliking BvS and constantly talking about it.
All capeshit is made with Sup Forumseddit sensibility.
Video Games = "entertainment" sensibility = autism.
This is predominantly an art board (the "entertainment" shit that is constantly being discussed here is a result of crossposters from pleb boards like Sup Forums and Sup Forums)
True cinema = art which is the opposite to autism and in turn the opposite to video games.
The sensibilities resulting in video game appreciation are diametrically opposed to the appreciation of cinema as "art". Videogames/autism/"entertainment" are the reason for capeshit.
Considering their 'potential' and function, and what really happens, Sup Forums has become the worst board.
Nah, that's some gay bullshit
Yo Sup Forums
Go home.
You first, cretin