Has Netflix finally made a show worth watching, Sup Forums?
Has Netflix finally made a show worth watching, Sup Forums?
Hate the word but looks comfy. Very blast from the past. Plus noni. So
Looks very promising but something about the trailers gives me the feeling that it's going to be complete ass after about three episodes. I hope I'm wrong.
>Has Netflix finally made a show worth watching, Sup Forums?
what are House of Cards and Bloodline for $1000, Alex?
Bojack Horseman
>b-but it's Reddit!!
Sure it is.
I remember the 80s too, thanks netflix
>House of Cards and Bloodline
boring shit
you mean like all Netflix shows?
Looks like Super 8
just the same amblin feel
>House of Cards and Bloodline
Looks like Winona Ryder might steal the show
>child actors in a large role by themselves
wew lad no thanks
Mite b cool. Definitely going to try marathoning when it comes out!
Didn't the Sheriff guy play a grizzled, alcoholic cop on a few episodes of Law And Order?
Well... I was half right.
He was on Law And Order three times, each time playing a different suspect.
you never enjoyed bugsy malone or stand by me?
Looks so damn good.
>token black kid outta nowhere
why though?
>you will always be a poor as fuck european living in commie blocks and will never know the glory of growing up in your the american suburbia
why is the world so unfair
Try not to get triggered next time, wonderbread.
>Has Netflix finally made a show worth watching, Sup Forums?
I'm not even white, does it blow your mind that other people of color also hate niggers?
Hi dumblr.
So Super 8/E.T: the show?
I'm in
Hi rreddit
Looks very cinematic for a tv series
The 80's is the most modern decade something can be set in without mobile phones or the internet ruining everything.
Half right means all wrong, lad
P. Good
>House of Cards
Goes to shit in season 3
Daredevil season 1 is nice, even if S2 is shit.
Jessica Jones is meh.
LOVE is nothing special.
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is pretty okay.
Arrested Development season 4 was bad
Marco Polo is pretty good.
Sense8 is good when it's not preaching.
Bojack is fucking great.
Making a Murderer is great.
W/ Bob and Davis was fantastic.
Master of None is okay with ocasional moments of brilliance.
Haven't seen Orange is the New Black but everyone I talk to is satisfied with it.
Yeah, that's it.
Everything on Netflix does. The budget is nice as fuck but prepare to pay for it with product placement if it's anything like House of Cards
This honestly looks pretty bad.
Because black people have to be in every white group of people so that TV viewers think that actually happens IRL
>it's a triggered tumblrtard projecting his triggering onto others episode
It ain't that great. Watch Blue Velvet for a more accurate representation of my American suburban upbringing. There's darkness in that shit.
Wow, Netflix shows have really gotten shitty. Guess they need to make stuff for the plebs to watch also.
>They're kids like me!
>They have superpowers!
>greatest show ever
Literally Super 8.
So it's Super 8 as a tv show? Sounds comfy desu
Just watch Midnight Special, same thing.
we've gotten to the point where kids dont know Akira and Super 8 is their reference
I know Akira, but anime is the lowest form of story telling.
Isn't that some anime? The fuck would I watch that for?