I had my doubts , but seeing her in that dress in BvS erased all my doubts.
Was Gadot the perfect choice?
Shes literally perfect
For the porn parody? Yes
>no muscle
>looks like she weighs 100lbs
>can't fight for shit
Yeah sure OP, the perfect choice
No. She's still too skinny. But I think it's fair to say the rumors of her sucking were greatly exaggerated.
I especially liked her accent. It lended a certain exoticism to the character, like she's from somewhere else.
bridget regan > anorexia jew
post the HD webm
I was hoping for a higher bitrate version
maybe I'll make one tonight if none other exists
the reptilian form is showing
Absolutely. How else are you going to manipulate horny impressionable young Goyim?
How many times now... 35?
>swn destroy your gag reflex with her 12 inch strapon
Wow is she on steroids?
she was pretty good in the movie, especially after seeing autists bitch about her so much.
She has nice skin
I would drag my balls through ten miles of broken glass just to hear her fart
her thighs saved her
I would personally strangle to death every Palestinian child just to have her brand me as her cattle
>when the jewish erotic propaganda is too strong
what the fuck is this from?!?!?
why is there no HD WEBM?!?
I would swim the entire Amazon using Melissa McCarthy's queefs as my only air supply just to lick her footprint.
You would fab to that concentration camp survivor?
>the rumors of her sucking were greatly exaggerated.
How do you think she got the job?
Being jewish certainly helps
This. The only cock jewish women have to suck to get roles is their own rich jewish husband's
wheres da butt
stop right there user, i already fap 4 times in the day
kawaii :3
*editors note: kawaii means cute! CUTE!
Post a link to the Ultimate Edition bonus features
even the most autistic faceblind retard could tell that this is sersha
Kimberly Kane is in the porn parody and she would have made a better Wonder Woman.
>Too petite
>Not blue-eyed
I second this.
Don't forget Alison Tyler
Pretty much every porn actress who ever played Wonder Woman in a porno is better
DCCU watchmen crossover confirmed?
>the costumes in the porn parody look better than the actual movie
wow, just wow
Literally a twig
They shouldve brought a thiccer more athletic actress
W-what are they doing
I always wondered what the rumored Christina Hendricks version would look like.