By myself and gonna trip acid for the first time any advice

by myself and gonna trip acid for the first time any advice

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yeah i got one: don't do it.


watch a movie like Unleashed and Go for a walk around your area. How much are you doing?

You'll buy again and again and again and won't be able to stop.

you're gonna regret it user.

Because you dont do acid by yourself dumbass read up on it

just a tab

Your a fucking retard ive done acid 3 times in my whole life kys

spent thousands on weed i know

Good for you but everybody isn't you.

It is more fun to do around people, but if that's not an option go outside and explore

Don't do it by yourself.

only option, just looking for ways to not go insane

Stare into a mirror for a little while. Best trip I ever had after 5 minutes of it. ;)

isn't that the exact opposite of what your suppose to do

Yes. Don't do that.

What do you mean only option?

no friends

>getting addicted to acid
nigga are you fucking retarted or what - in fact,
theres no possible way to get addicted to this shit as the tolerance builds up faster the more you take it if you haven`t already tweaked out and fried your brain by then

I Did it my self a second time. If Its a dose less then 170mcrg ur good to go.

Have some calaming music ready. And make a plan about what will u do During the trip.

My Options

> Get some movies ready like : Gravity, intersellar, Las Vegas Parano.

> Get a music playlist ready.

Make Sure u are comfy and ur room is cleaned up.

Have fun

Yeah and not everyone gets addicted to fucking acid it literally has zero addictive qualities. Your talking like its a fucking narcotic or heroin!

thanks for the advice

Have fun.


lsd is gewd

>and ur room is cleaned up

No joke, best goddamned advice right here

Nothing kills the mood quicker than focusing in on a dirty fan

The worst was when a bird shat on my window

Get comfy - youll be super sensitive to discomfort
Have all options for temperatire control nearby - you might get hot or cold
Don't do it alone - have someone positive and fun with you to keep you out of bad trips
And listen to Dark Side of the Moon. Shit is amazing.

Don't expect to sleep any time soon
Check out the stars
Listen to some vaporwave
Play some kinect
Smoke some pot

try watching porn on lsd its hilarious

I'm warning you now.

This drug can open your mind to a wide range of thoughts and beliefs, and in turn change the whole way you view life. Take it at your own risk.

bumps of k

watch dis

any other trippy vids?