Does Honest Trailers make anybody else cringe or am I alone in this?
Does Honest Trailers make anybody else cringe or am I alone in this?
Not me I don't watch them
It's like Bad Lip Reading.
One or two are funny, then it's just the same jokes over and over.
Sometimes they nail it. Sometimes they turn into PC SJW.
>The little Mermaid isn't a strong independent female roll model for little girls. She and Cinderella just sit around waiting for a prince to save them. You need to start hating your childhoods now.
>Aladdin is 18 years old adult who walks into a 15 year old girls room in the middle of the night and lies to her about who he is and convinces her to leave her home to go on a "magic carpet ride" with him.
Your all time favorite films which most call classics aren't SHIT because they aren't politically correct anymore.
>Ghostbusters Has Men who smoke and get blow jobs from famale ghost ... How very un-progressive
>Allow us to convince you that your favorite films are shit because we have SJW writes .
I think they're usually funny. It helps if I've seen what's being parodied.
>not liking screen junkies
While we're on this, what are your opinions on movie fights guys? Besides the recently shitty rotation. I miss when they had the original group on more frequently. All the dislikes on the all woman fight made me kek.
To be honest the plot of the Disney version of The Little Mermaid is pretty bad and the ending is atrocious.
Didn't they start like a paid service. Jc I can't image the people who pay good money to watch their garbage
they used to be good at the start
but now they are so full of themselves its like looking in a depressing mirror
honest trailers are usually ~ok, but the sjw stuff in the fights is getting too much lately
it was good
I find Movie Fights pretty cringe inducing. Fuckboy Andy or whatever his name is is horrible
>hurr lets all get along and be happy
Same. They can't fight for shit. So fucking boring
It's normie humor like CinemaSins. Also they feel more like commentaries than trailers. Why would a trailer contain major spoilers?
Nah I like honest trailers they can be pretty funny.
Not like cinemasins, who can forget the classic sin they gave themselves:
"we're white"
OP here and Movie Fights is always just full of bad ideas to me, like whenever they have someone pitch a movie to them on a episode it is always just the shittiest idea and the judge has to choose from three peoples shitty ideas and its like choosing three different shits to eat and there is one with a couple sprinkles on it but either way you are still eating shit. However, the guests on Movie Fights I do like when they are by themselves like Chris Stuckmann, Jeremy Jahns, John Flickster, even YMS I like on his own but on movie fights idk...they just aren't that good on Movie Fights.
Honest trailers and CinemaSins are definitely fucking cringefests.
Honest trailer and his shitty "le so smoooth xd" voice and cinema sins and their gay hypocritical commentary.
Really want them to burn desu.
What the fuck is an Honest Trailer?
godawful trash in the same category as pewdiepie and epic rap battles
>no politics rule
>2 full on SJW episodes back to back
really pissed me off
Stop watching it awhile ago but my favorite was when it was that gay guy who likes MoS and two other guys who don't show up that much and the bantz was great and had me laughing the whole hour.