>hello darkness my old friend
/got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
King Azor Jon
>jonsa autist thread
>"I finally know who my parents were. I am truly a Son of Ice an Fire."
jonautists getting more defensive by the day as they realize:
>jon is a shit commander
>littlefinger is the only reason hes still alive
>both sansafags and branfags are right that his crowning was idiotic fanservice that made no sense on any level
>his "claim" to the iron throne means jack shit when danaerys' army could blow him the fuck out instantly
>he didnt avenge the red wedding
>dany fits the description of azor ahai/tptwp far better than he ever will
>hes not special or unique for being resurrected and it was literally nothing but a plot device to get him out of the nights watch
>hes not special for killing a white walker, literally a fat kid and a scrawny girl did the same with a fraction of the effort
>mfw Jon confirmed for Azor Ahai and King in the North in one episode
>mfw Salsa and CIA BTFO
What exactly is the point of Euron?
How was jon confirmed azor ahai? Seriously I dont understand where youre getting this from
>Who should the North rally behind? A true born daughter of Ned and Catelyn Stark born here at Winterfell or a motherless bastard born in the South?
>"I dont care if he's a bastard"
>"King in the North!"
Daily remainder that Stannis Baratheon, the King who cared will kill fat usurper and her dragons
who /old gods/ here?
I don't understand the implication to Sansa and Littlefinger of Jon being declared King in the North.
Does that fuck up some schemes or something?
First time I've seen Littlefinger getting literally BTFO. Glorious.
JONHATERS BTFO. No wonder they're so mad
What's the point of stannis? his only heir is some sickly scale girl
his line will end
They need a new bad guy because reasons
No, salsa and LF are going to conspire against him because theyre both right that he has no business being king of a rotten shit much less the north
Sansa wants that sweet sweet Winterfell power.
>the King who cared
dannyfags try harder every day. Face it Jon is the main character in the book and show and will have the most gain by the end.
Bleeding star.
>The North has less population than the army LF teleported up
>Jon and Sansa torture Ramsay before dogs eat him slowly
>'Should we support the retard who will get himself killed in a week or the girl who feeds people to the hounds?'
lord too fat to sit a horse wasnt that fat
Can anyone read Turkish?
>Özge Gürel, Game Of Thrones kadrosuna dahil oldu
>Sibel Kekilli, Tamer Hassan ve Onur Can Çaylı derken bir Türk daha ‘Game Of Thrones’ dizisinde yer alacak. İddiaya göre oyuncu Özge Gürel, 7. sezonda diziye dahil olacak.
>Yayınlandığı tüm ülkelerde izlenme rekorları kıran Game of Thrones (Taht Oyunları) dizisi, önceki gün 6. sezonun son bölümüyle ekranlara geldi. Dizinin Türk hayranları, dış basında yer alan sürpriz bir haberle heyecan yaşadı.
>Dizinin başkahramanı Jon Snow’un annesi Lyanna Stark’ın doğum sırasında öldüğü sezon finali sonrasında pek çok internet sitesinde karakterin 7. sezonda flashbacklerle dizide yer alacağı ve Stark’a Türk oyuncu Özge Gürel’in hayat vereceği konuşuldu.
>Daha önce de Türk oyuncular Sibel Kekilli ile Tamer Hassan’ın rol aldığı ve animasyonlarının bir bölümünde Onur Can Çaylı’nın imzasının olduğu Game of Thrones’un 7. sezonunda Gürel’in oynayacağı haberleri üzerine sosyal medyada “Özge de diziye katılırsa, taht oyunlarını Türkler kazanacak” mesajları yer aldı.
He'd definitely put her in danger of dying and not care if she does die.
The ladder and the climb has been the only real constant in his life and the only thing he can trust and depend on.
He loved Cat, moved on to Cat's daughter, if she rejects him, he always has the Iron Throne no matter what
stop replying to yourself
>Medalion's humming.
He didn't plan so good.
What will he try next?
He's already dead. And if you're talking about the books,
The plan™ was for her to be the one the North rallies behind because she is the true born daughter
>What's the point of stannis?
Save Westeros from Targaryen fucking shits
What in the fuck? Talk about a fucking reach. This literally proves nothing and even you know it. Log off of reddit, moron.
LF has repeatedly pointed out to her that she is only his half brother.
Maybe they'll find out they are only cousins.
The Jonsa fanfic could actually be the official plot.
>hurr durr the show sucks compared to the books
>first season the showrunners are free from adhering to the books
>the meandering story suddenly gains momentum and direction
explain yourselves bookfags.
"Promise me Ned"
>allahu akbar ug dug
>baha we kill christian we take over rome!!!
what a weird interview
Maybe. Inheritance in these cases is difficult, but since Edric was acknowledged by Robert, he likely has the strongest claim to House Baratheon if Stannis and Shireen die in the books
I'll be waiting. And if such a thing is revealed, it can be debunked for its lack of logic.
Polygamy is not allowed by the Faith of the Seven and there is no textual evidence that it is allowed by the Old Gods. It is not canon since you have no textual evidence to support it, no textual evidence that such a marriage existed, merely your own headcanon.
Meanwhile there is textual evidence Ned thinks of Jon as a bastard, and associates bastardy with Jon, and nothing in his thoughts suggests he's a trueborn child of anyone.
Jon is a bastard. He was never acknowledged by his parents, his parentage is hard to prove. He has no claims to any throne. Deal with it.
>Robett Glover: "I did not fight beside you in the field. And will regret that until my dying day. A man can only admit when he was wrong and ask forgiveness."
>Jon Snow: "There is nothing to forgive, my lord."
>Robett Glover: "There will be more fights to come; House Glover will stand behind House Stark as we have for a thousand years! And I will stand behind Jon Snow. THE KING IN THE NORTH!"
So fucking based
>implying the North will rally behind the spouse of the fucking Imp and Ramsay Bolton
>choosing a t*rk to play the most queen of love and beauty
Eh, no wonder she looked so revolting in the ToJ scene.
Are you the same person who tried called me a stannisfag a few threads ago? Wrong agan, senpai. Don't have to be a danyfag to know shes a mary sue that fits the description of azor ahai basically to a T.
then why do i see this in every thread lol
google translate says she will be in season 7
gonna be funny if she plays Elia Martell
>because reasons
Because there's still two season left you daft cunt
showfags are not welcome, go back to >>>/reddit/
What....... more plebbit theories? Yeah and arya was actually the waif the whole time
did anyone else get a boner from the wildfire scene? knowing that hundreds of people got dissolved into a single mass of biological material and then vaporized somehow gives me a rock hard erection
>Jon's not a Stark
>he's not a Snow
>not even a Jon
>still a bastard
>has even less family
An hero when?
As a book reader, this is 100% solid evidence and they way it was zoomed in on and focused on. Jon is confirmed Azor Ahai.
Melisandre: Jon is the prince that was promised
I mean those 12k vale lances probably have nothing to do with everyone's newfound devotion and loyalty
>Elia is way hotter than Lyanna
There's also a prophesy that says Azor Ahai is born from Rhaenys+Mad King line. So it's either Dany or Jon. The big reveal only makes sense if it's him, otherwise it serves no purpose.
>People think this was jealously
How fucking retarded are you? This is exactly what happened
>Sansa happy that Jon is King in the North and the Northern Lords have rallied behind him
>thus she has a smile on her face
>Sees LF sulking in the corner, he's the only one not cheering Jon
>She knows that LF is already planning something and she's worried
Seriously, are you all ten and incapable of context?
I want to MARRY Maisie!
40k actually
This is the stupidest fucking shit
Kinvara thinks dany was the prince that was promised too, you moron
As a book reader too, youre not special, and youre also wrong
Yeah the story is headed towards being shit and boring, bravo D&D
Have another (You) and kill yourself
fag, usurper and dead
It was confirmed, read the books.
gylbert king
>As a book reader
the fuck else would you do with a book?
>faggot king
season 6 was better than season 1?
Call me when R'hllor lets Kinvara revive people.
I don't even know why they decided to introduce him this late since his most hype plotline has already been given to arya.
>GRRM hates the idea of prophecy and religious extremism
>Jontards think Jon is the messiah of an extremist violent religion and thinks this is a good thing
Bravo you fucking neckbreathers
Jon was already born before the sword was brought up to the room, fucktard
Kinvara is a fanfiction character, you are not a bookreader.
Considering the quality of the latter ASOIAF books, whipping your ass might be a good option
I didn't know got NEEDED a bad guy every season but apparently it does
Cause D&D, Sophie, Kit and Liam say it's jealousy.
All except Aidan
The actors literally all pointed out how jelly Sansa is in the behind the scenes segment.
But she didn't you idiot
"R'hllor" let Thoros resurrect Beric, is he azor ahai too, faggot?
i've never understood this stupid phrase
why would anyone say [NAME] KING!
it just sounds so retarded
>margaery dies
>everyone keeps sucking dany's vestigial penis
>northmen are apparently retards who pledge service to Jon after he lets ramsay provoke him, leads them to certain death and has to be rescued by Sansa
>the main assassin dude just goes "lol sure Arya you can leave our holy order with all our assassin secrets now"
>tyrion remians invulnerable
no favorites in this show
worked for MLK
Negro do you realize how much prep time and makeup magic went into this?
She will look like this maybe one day out of the month.
You don't know how much time has passed between cuts.
It could be they just skipped the labor.
The north eventually recalls that they were supposed to go pick up their child from daycare a couple years ago, before forgetting once again and declaring a street urchin they took in their new son.
It's easy to gain direction a momentum when you:
>disregard logic and consistency to progress the story
>kill a bunch of characters to close their plots >teleport other characters to where you need them to be.
L O L pathetic
Well, they're either retarded or being deliberately misleading
People who think Sansa is suddenly going to turn into an ambitious powerhungry bitch who sides with the man who sold her to Ramsay Bolton over her brother are retarded too
shopie is a very shit actress then
She did poorly in expressing that, then. She
arthur dayne was still there the whole time though
I would like to have sex with Sansa
That is all
Nope, Arya and Ramsey did.
King BootyPlay
>Avenged the Red Wedding
lol Roose stabbed only Robb
She's 13 you freak
He is right, you know.
How can you tell?