>yellow cherry tomatoes culivated in Europe in the 16th century
how could Denethor eat red cherry tomatoes, where did he get them?
>yellow cherry tomatoes culivated in Europe in the 16th century
how could Denethor eat red cherry tomatoes, where did he get them?
>implying Westeros is Europe
Your little fairy tale has unicorns, too, but those don't live in Europe either.
red cherry tomatoes!?
in this biome?
in this century?
on this continent?
eagles flew some in
>Middle Earth is Europe
>LOTR took place in the 16th Century
I really hope you are this stupid
They also had rabbits and PO TAY TOES
I really wish these GOT threads would stop.
Why does he only bite down half of it? Who the fuck does that?
We also didn't have plate armor, and horses shouldn't be that big.
A wizard did it.
Seriously, when radagast the brown arrived in middle earth he spread various non-native species of plants.
Localized entirely to King Denethor's Castle?
they were on the menu
may i see them?
Azeroth is not the real world.
>implying elephants were ever in middle earth at any point
some fucking bullshit, lads
You dumb, underage faggot that's Lord of the Rings, not Game of Thrones.
Hella fuckin epic LOL
underrated post
>NEETs actually consider the price of a bluray an "expense"
Why does Denethor eat so messily? He's a pig!
Radagast was too dumb to not move firewood.
Were yellow cherry tomatoes on the menu as well?
why did his mouth start to bleed while eating them? really reminded of old time kino where the king heartily eats a chicken leg.
Why did Gandalf let Denethor kill himself? He knew something was wrong. Yet he saves the other, lamer king but dooms Denethor to a firey grave.
Gandalf tries to make everyone think he's a good humble grandpa but denethor was right, he has his private machinations and will do whatever he can to see that his will be done. Denethor was sick and needed help. Fuck. Gandalf.
>Lord of the Rings is just an LSD trip by Walter Bishop
How are we supposed to root for the "good" side when this based motherfucker is around? Frodo, Sam, Legolas and almost the entire fellowship look like effeminate faggot bitches (maybe except for based Gimli and Gandalf). Pissed me off when they killed him just to pander to the feminist target audience.
>when he dies in the books
eyes were watery, couldn't scoff at the bravery displayed. A hobbit and a yeasty scut stood against such a strong foe and felled him
>when he dies in the "films"
cringe attack
lmao A+
Way to take the obvious bait, retard.
He had to set himself on fire so he could wake up and rescue Peter.
>Shire is XVII century england
>Rohan is X century england
>Gondor is VII century constantinople
It was a hack job from the beginning
I...I have some m-maggoty b-bread that I could trade you for one of those...
it fits
From Iluvatar himself.
fuck off ground nigger
>get told hard
>"I was only trolling!"
those were ironic r-right?
Are cherry tomatoes suppose to be symbolic of all the virgin men that watch LOTR?
But it WAS painfully obvious bait, and you ARE a retard
>gets baited like the newest of newfags
>gets triggered when someone politely explains to him that he was bamboozled
No need to get so mad, friend, it's just dragonshit.
you overdid it with the unicorns bit, would've been a good bait without it.
Seriously, why did his mouth start bleeding
People that want to commit suicide probably won't make good kings, gandalf did the right thing.
denethor wasn't a king and likely wouldn't have fought against aragorn if he wasn't tainted by voldemort.
Just admit gandalf is an asshole
Boilem mash em stickeminastew
can someone post the non shopped pic so i can wrap my head around this?
there are unicorns on Skagos in ASOIAF.
Don't think the show has mentioned them though, or Skagos in general for that matter.