Mfw I just murdered half a dozen men with a minigun

>mfw I just murdered half a dozen men with a minigun

Hail Batman.

he looks retarded 80% of the time

>dey dindu nuffin

He's trying to contain the erection from his overwhelming thirst for blood.

What did these guys do, besides try to prevent a guy driving a tank from killing them and stealing their boss' property (that's their job)?

>"new trules, Master Wayne?"
>"sieg Heil exterminate the undesirables, social cleansing now!"

Wow that was a bit harsh Zack, even for this new murderous batman.

he's still pissed that he got raped in prison

So batman is a straight up prison hardened, cold-blooded nigga from the block now?

a scene would have been great where Alfred slaps Bruce down with a mean hook when he returns to the Batcave.

maybe a reference to joker or something with "YOUR BECOMING JUST LIKE HIM or "YOU WILL END UP JUST LIKE HIM".

A reminder that they shot first, i'm pretty sure it's illegal to fire a chaingun and RPGs on the streets of Gotham

Alfred doesn't need to use physical violence to make Batman feel like shit

>RPGs on the streets of Gotham
Sup Forums, please.

>criminal scum commit any crime whatsoever
>put them down with extreme prejudice

You're thinking of robocop, not batman.

As pointed out here, he straight murdered a bunch of legal private security forces in the commission of a robbery, so its not like he didn't commit unambiguous murder as well.

Batman killing people every 5 seconds of the movie is honestly one of the major problems it has.

Not to mention that fact the movie has 4 fucking dream sequences. FOUR.

Marvtard who doesnt want killing in his Quipshit detected

>You're thinking of robocop, not batman.

Did somebody say..


he does in Synderverse, we're all about edginess out of place scenarios in Synderverse.

>Movie makes a big deal out of Batman branding a second guy
>"You've gone too far, Master Wayne. It was never like this. You've let this Superman business turn you cold and cruel. It was never like this back in the day."
>News clip that cuts in with "The first person Batman branded is in critical condition in the prison's hospital. The bat brand is, effectively, a death sentence." DUN DUN DUN
>Character arc is topped off by him choosing to not brand Lex at the end out of respect for what Superman stood for

>Batman nonchalantly murders like 30 guys in various action scenes throughout the movie

I feel like Snyder forgot what his story was about when he was trying to make cool action scenes. If not, it's just stupid, sloppy shit. I don't even care that Batman kills people, there's nothing inherently wrong with that, it's just that you can't have him casually kill criminals, but also base a character arc around the fact that he effectively sentenced one or two criminals to death in prison (in a stupid way).

I liked the movie, just wondering why they even left a comment in about branding being too harsh when he spends the rest of his time exterminating people and committing robberies.

Anyone have a link to the Ultimate Edition bonus features?

Yeah precisely. Its almost as if pretending Batman has qualms about putting a 187 on a nigga is a compulsory plot in a batman movie which he would have rather omitted entirely.

>Instead of just shooting the one guy holding the flamethrower cleanly, and then knocking out the guy he's holding, Batman opts to shoot the gas tank and have both guys die in a fiery explosion


Did you watch the Ultimate Cut? The second branded guy was killed because Lex paid someone to have that happen as a means of manipulating Superman against Batman.

That makes it even dumber.

Doesn't really address the point under discussion, although it does make it clear that Snyder probably wanted a script that ignored the 'le batman does not murder' character arc.

His objective was to save Martha, so yeah mission accomplished.

>They said battfleck wouldbe awful
>Becomes based actor/director
>Best batman
>Murderbat best adaption
>Warehouse fight best capeshit scene in recent memory

>Batman is branding the most heinous villains expecting them to die in prison when other prisoners beat the shit out of them
>Lex kills them for him anyway, making it look like it was just prison accidents

I haven't seen the Ultimate Cut, but that makes Lex even funnier as an impotent villain. Later on in the movie, when he's talking about how easy it was to manipulate and pull Batman's strings by sending back the checks and writing YOU LET YOUR FAMILY DIE all over them, it turns out he's an idiot and his plan barely even worked. Bruce didn't even see those checks until the day of the court drama due to a weird impulsiveness to ask for them because he couldn't understand why a man in a nice suit and a fancy wheelchair was going to face Superman in court.

I thought Batmans #1 rule is to never kill.
Im so confused :'(

Shooting the guy with the flamethrower with the gun cleanly, and then knocking out the guy he was holding would have accomplished the same thing.

>I haven't seen the Ultimate Cut

Then honestly, shut the fuck up.

batman lusts for criminal death

Not as explosive or as interesting, what's it like being so boring?

Right, so you don't actually have a refutation against my logic as to why the stuff you've told me is retarded?

I honestly thought that the "BvS is good" shit was just trolling and ironic joking. But it seems that /vpol/'s Cult of Snyder is real.

it's just as dull as the theatrical so you shut the fuck up.

The movie was good overall, it just wasn't good about batman's no kill logic. I'm guessing it was compulsory for him to leave that in the script even though it doesn't make sense for the rest of his movie. Superman is the one with the crisis of conscience, batman is the fallible morality of man.

When the theatrical cut was boring and bloated, why would I want to watch another cut of the movie that is even longer and more bloated?

I'm loving all this "b-b-but, The Batman doesn't kill people :,( he's a good guy isn't he?" Bullshit

Muderer Batfleck is the best

>killing fucking everyone in that warehouse

>batman brands people
>they get murdered in prison
>have a scene showing that these men have families and children
>we're supposed to cheer batman on


Because he is supposed to destroy Lucifer.

The real question is, why aren't we cheering for Lex? His plan literally worked.

A human trafficker shouldn't die because he has le family ),:

Kill yourself senpai

Lex is completely insane and none of his plans make sense in the long term, but you could argue he was justified in trying to get rid of these pair of fucking assholes.

>helping third world refugees escape war and poverty by bringing them to Gotham City to begin new lives in the freest country on Earth
>a 'bad guy'

>commits armed robbery, murders people who are using lawful force to protect the property of their employers
>a (((super))) hero.

Only in a sick, degenerate, Jewified society is something so morally abhorrent possible

that literally ruins his final decision to let Luthor live and stop killing people in honor of Superman.

So the news was also lying about the death mark (maybe Luthor owns them) but then Bruce still kills motherfuckers left and right.

I'm thinking the cinema cut is better even though it's an amazingly flawed movie

>Clark spends movie investigating and being disgusted by Batman beating up and killing criminals.
>Suddenly they're friends.

not only that, the guy's by a window. Batman was just shown to have infrared vision anyway, just kill the guys, don't risk the elderly hostage fucksake. "I didn't kill him, the explosion killed them"

B8 pls

>we're supposed to cheer batman on

No we're not.
it's morally ambiguous
that's the point.

Nice argument

i understood that lex was paying people to kill anyone branded. but it still didn't make any fucking sense because it was clearly implied that this kind of branding was common amongst criminals which is why he was terrified of going to prison.

batman is a murderer and his father was responsible for his death and martha's death because he was a fucking dumb ass.

>helping third world refugees escape war and poverty by bringing them to Gotham City to begin new lives in the freest country on Earth

Thats when I knew you were baiting. Nobody is this stupid, right?

no, we are quite clearly meant to cheer him on. but the actions of the character are at odds with what the movie wants you to do. it requires you not to think at all.

just like in man of steel actually when clark decides to drag zod into the middle of smallville then level the town.

>he thinks she would have had a better life in China

Let me guess, you voted leave?


She probably would have. I would rather live in poverty in China than be a sex slave to some fat kike.

But I'm sure you would disagree tho, you would probably love that hairy kike cock splooging in your boi pussy

the whole scene was made to soften Bruce's decision to brand them, but right after that he kills dudes then more in the warehouse etc

the ultimate cut is even more of a mess, there's only more stupid shit you have to ignore

(although i actually liked Bruce's father being a big manly man about to punch the robber - afterall all iterations of him dying without fighting anyway only prove he at least should have tried)

She is free to make money to pay back her travel agent however she wants to. The gates weren't locked. They were just hiding from batman.

ITT: Niggas don't understand the Machiavelic and tragic nature of Snyder's Batman
This Batman was simply great, exceptionallly acted and well written, loved Affleck as Batman.

Did your mom drink when you were in the womb? Did you swallow copious amounts of lead as a kid?

>5 yuan has been deposited into your account

When I grow up, I want to be just as cool as you! Your trolling really cracked me up :D
Sure showed him!
Keep up the good work comrade.

>Take the coolest Batman in cinema and it's sandwiched between this boring JL stuff
>Years away from the Batfleck solo movie
>Warehouse scene of Batman just beating up a few guys was the highlight of the film and it's so simple
>Right after we get a boring CGIfest with Doomsday

If they took the Batman footage out from BvS, made it a solo film with Batman fighting against Penguin. Joker, Twoface, whatever, it would be the best Batman film.