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>Hey here's a little extra money for just doing your job

Imagine if every job had tipping.

except sometimes it's not.

It's to make up for their shitty wages that's perfectly legal to pay them because, well, it's mostly women and fuck those whores, this is a white man's world - GRAB 'EM BY THE PUSSY!!!

Oh boo hoo, You already get a helping of mashed potatoes but you're going to complain because you cant get a second helping?

>You already get a helping of mashed potatoes
except sometimes they don't

I work as a food server on the side, two days a week. Not really sure why I still work there, but it is easy cash and I use it to spend on bills. As for tipping, as a server I can spot you a mile away when I know you are one of those "too good to tip" aka a teenager. Yes, I agree, tipping is archaic and maybe it should be changed so that servers get a better hourly rate; however, this will not happen any time soon where I live. My paycheck is reduced by 50-60% of what it is supposed to be due to taxes and me having to claim tips.

Any other fellow servers here btw?

20% of the total bill

Explain faggot
What is your definite hourly wage, hours you work and the name of where you work?

Then you might be stupid for choosing that job

I don't eat out anymore because I detest tipping.

OP here, I was a waiter for about a year. I became an assistant manager a month or two after turning 21. I was the manager for about 8 months. When one of the other managers quit we hired a new one. I told here I was just taking a break from college but I was planning to go back. She says "Yeah I said the same thing 10 years ago and here I am." I quit within the month to go back to school.

For a $100 dinner i have to give you $20?
For doing your job?
Yeah fuck off

the waitress better have big tits for me to tip over 15%

I work in the pizza delivery industry. Drivers only make minimum wage + maybe.. 13 cents a mile(?) For every mile They drive. They sometimes only make $50 a night on a 4 hour shift depending on how busy it is so at 9$ h/r x 4 = 36 + 14$ in gas money. That's not alot.

They have to

A; keep their vehicle insurance up to date/keep their vehicle functioning

B; get food packed up and out the door in a reasonable time

And C; deal with sketchy/rude customers face to face.

I think drivers deserve tips. They put out alot of effort to consistently get good, warm food customers and they get paid literal dirt in exchange without tips.

anyone that works a job, and can get $30 of tips in a month, then your employer only has to pay you $2.13 an hour (as required by federal law).
some states have their own minimum that's more than $2.13, but still below the $7.25 min wage for non-gratuity employees.
it's a shitty situation, but it exists.

should the customer have to pay the rest of the employees' wages? no. but the situation exists regardless.

My hourly rate is $10.00. As I said I only work 2 days a week as my other job is more stable and pays the bills. So essentially each week at this one job is roughly 10 hours times $10.00 per 2 weeks and my paycheck is about $100.00 or less depending on how much I claim in tips. As for what I walk with each night depends as well. Sometimes I leave there with $60 and sometimes I leave there with $200, which isn't bad as that is about $40/per hours not including my base rate.

The reason I've stuck with it is because I still go to school. I've told my co-workers that once my shoes start to fall apart or break in any way or stop me from not slipping on the oiley as fuck ground I am quitting.

People choose to do this. Go find a better job if you think running around taking orders doesnt do it for ya.
Could be better yet the job difficulty matches your rate and since we live in a world where tipping is the norm, then its a pretty good situation.

The fuck is with people saying 2 dollars an hour?

So pay them better then

when I was a waiter in texas, I was making $3.17 an hour i think. The biggest bi-weekly paycheck I saw was about $5.

I aint complaining though because really I was making like $500 a week.

nvm, I just looked it up, it is $2.13

>People choose to do this. Go find a better job if you think running around taking orders doesn't do it for ya.
and go find a better restaurant if you think tipping is such a burden.

I know it could be better too.. I stay at where I am at because I can make my own schedule and essentially do anything I want, which is a nice perk. I know the menu inside and out as well. I stay b/c of school and I can make my schedule with the best stations.

As for when I go out to eat I tend to leave 18% for meh service and 20-25% for good service. I like to go back to the same places and get the same servers too.

Anyone ever get so pissed off they did something to the customers food? I have yet to be that pissed, but I've heard some crazy shit. People throwing patties on the ground then putting them back in the bun to coughin-up a loogie and spitting it into the kids chocolate milk

I work as a server but mostly as a cook so i just serve when they need me to but either way if they tip me or not im still getting my normal pay which is nice but if youre like me and working at a restuarant as an adult maybe you should stop complaining and get a real job
