>"Worlds greatest detectve"
>cant see this faggot is Superman just because he puts on glasses
Explain this shit
>"Worlds greatest detectve"
>cant see this faggot is Superman just because he puts on glasses
Explain this shit
i-it's kino you marvel pleb
What makes you think he doesn't realize it?
He realizes he's superman the minute he says "bat" to him you spaz
How does he realize. Show me where nerds. Batman just thought he was journalist.
So if the worlds greatest detective knew he was Clark Kent, how come he didn't know his mom shared the same name as his.
No he doesn't. He doesn't know shit til Lois tells him. Batman did not think of Superman as someone with a civilian identity, because to think that would give some humanity to him WHICH HE FUCKING DOESN'T BELIEVE IS POSSIBLE SINCE HE'S A GODDAMN ALIEN.
Hi cuckman
Hurr Durr Marvel fags can't even recognise the art and muh symbolism.
DC is the best. Critic ratings don't mean shit unless my favorite movie gets positive reviews. Marvel = btfo.
This. There would've been a scene with Batman on his computer doing a bunch of research on Clark Kent. He had but a mere thought that he was Superman until the end of movie
>'Got a bad history with freaks dressed like clowns' *looks Clark up and down*
Did you even watch the movie? It's obvious he knew
... you cucks really are desperate
>watching capeshit
Then why didnt Batman show up at Clarks work and BTFO him right then and there. Why didnt he sneak into his house and throw a bunch of kryptonite at his head so he could bring him back to Bat Cave and interrogate him
He looks him up and down because he thinks his newspaper is trash for supporting Superman.
Then why didn't he do research and shit on Clark Kent?
You didn't watch the movie. Stop embarrassing yourself
Not an argument or a counter argument. He did not know Clark Kent was Superman.
he may as well have winked at the camera
Check mate
I was gonna post it but I'm glad you did.
Just face it he didnt know senpai
He didn't have the kryptonite then, once he had it weaponised he lit the bat signal to call Supes out. You really think he's going to straight up murder Clarke in his place of work? How do you think trying to sneak up on a super hearing, super speed alien would go?
I guess you didn't watch the movie either
Batman was never the worlds greatest detective.
Jesus christ the mental gymnastics are going for gold.
I honestly felt like they knew each other. That they had met off screen before the movie started.
Why would he need to research Supes's foster parents you utter autist? Literally serves no purpose to defeating Superman unless he wanted to kidnap his parents or some shit
Since when is batman a fucking detective?
They didnt fuck with each other directly. There is no way to sneak up on super man.
When batman was ready for direct confrontation all he had to do was turn on his light.
Learning everything you can about your enemy is a good idea wouldn't you think.
He's not m8 it's just a Stuckmann meme
Then why didnt Batman do a bunch of research on Clark Kent to learn about his history and what not. Why didn't he talk to Lois Lane.
If only the joker had put on a pair of glasses
What would the point be. Going near the super beings shit would just draw attention. He knew what he needed to do and did it.
He might have known Marthas name at some point but when he was at the point that he was ready to kill superman he had stopped thinking of the man under the S. The name broke through to him.
Either way I only saw it once but it felt halfway through the party scene that something didnt feel right unless they already knew each other.
Is the extended edition on tpb yet? Ill watch it again this weekend.
You've never heard him be called "world's greatest detective"? It's pretty much Batman's tagline
In the comics. Movie batman just beats the shit out of people.
Superman doesn't just throw on glasses, you fucking autist. He uses his powers to psychologically project a weaker, inferior form onto the minds of onlookers so he looks even less like Superman.
He has superior powers of deduction
That's true. I like detective Batman more than grunt tacticool batman though.
That is true, but maybe since Geoff is working on the solo movie. Maybe it will show him being one.
Is this true?
Supes is aware that Bats knows he is Clark (the alien thinks he can hide behind a pair of glasses and pose as a reporter). BUT Bats doesn't know who Clark's adoptive/earth mom is.
Finding out someone's identity is different from looking up someone's familial background. Like when you go up for a job, they look up your identity NOT who your mom and dad is/was.
In some comics they have him doing that. Other have it so he slouches over and other things to give excuses why.
What did that fucking faggot mean by this?
This. Perry treats him like shit, calls him nerd an everything, and even the people at the police station refuse to help him when asking about the dead mexican. Even if you are Morpheus, you don't talk shit to someone with the face and body of Cavill.
Also why doesnt Batman just make a bunch of kryptonite bullets?
One shot to the head from that and Superman would be rekt
The Worlds Greatest Detective doesn't mean you know everyone and their mothers like the census man, you fucking retard.
Again tho this is Batman were talking about. One of the smartest characters in DC comics
But i swear in the movie Batman was a super elite hacker who found out about WW past and all those other meta humans.
You finna tryna tell me he can't get on his bat-computer and search up Clark Kents history and family etc..
Worlds greatest detective would do research on someone to find out everything you can dude.
He could easily catch or dodge the bullet, gas is alot more difficult to avoid even for Supes
He sure didn't dodge that second gas grenade did he.
DC stands for fucking Detective Comics ffs.
And I'm with op on this one.
Hack Snyder wanted to get rid of the victorian era underwear outside the pants to make the movie serious and realistic, but truth be told there's no fucking way of making this comicbook shit realistic without butchering the source material.
The fact that supermans disguise is a pair of glasses is utterly ridiculous, and Hack simply refused to address it, because let's be honest, the only way to solve this is discard Clark Kent as a reporter in the DP.
Ok then
>gas him with kyrptonite
>as hes stunned shoot him in the face with krypto bullets
>put his body through a meat grinder
>r.i.p in peace superman
Shits too easy famm. Superman a bitch
Throw a grenade, then shoot the bullets.
Couldn't batman have figured it out by doing research on the attacks from the last movie? Like why did these aliens make a detour to nowhere, Kansas?
Not an argumant
Well said.
So we've come to conclusion that Bruce did not know Clark was Superman right?
This whole movie was a shit concept and a complete clusterfuck.
You have to accept that the source material, being a comic, is shit. There's nothing Snyder can do about it. You could also ask the question "how to fuck did not a single daily planet journalist realize clark kent was superman, they have the alien in front page every other day.
You fucking moron, they both know each other's identity by this point in the movie.
Also wasn't Bruce just acting weird towards Clark at that party because Clark was investigating Batman in newspaper.
Bruce probbly finna thought Clark was some villain riddler or sum shit
Not just that he didn't know, the very concept of Superman having a secret identity hadn't even crossed his mind. This is in the comics as well! At one point, Lex hires a secretary to analyze Superman extensively to see his secret identity. However, once it comes up with Clark Kent, he fires the secretary. He simply cannot believe that someone as high and mighty as Superman would assume the secret identity of someone so lowly.
sound like bullshit, but then again is superman what we're talking about
because by that time superman wasn't recorded properly
>>he doesn't remember the scene when affleck is talking about how dangerous is superman, and all the blackberry cameras recordings about the fight with zod
>Mrs. Lane, I'm CIA.
What did they mean by this?
Why are you so mad? Who hurt you? Tell us user.
Im not mad dweeb kys nerd
World's greatest detective do not research random people and their histories without a hunch.
Aside from the fact he couldn't ID him from Clark's face, why would he look for Clark's mother and for what reason?
The shitty thing is that the disguise is supposed to be his whole demeanor, bumbling around everywhere, hunching his back and wearing baggy clothes, looking plump...
This whole thing is about if Bats knew Clark was Superman
He didn't know from when he met him as journo
You need to go back
Shut it dwarf