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I want to upgrade to combat-fit. Just have to prove that I'm not mental.

Might be quite difficult considering I sleep in full uniform and want to be posted to a frontline combat unit just to get away from my fucking mother.






I still have difficulties to figure out how reptiles and mammals are supposed to procreate with each other.






Does the mammalian woman give birth to an egg or just a mixed offspring? Or does the reptilian woman do it?

It's sad I only went innawoods for 24 god damn hours.

Give me a longer field camp. Just don't tekan.


"Magic" implies the new creature just becomes. There is no birthing process involved.




What kind of magic is supposed to create a mixed creature with all working sexual organs?
Can't you do it with advanced science as well, which surely is present irl someday?


No. Your dream will never be a reality.

Should I try to finish this?




It would require humanity to become very crooked. Sure there would always be demand assuming furries will exist in the future and with the current progress it will be dystopian future where only money matters. Only then there would be labs making them for rich people's toys.
Not that it's my dream in the first place...



yay thread

also terrible craving for anchovies and don't think any pizza place in the county will sell me them












awful quiet in here


You know your "art style" goes too far when you can't adjust the stupid eye design for profile shots.


It's a sad fault with his art style.

Acronyms for load-bearing equipment is quite something.


I myself have only used MOLLE however.









As in Molly.


sorry, that was all I could I think of




















Sorry, I was off sketching a shitty catgirl cause boredom. I'd post a pic of it but it's awful. I'm not a drawfag.


if I could draw my own porn I probably wouldn't even internet at all


Meh, I probably would. I just decided to draw cause I was bored. I will say that it's probably my best thing I've drawn to date, but that's not saying much.


God, that body. Every time I see it... just... ugh, god it's amazing.


Would kill to be able to draw decently dude. But my talents lie in writing DnD campaigns.

Just take practice is all. I'd say my art is up to par for all the shitty art on FA which is better than before. I'm still shit, just not as shit.

its been way too long since I've run a game


Yeah I get the whole practice makes perfect. Even after an attempt at an art phase in high school, still didn't get any better.




just post it m8



