Whats the least painful way I can amputate my leg and make it look like an accident?

Whats the least painful way I can amputate my leg and make it look like an accident?

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dfq? use explosives....?

Infect it really badly, hospital can do the rest.

Why the fuck

Im looking for something faster than that. Seems way too drawn out and I need the leg amputated asap.

Body dismorphia? Or are you trying to get NEETbucks?

1.Get drunk

2. pass out with leg on train tracks.

3. ???????

4. Profit

Train has crossed my mind. Just afraid I might bleed out.

Please tell me that nightmare is shooped...

Put the tourniquet on first.

you could call the police/ambulance just before that, say "there's a drunk guy lying on the train tracks, i'm worried he's been hit by a train or won't wake up".

Get diabetes

Still seems too risky. Just being on the tracks and all. Something that can be done at home where I know I can contact 911 seems like a better Idea

Im worried for your mental health and dont even know you or your situation. Where did your last shred of sanity go?

op why do you want to amputate your leg?

Timestamp or ur fake af

Wtf is that

She so fat her ass has an ass

I found out my ex has an amputee fetish. She dated a one leged guy after me and a while ago I hacked into her cloud and found a ton of pics of amputees.


What the fuck do you want? A photo of his leg?

Fuck out of here with your god damn newfaggotry.

Sup Forums never disapoints me.
>this level of beta

Chainsaw my dude.

thats really not worth cutting your leg off..

I'm done with Sup Forums for tonight, peace!

Tbh it's a pretty sure fire way to ensure she stays with him forever. Speaking as a tranny chaser, being with your fetish is something few people accomplish and when you do, you do everything on your power to hang on tight for life.

I bet that she's fucking hot

She better be

what if you go through with it.

'Eww that's the wrong leg'

I think you might regret doing it because of that. When I say think, I mean pretty sure, when I say pretty sure I mean almost certainly will, when I say almost certainly will I mean you absolutely 100% without a show of a doubt will regret that as the greatest mistake of your entire life.

just get a saw and a plasma torch to cauterize the wound. use a tourniquet before doing anything, and you might wanna use ice tyo numb your leg, also maybe a few shots might help, but not too much, so you don't chop the wrong damn leg off. suppose you could also make some homemade guillotine type contraption.

better yet keep both legs and find somebody else to fuck.

Nope. She's nigger meat.

nigga, we're talking about losing a fucking limb for the CHANCE of getting someone back
I'd not take the odds and holy fuck, i like my damn legs more than i ever loved any woman, girl, or pussy.
We are not talking about love here, that's past insanity.
But holy shit Sup Forums thank you for existing. I love this comunity of fucked up fuck ups.
Never change.

You shoot yourself in the head, obviously

Step off a bus into the path of a truck. No, wait... Least painful, you say?

you will regret this son, btw i dont think you have the balls

If you were actually into the idea of being an amputee (BIID), then you probably wouldn't regret losing the limb that much. Any other motivation would likely mean much unhappiness.

There are lots of guys who are into amputees, but for some reason most women with a similar interest seem to be most attracted to guys in wheelchairs.

I want to be an amputee too.


can you not just cut a finger off or something?

Cant really explain it. I just get an overwhelming feeling of jealousy when I see an amputee.

Cut it off and send her via mail

There's basically no way that isn't painful and/or dangerous.

The only (relatively) safe way is to have a surgeon do it in a hospital environment. No real chance of that in a Western country, although there was a Scottish doctor who amputated the healthy limbs of two patients before he was stopped.


How much limb to do want to lose, user?

She's completely deformed


Holy shit, redditfag, front page! I love this community. Never change reddit.

Fuck off back to where you came from.
