When will a red-pilled WW2 flick come out?
When will a red-pilled WW2 flick come out?
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Why's Japan so small, the Pacific was fucking hell.
About the Russian genocide? Never
This. To my grandfather ww2 was a war against japan. Hitler could have been on the fucking moon.
my grandfather fought in the pacific too
Nobody actually thinks that. At least I fucking hope so because Americans can be pretty dumb sometimes.
Uk being the based allosaurus
>France is a chicken
All of the Russian dinosaurs should have little american flags on their legs
>no China
This picture is inaccurate because Stalin purged his own troops and killed much more than Hitler ever did.
Because a 15 year old kid made this image.
Wait why is that? Is it actually because they were quickly overwhelmed and surrendered? Is this were the surrender meme came from? Fucking stupid.
Do average Americans really think that?
Japan wasn't a big threat to any major nation, they didn't have the fleet or force projection to threaten the UK, they didn't have the army to beat/occupy China or Australia, much less any of the real powers, they didn't have the resources or the tech/manufacturing base to compete with the US or Russia.
The ONLY reason Japan was ever a threat is that they had a significant mobilization and preparation advantage, and even then the initial US force btfo'd them, and once US production was engaged the Japanese got absolutely steamrolled.
Basically the US plays up the Japanese threat for propaganda reasons, same way they play up their euro theatre importance to make people think the US was a huge factor in the war when it was the UK and more importantly Russia doing all the fighting.
They surrendered in only six weeks. Even fucking Poland fought longer.
It's not a meme. Look up their wars. They lost fucking all of them
germany is close to france as well as italy
>Italy bigger than Japan
>implying they had a chance against the Germans being so close and so early in the war
Nigga even with a sea between them the English almost had the same fate if Hitler wasn't a moody fucker.
Back to Le Reddit.
hoo boy here we go
kek, are you white knighting for France? The world's cowards?
And all those Russian trooped died as their commanders threw them into meat grinder battles, and treated those forces like an inexhaustible supply. At what cost did they win for?
Can you prove any of this? I must remind you I was actually in WW2.
Holy shit WW2 was fought by dinosaurs? My history teacher was a fucking liar then
>white knighting
its pretty valid to surrender when you are surrounded by enemies.
doesn't make it particularly relevant
They fucking saved western civilization, if you're into that, if Russia fell ww2 would have beenthe original Vietnam
I know dinosaurs existed. I'm absolutely 100% sure that dinosaurs were real and alive and feathery.
But every once in a while do you ever wonder if dinosaurs are bullshit?
>The world's cowards
Real life is not anime, dumbshit
Most of the Lend-lease was directed towards Britain,only 7-12% was sent to the Soviet Union,plus they had to pay for their share with large quantities of gold and other precious minerals.
They were also the ones who've defeated 80% of the German army on the Eastern front several months before the Americans have even begun contemplating on opening a second front in Europe.
Poland has faced the full brunt of the German army,she was also the only country in recorded history to ever have the privilege of being invaded by two superpowers at the same time.
On the other hand,the French were steamrolled by a simple flanking maneuver.
why would *they* lie?
The U.S. fought on two fronts both separated by oceans. The commies just had more people to die and they were adjacent to their enemy. Get fucked
China got fucking obliterated in the first few months m8
Are you sure? If Russia fell, there would be no socialism that could evolve into EU and SJW cuckery. Who knows how the world would look like now.
Contrary to American public schooling,Enemy at the Gates,Company of Heroes 2 and the opening scenes of the Russian campaign in the original Call of duty,the human wave tactic was only used in the case of penal units.
Are you mentally deficient?
most people think that. shit, most young germans think that even because we're only fed the aberigan propaganda kinos
And if Imperial Germany didn't finance the rise of Bolshevism in the Former Russian Empire,there would've no mass oppression of Eastern Europe and no further further development of one of the most virulent ideologies ever to be conceived in recent history.
Commiebos and their "Russia won WWII" meme need to fucking die already.
Well their national bird is a rooster...
False, they were fighting the Japanese invasion for the duration, despite being basically split in two by civil war
Japan never got far past Manchuria and its army had zero chance of occupying all of China.
>the uk doing all the fighting
top kek
What is this image means to prove? That America is further from Germany than Russia? Thanks, professor!
roosters are badass
lel @ guy at 0:47 jacking off in the trench
Good goy, gobble up that nationalist propaganda instead of researching what actually happened
Just look up the numbers involved in the eastern front, the western front/Italian front were just sideshows
When did WW2 start?
>listen to foreign nationalist propaganda instead of native nationalist propaganda
for what purpose
>On the other hand,the French were steamrolled by a simple flanking maneuver.
Their entire industry was sabotaged by communist activists that were deluded that Hitler's non-aggression pact towards the USSR meant that he had befriended communist idealists. Moreover, France almost did rekt Germany in the Aisne offensive but then had to retreat when british troops would unburden themslehes of their positions and would retreat to Dunkirk. Real stab in the back to french strategy.
Adding to that, unbeknownst to them, they elect a true coward (Petain, though he was more a fascist sympathizer than anything) who immediately chose to promote the solution of an armistice, when the army was still in a very good defensive position. Him publically vying for a surrender shot down the morale and left and right, french troops surrendered themselves to german armies because they didn't see any more use for fighting.
Also at that time, most of France were furious fascistboos (see february 1934 uprisings) so it's been speculated that the french high command purposefully did doom their country, only for them to install a fascist government in France.
So please don't be rude to France :3. Merci.
june 28, 1919
stalin can't handle that based sim hayha
>and more importantly Russia
Learn to read faggot.
The U.K. Did play a valuable role though by keeping Germany isolated from the sea, keeping them contested/out of Northern Africa and the Middle East, and siphoning off and murdering shitloads of German planes and pilots.
The US by contrast just came in late to the game, committed troops in North Africa (troops who did laughably bad), and in Europe (who did better but only outweighed British/Canadian contributions very late in the war)
People who think the US won the war don't know what the fuck they are talking about.
WW3 when? Its been 70 years, get your shit together, world
should be this flag instead of the shitty new one.
Go search "Soviet invasion of Manchuria" and learn something you illiterate fuck.
Where's the Battle of the Caucasus
sure thing Pierre, how did they ever get that stereotype??
>Britain bigger than the US
The point is, it didnt start in the 40s.
Isn't the whole purpose of getting involved in the is to protect its population from destruction/captivity?
Sounds like a pointless "win" if you sacrificed gorillion people and fucked up your economy for decades for that
i guess size represents war effort
dictatorships don't necessarily follow logic
No, look at actual events and numbers instead of immediately buying into nationalist narratives, you dumb deluded faggot
october 2, 2094
kill yourself, my man
that's the worst picture I've ever seen posted here, and that is saying a lot
True, the only reason US wasn't at least crippled severely was because of the quick thinking the navy's tacticians pulled out of their asses when facing the pacific islands. Also the US invasion of Japan was going to be a bloody nightmare if the bombs hadn't been dropped, they were about to send EVERYTHING before Japan surrendered.
Was America a dictatorship?
>only 7-12% was sent to the Soviet Union
>A total of $50.1 billion (equivalent to $659 billion today) worth of supplies was shipped, or 17% of the total war expenditures of the U.S.[2] In all, $31.4 billion went to Britain, $11.3 billion to the Soviet Union, $3.2 billion to France, $1.6 billion to China, and the remaining $2.6 billion to the other Allies
The USSR payed back 100 million dollars of that and gave the rest for free.
American money won the war, just accept it Evgeni.
thought you meant russia
The Eastern Front was the main war in WW2. But things could have turned out so different, so easily.
-If the Allies, especially America hadn't been supplying the USSR
-If Axis forces weren't fighting throughout Southern Europe and North Africa
-If Axis forces weren't committed to defending against naval invasions
-If Britiain was overrun
-If Germany hadn't declared war on the USA
-If Germany won more strategic objectives in USSR
-If Japan invaded the USSR from the far east
You do know that for most of Europe's history, France, sometimes with the HRE and Spain, was the most feared country in Europe and would arbitrate every conflict there was to be in Europe.
That link you've cited tarnishes every victory from France as either a draw, or plain out leaves them out (where's the Spanish war of succession? The Louis IX crusades? The crusade against the cathars?). And how were the Italian wars a defeat?
Point is, that link is a joke perpetuating blatant yet """""funny""""" lies.
I think your picture got the gang raping of Nazi women and girls part right.
>You will never drive around in a German tank destroyer disguised as an American tank.
You seem to have glossed over a big one
-If Hitler didn't go full retard and didn't annex poland therefore not pissing off the Russians
>-If Japan invaded the USSR from the far east
They tried. Didn't work out for them.
UK and USSR won WW2. US did help but the war could have been won without them, however that would have meant much more casualties for the USSR.
>sums up the entire Napoleonic wars as "lost"
Into the trash it goes
Japan did invade Russia in 39, and they got wrecked pretty hard. The Japanese army was not prepared for any modern war and they were barely capable of continuing the occupation of china
and also how the russians were so weak bazillions had to die for victory?
Whatever helps you frogs sleep at night.
Russians faced the sharp end of Nazi Germany. The rest of the Allies got the rusty, blunt end.
The biggest one is:
- Hitler making any fucking decisions
Just imagine what Germany could have been without Nazis in power. We all would be shiposting in German right now.
>Italy not being a gecko
>Americans think that you earn the largest landmass a country has in Western Europe by being a cowardly and surrender-prone country
>Americans think that the entire vocabulary of war (with such words as generals, lieutenant, corporal, officer) having french origins is something that should not be accounted for
>Americans think that you earn the reputation of screwing over anyone that pisses you off by being a cowardly nation (there's why the congress of Vienna was very outspoken on its prime goal to not once more anger the french, and why the entire first third of the Thirty Years' war was very cautiously executed within only eastern Germany for them not rile up France)